Today, Dugu Bo did not go directly to the royal family to fish as usual because he received an invitation from Wuhun Palace in advance.

Today, he was invited to go to the mansion where Qian Renxue lived to sign the peace contract with Golden Crocodile Douluo that Qian Renxue dictated some time ago in the Sunset Forest.

Young Master Jinkou Yuyan, and their first task when arriving at the office area must be to implement Qian Renxue's will.

It was just a coincidence that Dugu Bo, who was about to go out with Dugu Yan, ran into Qian Renxue at the door of his house.

"This saves the bishop and the others from sending someone to pick him up. Grandpa Jin Crocodile, just go to the office with Poison Douluo. I have Guang Ling here, no problem."

Qian Renxue, who had already made up her mind and went out to buy important supplies for school with Dugu Yan, who had quite a lot of school experience, turned her head and said to Golden Crocodile Douluo behind her.

"As ordered.

But young master, Guang Ling alone is not enough. I will let the snake spear and the agouti catch up later. "

Golden Crocodile Douluo took Qian Renxue's order, but he had some objections to the arrangement of the accompanying bodyguards.

He felt that Young Master Qian Renxue had too much trust in Guang Ling.

During this trip, what if Guang Ling's dead son was dazzled by the colorful world in Tiandou City and injured the young master and lost a few hairs? What would it be like? ?

No, absolutely not.

If this happens, Qian Daoliu, who has completed the divine examination far away from home, will go crazy if he knows about it. He alone cannot spare Guang Ling.

So instead of getting angry afterwards, it is better to nip the possibility in the cradle.

After all, this young lady of the Poison Douluo family also needs to be properly protected.

Their Wuhun Palace's plan against the Tiandou Empire has slowly begun. Poison Douluo, who is in an awkward position, will inevitably find opportunities to use her precious granddaughter as a threat because of her lack of skills.

Since the young master has already sent out the olive branch, he, the golden crocodile, will naturally think carefully about the young master.

After finishing all these thoughts and arrangements, a strong sense of satisfaction instantly filled Golden Crocodile Douluo's heart.

I see. Is this why Qingluan is so obsessed with the 'First Secretary'?

He, the golden crocodile, understood.

In this case, during this year in Tiandou City, let him work hard to brush up his presence, and strive to squeeze out the secretary position of that boy Qingluan when he returns to the Enshrinement Hall.

He, Jin Crocodile, is the No. 1 subordinate of the Grand Priest, so naturally he must be the most considerate person under the Young Master!

Dugu Bo, who was following Golden Crocodile Douluo as he walked towards the mansion ahead, saw various complex and conflicting emotions appearing on the face of Golden Crocodile Douluo, who was known for being cold and violent. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, and Carefully, I held my breath.

To think that he, the majestic Douluo, the most famous poison in the world, he is as humble as a little grass snake.

Hateful (〃>dish<)


Unlike her 'oppressed' grandfather, after riding a carriage to the center of Tiandou City, Dugu Yan was as excited as a runaway husky.

After asking Qian Renxue if she minded being held by the hand and receiving the answer of 'nothing', Dugu Yan excitedly took Qian Renxue's hand and rushed out of the carriage.

"Your Highness! Can I call you by your name when we are playing? Well... how about Qianqian! Your Highness, just call me Yanyan!"

"it is good."

Anyway, she already has Qingqing, so Qian Renxue doesn’t mind having more Yanyan.

As for the title 'Qianqian', it is quite new.

Unlike her grandfather's Xiaoxue and her mother's Xue'er, it was extremely novel for Qian Renxue to call her by her last name.

Because in Wuhun Palace, no one dares to shout out the repeated word "Qian Qian" casually.

Because the contemporary great minister also has the surname Qian, and the previous pope also had the surname Qian.

However, without knowing these rules, Dugu Yan currently only understands 20.00% of the power of Wuhun Palace at most, and currently has no sense of alienation or distance from any identity.

She knew the nobility of Her Royal Highness the Saint, but her knowledge of 'Her Royal Highness' was limited to fairy tales.

She really wants to be friends with Her Royal Highness the Princess!

Qian Renxue had long hair that she envied, and it was also noble golden color!

She... just looks like she came out of a fairy tale book!

