Chapter 96

The Hulkbuster mecha dragged the thick vibranium door into the large warehouse of Weapon X Factory.

The warehouse is filled with a strong industrial atmosphere, and hundreds of tall metal shelves are placed with various wooden crates and iron boxes.

Bai Ye with the helmet open can clearly see everything in front of him. Besides, there are more than a dozen workers in the distance who seem to be counting the goods. They were first surprised when they saw the magnificent golden-red mecha, and stopped their hands. The work of a little at a loss stood in place.

But when they saw that the person in the cockpit was Bai Ye, they all heaved a sigh of relief, and soon gathered around to look curiously at the vibrating gold door in his hand.

"Mr. Bai, it's great that you're okay!" a worker said excitedly. Publicly and privately, they didn't want Hydra to appear in this place again.

"We all thought that metal monster was the enemy!" exclaimed another worker.

Behind Bai Ye, the little robot Helby also aroused their curiosity.

They cast their eyes on this little robot with a round body and a square head, and they couldn't help being amazed.Herby looks very different, as if a product of futuristic technology.

Although it is said that Dum's Dum robot often patrols the wasteland, those high-tech things have almost nothing to do with people who live outside the territory of Dr. Doom.

"What is this? It looks so strange!" a worker asked curiously.

"This is Herby, my robotic assistant."

Bai Ye introduced that Helby rolled lightly in the air, and seemed to be interested in the workers' interest. It played a cheerful pixel animation, as if greeting everyone.

"Keep this gate safe, we may use it later."

He gently lowered the vibrating gold gate, and at the same time signaled to the workers to carefully move the gate away with a forklift.

The workers took Bai Ye's instructions very seriously, and cooperated closely to quickly move the gate to an empty area, and carefully wrapped it with protective cloth.

Looking at the metal box containing the venom in his hand, Bai Ye casually gave a few more instructions, watching the workers walk out of the warehouse after they dispersed to do their own things, and headed for the prison where the doppelgänger was held before.

Arriving at the gate of the prison, the passage on the road is still very wide, fully able to accommodate two trucks running in parallel, and it is natural for the Hulkbuster mecha to pass through.

When the guards at the gate of the prison saw the Hulk Mecha slowly coming out of the corner and stopping in front of them, they immediately stood upright and raised their hands in salute.

The workers didn't have time to receive the message just now, but they did, and they knew that the owner of the factory was under the golden-red mech.

And the guard who received Bai Ye before came forward, his steps were brisk and agile, and he stood in front of Bai Ye without muddling and said: "The doppelgänger and the things he copied are here, sir."

He acted very alert. After seeing Bai Ye nodding, he immediately turned around and walked towards the inside of the cell. On the way, he tentatively turned his head to look at the mecha that was half a man taller than him and said:

"During the two days you were gone, we tried to use him to copy some things, but it didn't go very well."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"We copied a dozen more helmets at the beginning, and everything went smoothly, but something went wrong when we found the vibranium in reserve from the warehouse and wanted to copy it"

Speaking of this, the guard murmured a little, not daring to look directly into Bai Ye's eyes, he didn't know that the latter had brought back a large amount of vibration gold.

"Keep talking, relax." Bai Ye encouraged softly.

Not to mention that he has brought back a door completely made of Zhenjin, even if he fails to find Zhenjin outside, he will not blame him. Not the guard's fault.

"The doppelgänger can't copy the vibranium while holding it, we've also tried... uh... other methods"

The guard's expression was a little weird, as if he had recalled some embarrassing memories, but he quickly adjusted, and continued:

"Afterwards, we asked Dr. Walter in the laboratory to find a way for us. He used equipment to melt a small piece of vibrating gold and make a pair of simple earrings."

"At this time, the mutant can be used to copy, but the output is not satisfactory, every time he finishes copying."

During the conversation, the two walked to the end of the corridor and came to a dilapidated prison cell. The lights in the room were dim, making one feel as if they had fallen into boundless darkness.

There were more than a dozen Magneto helmets neatly stacked on a large table at the door of the prison. In addition to the helmets, there was also a box on the table. The guard stepped forward and opened it. There were dozens of pairs of identical earrings inside.

"The total weight is about two hundred grams." He looked at Bai Ye and introduced.

A man with a bandage on his head is sitting listlessly on the bed, thick dark circles under his eyes highlighting his long-term fatigue and torture.

But no one here will sympathize with him.

The guard took out an iron rod and slammed it hard on the railing, making a piercing thud.

The dazed clone was awakened by the sudden noise, opened his eyes, and saw the familiar two people in front of him, his eyes immediately filled with fear.

His lips were trembling and he shrank towards the corner of the wall, his back was completely against the wall, sweating profusely.

Seeing this, Bai Ye Fu'er said a few words to the guard. After hearing this, the guard's face instantly showed an incredible expression, and he looked at the clone with a trace of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

Then the two of them walked out, and the clone immediately let out a sigh of relief and collapsed on the bed, panting heavily.

However, not long after, another sound of footsteps came from outside the railing, and his face seemed to be wearing a mask of pain for an instant.

Since he was caught in this base, he has lived a life that is not human. He has to wear a mutant limiter almost all the time. Every time before copying something, he will be beaten by the guards in revenge. In the name of activating his mutant ability.

All it takes is a hit on the head, these beasts!

The guard came over with a cold face carrying an iron plate. The clone raised his head and looked at him, with fuck written all over his face.


The iron plate slid in from the passage where food was usually transported, and then the guard walked away without saying a word.

After the sound of footsteps disappeared completely, the avatar dared to get up from the bed, looked at the iron plate on the ground, and then his eyes widened.

The plate was filled with hot burgers, French fries and other fast food. Normally, this was nothing, but to him, who had been eating for many days, it was simply a delicacy.

Just why are they suddenly so nice to themselves?

It won't be some decapitation meal, right?

In many areas in ancient times, there was a tradition of giving death row prisoners a "last meal", while the Aztecs in North America would "feed" their living sacrifices for up to a year.

Although we are in the wasteland era and there is no humanitarianism anymore, why do people like Baobuqi like retro?

The double Jamie thought with some worry, but the soreness in his stomach quickly made him forget this thought—he hadn't eaten for more than a day.

Picking up a hamburger, he took a bite, the tender meat and juicy vegetables created a wonderful taste in his mouth, and then he ate it with tears in his eyes.

So fragrant.

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