Pu Yu lowered his head and pressed the phone, looking slightly anxious.

The WeChat message and reply sent to Ran Xi on Friday were displayed on the phone.

Fish: [Come to stay at my house on the weekend? 】

Ran Xi: [No, I want to go home. 】

fish:【? ? ? 】

Ran Xi: [I’ll give you a surprise when I come back on Monday~[kiss]]

Fish: [Well, don’t be bullied by your stepmother. 】

There was no reply after that.

Pu Yu thought it was okay at first, but he didn't expect that his deskmate still hadn't shown up after class for a long time.

During class, he made a call to Ran Xi. When he didn't get through, he felt anxious. He was very worried about his current situation. Was it dangerous?Is it safe?What happened?

Pu Yu was not stupid. He didn't go to the street to find a needle in a haystack like in the TV series. Instead, he immediately found his class teacher, Mr. Bai, and the teacher did not receive the leave notice.

Having learned from the past, Teacher Bai no longer took it easy and hurriedly called the Ran family.

"You just went out this morning? Okay, thank you... I'm sorry to bother you again... I know, I know. But even though Ran Xi is an adult, as the school, we still have to pay some attention... Okay Yes, it’s my fault for being so nervous without 24 hours, so I’m sorry for bothering you.”

After hanging up the phone, Teacher Bai's face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Although you are not her mother's biological child, how could you stay out of the matter so completely! She also said that if she is not missing for 24 hours, don't bother her. Damn... Poor Ran Xi may have killed all human beings in his previous life before he encountered this. Stepmother. Fuck you." After complaining angrily, Teacher Bai realized that he was being rude and quickly corrected himself.

She cleared her throat to cover up her embarrassment: "Classmate Ran's stepmother said that he just left the house this morning and that he had been out of contact for less than 24 hours. We can't do anything. Let's wait a little longer."

"Well, thank you, teacher." Pu Yu looked calm, but in fact, he clenched his fists tightly and was shaking imperceptibly.

He hurriedly left the office and squatted down in a corner.

Not that he wanted to squat.It's the legs that are weak.


I am worried and afraid about someone's safety again.

He buried his head in his arms, suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and tried to calm himself down.

Just because he worried too much about one person, he had been alienated from the world all these years and didn't want to care about anyone anymore.

Even when he came to this world, he tried to remain aloof and prevent others from breaking down that wall.

But everything here is so beautiful that the walls of my heart also collapse.

In the end, the heart behind that wall still cannot escape the fate of being nakedly dedicated to someone.

He thought about taking it back, but it was too late.

From the day he raced in Fuyao Mountain and from the moment he started worrying about Ran Xi, he knew he was in trouble.And from caring, to caring a lot, to caring the most.


I seem to be worse off now than I was three years ago.


When Ran Xi saw the light again, it was a messy ruins scene.


This was the first thought that came to him.

He was able to see the light again because the black curtain covering his head was thrown open by him, and two tall men stood not far away in front of him... No, high school students?

The two of them were pushing each other and seemed to be quarreling.

He moved and found that his hands were tied behind his back, a bit strangled, and his feet were tied loosely with ropes.

There was a layer of tape on my mouth. If I used my tongue to do it, it felt like it would be easy to get a gap. I screamed for help.But he didn't rush to make a choice. He looked around to assess his situation.

It's daylight, which means it's not the dead of night, and the probability of a successful escape is high.

The rope on his feet looks quite loose, and the probability of successful escape is +1.

After making his judgment, he pricked up his ears to eavesdrop on what was going on with the kidnapper.

"Chen Ming, you are really crazy. We are breaking the law!" Kidnapper A said.

"I am also desperate...don't you agree? Now you are regretting it?" Kidnapper B said.

"I didn't know you were going to use such radical means to trick...and kidnap Ran Xi!"

"Didn't you help me when I kidnapped him?"

"I was so nervous that I subconsciously... Tsk, let's forget it anyway, let's untie him and then ask him out for a serious discussion."