The moment he brought Qian Renxue to Tiandou City, Dugu Yan completely forgot about buying supplies for school, and only remembered the words 'come out to play'.

"Qianqian, it's still early, how about we go to the salon?"

Dugu Yan looked at Qian Renxue's unadorned, already stunning figure, blinked her eyes and asked in anticipation.


This word made Qian Renxue feel fresh and strange.

But this time she came out just to experience life. She wanted to know what children her age usually do and what they need.

Everything is to collect information for the third examination.

So even when faced with such an unfamiliar thing, Qian Renxue still nodded in agreement without asking any more questions.

"Okay, since we have enough time, let's go to the salon together."

"it is good!!"


In the midst of cheers, Dugu Yan held Qian Renxue's hand all the way, almost trotting, and came to the place where she often came since she had pocket money, which only served the nobility and royal family, in Tiandou City. A very famous beauty salon location.

Although it is said to be a salon, it actually prefers a group of ladies to gather together on their days off, eating and drinking while letting the stylist take care of their hair and style it.

Because it was morning, although the beauty salon was open, there were not many customers coming and going.

To be precise, there were only Qian Renxue and Dugu Yan.

"Hello, Miss Dugu, do you have an appointment today?"

Standing at the door to receive the reception was a lady who was very fashionably dressed and even wore many gems on her body, which made Qian Renxue feel a little dazzling and overly gorgeous.

"Hello Mrs. Morty, I don't have an appointment today. I'm here with my friends. I want to do a full-body look. Do you have time?"

"Of course, I am happy to serve you two ladies.

Miss Dugu, what should you call your friend? "

Mrs. Morty responded politely and asked while leading the two of them towards the private room inside.

After hearing this, Dugu Yan did not answer immediately, but glanced at Qian Renxue.

After seeing her nod her head to express that there was no problem, Dugu Yan introduced her, "Her Royal Highness the Saint of Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue."


After hearing Duguyan's complete introduction, the gorgeous and elegant Mrs. Morty almost staggered her feet in high heels.

Her Highness the Saint of Wuhun Palace? !

Then... wouldn't she be someone more noble than their Tiandou Empire princess... no, even more noble than their Crown Prince? ?

Nowadays, the nobles in Tiandou City are basically divided into three factions.

<divclass="contentadv">One ​​faction is the loyal royalists. They are loyal to Emperor Xueye, or the royal family. Only the royalists themselves know the undercurrents and interests involved.

The current leader of the royalist party is Prince Snow Star, the younger brother of Emperor Xue Ye.

One group is the corrupt neutral party. They are only loyal to themselves. No matter how turbulent the royal family is, they only do what they should do. Although they are an indispensable backbone of the empire, their indifferent attitude has also made the current royal family And feel unhappy.

The main representative figure is Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect who decided to protect himself due to the undercurrents between the aristocrats and the royal family of the Tiandou Empire in recent years.

The last faction is the new aristocratic faction that has been secretly formed in recent years.

The so-called new nobles are not emerging nobles, but nobles who have been shocked by the great courage and strength displayed by Wuhun Palace and are determined to serve Wuhun Palace in the future.

There is no so-called leader. They have always obeyed the Cardinal of Tiandou City's Spirit Hall.

And... the Morty family where Mrs. Morty lives is already one of the aristocratic forces that has secretly taken refuge in the Spirit Hall.

Of course, on the surface, Mrs. Morty is still a countess who is active at the forefront of fashion and social circles and loyal to the royal family.

Based on the intelligence from the leader of the social group and the fact that her family had already taken refuge in Wuhun Palace, Mrs. Morty was shocked by the sudden arrival of the saint.

This...this lord shouldn't be here to inspect, right?

Mrs. Moti glanced at Dugu Yan, who was extremely close to the legendary Holy Lady, with a subtle but subtle expression.

Dugu Yan's grandfather, Dugu Bo, was Prince Xuexing's right-hand man.

Is it that Prince Snow Star, the leader of the royalist party, has two agendas, or is Dugu Bo looking for another job...

The amount of information contained in this made the lady still thinking hard when she returned to the private room with tea.

Qian Renxue had long been keenly aware of Mrs. Morty's abnormal mood, but she still didn't fully understand the situation in the Tiandou Empire, so she just kept this doubt in her heart.

