Douluo: Meet the Master

Chapter 285 Justice in Shrek Academy lasts forever

Chapter 285 Justice in Shrek Academy lasts forever

After repelling the remnants of the Demon Cult, although Flanders, Yang Wudi and others eliminated the recent threat, they all felt that this was just the beginning and that a greater crisis was yet to come.

Flanders decided to personally lead the army deep into the secret realm of Tongtian to find the legendary Tongtian treasure to increase his strength.

A group of a hundred people came to the foot of a blackened extinct volcano. The place was covered in snow, icy and freezing.This is the entrance to the secret realm of Tongtian.

Flanders used his inner strength to resist the severe cold and took the lead in entering the cave.The cave is full of pits and traces of volcanic lava.

"This is a fire that reaches the sky and the earth. It has extremely strong corrosive power. You must be careful." Flanders reminded.

Everyone moved forward cautiously, relying on Flanders' divine power to clear the way.

I don’t know how long I have advanced before a lava lake appeared in front of me, with flames rising into the sky and air waves billowing.There is a stone platform in the center of the lake with a sword stuck on it.

"That must be the Holy Sword of Heaven!" Yang Wudi's eyes lit up.

"No, I feel a strong restriction that must be broken." Flanders frowned.

He used all his strength to dismantle the magic circle, and others also contributed part of their strength.

Three days later, the ban was finally cracked.But at this time, Flanders and others had also consumed half of their true energy.

"I'll get the sword." Yang Wudi endured the pain, flew across the lava lake, and finally successfully pulled out the Holy Sword.

This heaven-reaching holy sword is completely transparent, shining with the brilliance of the sky, and is extremely sacred.

"Okay, we have obtained the Holy Sword of Heaven, now we are going to find the next treasure of Heaven." Flanders smiled with satisfaction and led everyone to move forward.

The group of people came to a sea of ​​ice, with an iceberg standing in the distance.

"That's where the Tongtian Hanzhu is, it can provide endless infuriating energy." Flanders said.

But this ice sea is extremely dangerous and hides countless ice demons.These ice demons are wild and difficult to control and have extremely powerful attacks.

Everyone walked carefully through the ice sea, but they were still attacked by the ice demon.

"A sword that reaches the sky!" The holy sword in Yang Wudi's hand trembled slightly, instantly smashing three ice demons.But more ice demons are ready to move.

"No, many ice demons are controlled by the Demon Cult!" Flanders saw the ice demons surrounding them fiercely.

"Swallow the sky and eat the earth!" He shouted suddenly, and used the unparalleled sword technique with the Holy Sword of Heaven to sweep away hundreds of ice demons in an instant.

Finally, after a bloody battle by Flanders and others, everyone successfully climbed onto the iceberg.

The sky-high cold bead exudes a clear and cold brilliance, containing boundless energy.

"Okay, we have obtained two pieces of the Heavenly Treasure, and I will collect the rest. You can return first with the treasure," Flanders explained.

So, Yang Wudi and others took the treasure and exited the secret realm.Flender continued to delve deeper and finally collected all the treasures.

Since then, the strength of Flanders and others has reached its peak.They reorganized the Tongtian Alliance with great momentum.

One day, ordinary people suddenly flocked to the Tongtian Alliance base camp like crazy.It turns out that there are a large number of demon sect remnants causing harm everywhere.

"It seems that the remnants of the Demon Cult have made a comeback, and we must eliminate them completely." Flanders said solemnly.

At this time, a miserable mother came to Flanders with her dead baby in her arms and begged: "Sir, please save us, how can the innocent people suffer!"

Flanders's eyes were full of killing intent: "I will definitely eliminate harm for the people!"

The Tongtian Alliance mobilized all its strength to annihilate the remaining members of the Demon Cult one by one.Flender even took action personally and was invincible.Finally, a month later, all the remaining members of the Demon Cult were wiped out.

