Chapter 86 Variant Forbidden Land

The aircraft built by the Moonlight Knight passed through the night sky, like a silver crescent moon embedded in the night.

Around it, dark clouds are densely covered, and thunder is rolling, like the gods dancing, deafening.Lightning flashed across the dark clouds, cutting through the dark sky and illuminating the silhouette of the aircraft.

Hours had passed since departure, and they were flying from Canada to Chicago at breakneck speed.

"So... you have been living in seclusion in the Himalayas since the day you fell?"

After listening to Gunsou's explanation, Eagle Eye raised his hand to scratch his own gray hair like the other's, and held the helmet in his hand.

He was a little shocked, but not particularly shocked.

After seeing Bai Ye and his party who escaped from another zombie universe, he found that his ability to accept various things has improved a lot.

"It was 39 years ago." Matt corrected aloud, and then looked at Bai Ye standing at the door of the cockpit, "To the mutant forbidden area?"

"As you saw just now, it will take some time for the super soldier serum to be developed, and this period of time is enough for us to search for every possible alliance in the wasteland."

Bai Ye supported the back of the driver's seat and replied, the one flying the plane is one of Gunsou's hundreds of disciples, and the old man has not been idle for decades.

These disciples are absolutely loyal to the monastery, even if the old man asks them to perform suicide missions, they will not say no.

The reason why he cooperated with Gun Sou was not just because of the Moonlight Knight's flying machine in his hand. Although this kind of technological content is extremely rare in the wasteland, it is not completely absent.

What Bai Ye really values ​​​​is these well-trained warriors. They are the first batch of perfect candidates to be injected with the serum.

"Gentlemen, we are coming." The pilot announced to everyone in the cabin through the radio, and then the aircraft bumped and began to descend from the clouds.

As the altitude decreased, the rainwater kept flowing on the glass, blurring the vision, but it did not affect the aircraft's slow landing on the ground.

The moment it came into contact with the ground, a splash of water splashed, and the water droplets splashed around.

After stopping, through the glass, you can see that the rain outside is still pouring to the ground.

Stepping out of the cabin, Bai Ye immediately felt the moist air, carrying a fresh breath. He raised his hand to touch the edge of the helmet, feeling the raindrops slipping down his fingers and moistening his palms.

He turned to look at a high-tech city on the edge of the horizon. The outline of the city was blurred and distant in the rain.

The modern buildings intertwined with dark gray steel and cold blue lights constitute the city's unique style. The black smoke floating low in the city adds a heavy color to the entire city.

This is the state of Illinois in the Midwest of the United States, one of the fiefdoms owned by the Doctor Doom of the universe, and the city in the distance is the New Chicago that has been transformed by him.

The rest of the people also walked out of the cabin, all wearing Magneto's helmets on their heads.

On the way they have learned who is in charge of this place.

It was the White Queen, Emma Grace Frost, the mutant telepath who once mentally defeated Professor X.

At the same time, she can turn her whole body into a hard diamond, or change a person's mind flawlessly. There are absolutely no more than one person in this world who can do this.


After flicking the helmet on his head, Bai Ye strode towards a small building next to the city.

During the great war that year, most of the mutants except the X-Men chose to stand by or simply join the Red Skull side.

Emma is in the middle of the two. There are rumors that she married Dr. Doom to ensure that she can survive this catastrophe. Look, this rumor is probably true.

When Bai Ye led the group away, the driver quickly pressed a series of buttons and switches on the console.

Under his skilled control, the aircraft began to emit a faint buzzing sound, and gradually merged with the rain curtain and disappeared into the air.

"Someone is coming." As he was walking, Old Daredevil suddenly raised his head and said. His super hearing could even build a 3D model in his mind that was no different from reality.

But under the weakening of the helmet and the rain, he couldn't accurately 'see' the appearance of the coming person.

In the rain, two figures in green cloaks seemed to walk out in the distance, as if from an illusory illusion.The pouring rain blurred their outlines and made it difficult to see their faces clearly. They could only feel a mysterious aura hanging over them.

Several people stopped and watched the two figures in the distance with some vigilance.

And Bai Ye didn't say anything, just watched the two men in green cloaks walk up to him, they gracefully bent over slightly, stretched out their hands and said: "Several, the White Queen invites you."

Looking in the direction of their fingers, one can see a tall gray dome building standing in a low building group, stretching towards the sky.

After helping his helmet, Bai Ye looked at the cloak whose head was so low that he couldn't see his face even at close range, and said humanely: "Lead the way."

According to the plot, 50 years after the wasteland where Twilight Wolf's Homecoming took place, Emma's mind-reading ability is still very good. She can read the minds of Hawkeye and Logan, and can also hide her appearance from them. fact.

Let alone 43 years in the current wasteland, it is really a good deal to get this helmet from Magneto.

The White Queen is not like Professor

Hearing the response, the two cloaked men immediately turned around and led a few people forward, towards the building.They walked in the rain, stepped on the wet road, and walked along the narrow streets.

The rain poured continuously from the sky, forming a blurred curtain of water.The buildings on both sides of the street are somewhat blurred in it, only the cold lights of New Chicago barely penetrate the rain, and outline faint outlines.

At the entrance of the building, a glass ceiling blocks all the rain, and in the hall, a gorgeous sofa is placed quietly.

Mysterious blond woman in white is sitting on a sofa, she is wearing a mask that blocks her face, revealing only a pair of blue eyes.

Standing beside the sofa was an old man, tall and thin, wearing a neat black leather jacket.

There is no hair on the top of his head, and many deep wrinkles have been carved on his face by the vicissitudes of the years, and his lips are tightly pressed, as if he doesn't want to talk very much.

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