On the other hand, Mrs. Morty didn't think so.

Looking at Qian Renxue's eyes, she became more and more convinced that Qian Renxue's visit was not an accident. This great saint came to convey a message to her in person.

So, Mrs. Morty pretended that nothing happened and asked with a smile on her face, "Your Highness, what kind of look are you planning to do today?"


In the past, when she was in the worship hall, Aunt Gu would occasionally tie her hair in different ways.

But every time after training, those styles would always look awkward, so within a few days she gave up on tying her hair.

For two lifetimes, Qian Renxue has had no idea or need for the word 'modelling'.

But now that she's here, she naturally has to take into account Dugu Yan's good intentions. So, facing Dugu Yan's expectant eyes, she smiled like a big sister and said to Dugu Yan,

"My styling is all at Yanyan's discretion."



If happiness had an index and a way to describe it, then Dugu Yan felt that his current happiness was definitely at the level of a Titled Douluo!

Her princess dream!

"Mrs. Morty, that's it!"

Dugu Yan turned around, patted the armrest of the seat, and said seriously to Mrs. Morty.

Mrs. Morty was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said,

"That one...oh! Could it be that one!"

"That's right! That's the one!"

Mrs. Morty listened to Dugu Yan's affirmation, then turned around and looked Qian Renxue up and down, and then said,

"Indeed, only that set is worthy of Your Highness the Saint!"

"But the headgear should not be too complicated. We also want to have lunch at noon, and we have other fun plans in the afternoon."

"I see."

Mrs. Morty nodded with an 'I understand' expression, and then asked Dugu Yan, "Is Miss Dugu still the same style as before?"

"Yeah! It just so happens that school is about to start, and it's time for my nails to be newly dyed."

"Miss Dugu is also a student in the advanced class this year. Why not consider growing her hair longer? It will give her a more mature feeling."

Dugu Yan now has a lovely dark green apple head. Coupled with her liveliness at her age, she looks particularly cute and delicate.

The little girl who has just turned 12 years old and is about to enter puberty has an almost irresistible yearning for the word 'maturity'.

This time is also the time when they awaken to their pursuit of beauty and dressing up.

After hearing Mrs. Morty's suggestion, Dugu Yan couldn't help but yearn for it. She asked Mrs. Morty excitedly and worriedly,

"Will she really be more mature and beautiful?"

“Of course, although it will be more troublesome to maintain, long hair makes it look more like a mature lady.

Look at Your Highness, with her long hair hanging loosely behind her, doesn’t she look dignified and elegant sitting sideways like this? "

Qian Renxue, who was accustomed to sitting casually, couldn't help but twitch the corners of her eyes when she heard these words.

Just when she was about to explain something, she saw Dugu Yan nodded sharply in agreement.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he clapped his hands and said cautiously, as if he were deciding on a soul ring,

"Okay, then I won't cut it. I want to grow my hair long, like Qian Qian!"

"Your Highness and Miss Dugu, please wait a moment. I will arrange a stylist for you."

With that said, Mrs. Morty backed away from the room.

After going out, Mrs. Morty could no longer keep the smile on her face. She hurried to the clothing room and personally took out the legendary 'set' of clothes from the display cabinet.

This is a set of clothes called 'Her Royal Highness' designed by the most famous designer in the Tiandou Empire.

Although her clothing is not luxurious, the gold thread jewelry shape in the skirt all reveals the temperament of a princess.

Because this dress is particularly attractive and requires so-called 'status', currently no princess from the Tiandou Empire's royal family wears this dress. The noble ladies next to them naturally have to take the royal family's face into consideration.

But as the Saint of Wuhun Palace, wearing this dress, her status is naturally more than enough.

And now, what Mrs. Morty cares about is not that Qian Renxue wants to design the dress, wear and buy this dress. What she cares about is the message that Her Highness the Saint asked her cronies to convey to her!

She will become 'Her Royal Highness'!

Qian Renxue's noble status naturally means that she does not need to recognize Emperor Xueye as her father to seek a princess position. She wants to be a princess, which must mean that the Wuhun Palace will begin to officially replace the Tiandou Empire!

These nobles who have pledged their allegiance to Wuhun Palace in advance must begin to prove themselves and exert their strength! !

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