"How could I possibly get an appointment! Didn't you see that guy Pu Yu is always standing next to him? Didn't I catch him specially when he returned to school on Monday and I took the opportunity to catch him when he was alone! Do you think I didn't think about 'peace'? Discuss this option? What if your mother Pu Yu beats us again? Have you forgotten the tooth he knocked out? "

How could kidnapper A forget that that precious tooth is still lying on the bedside table at home!

"But no matter what..."

"You have only two choices now. One, Ran Xi is such a good person, ask him to help us hide it from Pu Yu, and then agree to compete. Two, let Brother Shanzhu go to the mountains to feed wild dogs!"

Kidnapper A immediately fell silent when he heard the three characters "Brother Shanzhu".

Ran Xi finally figured it out.

Kidnapper A is a pig friend, kidnapper B is a dog friend.

The pig friends and the dog friends didn't know where they had offended the mountain pig brother, so they were asked to race to settle their grievances.

Ran Xi, who could ride a bicycle and was willing to help them, became their first choice. However, because he was afraid of being beaten by Pu Yu, he panicked and went astray and tied him up.

"If you have something to say, let's talk it over. Why do you do this?" Ran Xi stared at the two sweating kidnappers and couldn't help but speak.

His tone was calm and his face was calm.

Ran Xi thought about it carefully.He first tricked them into untying himself. As long as his limbs were flexible, he wouldn't be afraid anymore. There was no way he could defeat these two skinny monkeys with his own strength.

However, when the two of them looked over in shock, Ran Xi regretted it.Because he remembered that he had promised Pu Yu not to fight again.

...But he also said that fists are for protection.

...That doesn't seem to matter?

While Ran Xi was thinking about this problem, the pig friends and dog friends had already arrived in front of Ran Xi. Both of them were in disbelief, and their guilty conscience as thieves was clearly visible on their faces.

Pig Peng: "Why did you wake up so quickly?!"

Dog friend: “I don’t know, maybe the electric shocker I bought is not of good quality!”

Ran Xi pouted and started to fight: "Don't be nervous, I have a general understanding of what happened. Is there anything that classmates can't discuss carefully?"

"You..." Zhu Peng heard this and was moved to tears.

When he leaned over to untie the rope, his dog friend stopped him in time.

"We can't turn back." The dog friend said, with hopelessness in his eyes. "Please help us and have another racing competition with Brother Shanzhu. If you refuse, we..."

If you refuse, it means you will definitely call the police, and then the two of them will be sent to the police station for kidnapping.

Not acceptable to dog lovers.

If pushed into a hurry, he might make the wrong mistake and kill someone to silence him.

He clenched his back teeth and stared at Ran Xi fiercely: "You must help us."

Ran Xi was stunned by his all-or-nothing look, and actually started to think about it seriously.

But he had promised Pu Yu not to deal with pig friends or participate in such illegal and dangerous racing activities.

But if he could save one life...and in this case it was two lives...then he couldn't just ignore it.

After all, after getting to know each other, he realized that Brother Shanzhu was notoriously cruel. Except for his gang, all the gangsters in the area were reduced to a lake of blood by him.

Anyone who provokes him will never return.

The last time the rider died due to an accident, Brother Shanzhu wanted to settle the matter and not pursue the matter.

But this time...

"No matter what, it's all your fault, why do you have to provoke the underworld?" Ran Xi couldn't help but persuade.

Although Ran Xi was very liberal in the real world before and had all kinds of friends, he never provoked these people foolishly, because he knew how much he weighed compared to the other party. If he wanted to compete, he would definitely lose miserably. In the end If a person dies without a complete body, grandpa will not cry to death.

Zhu Peng's eyebrows were filled with sorrow: "I know I was wrong... Just think of it as helping me. This is the last time, there will be no next time!"

Seeing that Ran Xi was wavering but never agreed, the dog friend used a trick: "We kidnapped a junior boy before, and the three of us provoked Brother Shanzhu together. But we asked him to report the junior boy's name and class. It’s Pu Yu’s.”

When Ran Xi heard this, his eyes widened immediately.

"So, if something happens to us, Pu Yu will not end well."

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