But the demonic fire was not really extinguished.One day, spies from the Tongtian Alliance reported that a large crack in the sky appeared somewhere in the Central Plains. The demonic aura was overwhelming, as if a demon was about to break out.

<divclass="contentadv">Flanders led a hundred people to this place in person, and saw black energy rising into the sky from the cracks, and several blood-red gazes could be vaguely seen.

"Sure enough, the demon world is going to invade the human world!" Flanders frowned, and now he must seal this rift in the demon world.

At this time, the cracks suddenly expanded, and devil's claws stretched out, seeming to tear the mountains, rivers and earth apart.

"Quickly cast a spell to seal!" Flanders shouted, taking the lead in activating the sky-reaching formation, and the other masters also fully cooperated.

Suddenly, a group of rays of light poured into the cracks, powerfully suppressing the gushing demonic energy.

"Crack!" The brilliance and demonic energy surged, bursting into dazzling light.Finally, with the efforts of Flanders and others, the crack was temporarily sealed.

"We succeeded!" Everyone cheered, but Flanders looked solemn: "This is only temporary, the army of the demon world may break through the seal at any time."

Sure enough, just a few days later, the seal was broken again.An army of [-] demons emerged from the cracks and marched straight into the hinterland of the Central Plains.

"All righteous people must unite to resist together." Flanders quickly sent messages to various factions and summoned an army.

Soon, Beggars Clan, Wudang, Shaolin and other major sects sent masters to support him.

The two armies formed a confrontation in the Central Plains Plains.

Flender's eyes were cold and bright, everyone must be careful, this is a life and death battle, everyone must use their full strength!

As soon as the words fell, the demonic army roared together, with murderous intent rising to the sky, and advanced in formation.


The two armies fought hand to hand, and Flanders and others fought fiercely with the demons.

Holding the Holy Sword of Heaven and wearing Heaven's Battle Armor, Flanders surrendered the Heaven-Breaking Beast White Tiger, and cooperated with Yang Wudi and various masters to bravely enter the demon army's camp.

I saw the white tiger with scarlet eyes, spitting animal fire from its mouth, and extinguished countless demons.It appeared in another place in a flash, and the demons were unable to parry it.

Flanders' swordsmanship with Heaven is even more impressive. He can kill a large number of monsters with three or two moves.The sword energy was flowing horizontally, and all demons retreated wherever it passed.

The demon army was retreating steadily and suffered heavy casualties.The demon general saw that the momentum was not right and wanted to escape back to the demon world.

"Want to run? Stay and sacrifice the earth!" Flanders yelled, teleported in front of the demon general, chopped its magical weapon with a sword, and the demon general screamed and died.

When the remaining demons saw this, they lost their fighting spirit and turned against each other. They fought back and fled in the direction of the crack when they came.

"Seal it for me!" Flanders ordered.Dozens of light beams descended from the sky, completely blocking the crack leading to the demon world.

In this battle, more than half of the demons were killed and injured, and they were no longer able to invade the human world.People finally see peace again.

Flanders and others also expended great strength and were injured in many cases.In order to recuperate, Flanders decided to disband the army and return to Shrek Academy for a retreat.

The group of people embarked on their journey home.Many days later, they finally returned to Shrek Mountain.The white tiger also turned into dots of golden light on the way and returned to the Tongtian Realm.

"Old disciples, thank you for your hard work on this journey." Flanders said: "Although we have defeated the demons, we still need to be vigilant and cannot slack off at all."

"Yes! We will continue to work hard to cultivate and protect the peace of the world." Everyone responded.

Yang Wudi watched Flanders leave with a trace of emotion in his heart.

Anyway, new people are emerging in large numbers, which is a new atmosphere in the martial arts world.It's time for us old men who have been resting for a long time to take a rest.

He turned around and walked down the mountain, preparing to report today's situation to Flanders.

I saw Flanders standing on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the horizon, the wind blowing his white clothes, which is one of the beautiful things in life.

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