Hokage: Let Suffering Never Fly

Chapter 74 Tsunade Orochimaru Jiraiya: 3 Ninja?

Chapter 74 Tsunade Orochimaru Jiraiya: Sannin?

Gaia has no need to carry on the family line. Although he is curious about the relationship between men and women, people at least...should not...

After Gaia returned to Konoha, she went back to Senju's house to pack her things and provide enough private space for Naoki and his two fiancées.

After temporarily entrusting Xiao Nan to the care of Matt Dai's wife, he went to the Hokage Building and submitted an application to build a cabin near Matt Dai's house.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi hinted that he could directly choose a good location inside the village. If he was not satisfied with the residence, he would demolish it and rebuild it... All the demolition costs and construction costs were covered by the village.

But Gaia rejected Sarutobi Hiruzen's kindness, and just said that he wanted to immerse himself in his pursuit like Big Brother Matt Dai.

Upon hearing Matt Dai, Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless.

And so is Kosuke Maruboshi.

The idea of ​​these two wonderful leaves is really strange.

One likes to live on the edge of the village, and the other is more straightforward. He doesn't even go back home and just likes to eat and sleep in the outdoors.


"The maid accompanying Shengshu's fiancée..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi would not pay attention to such trivial matters at all on weekdays. It was only because Gaia and Mattai were too special and important that they would pay attention to the maid who was given to them by Natoki.


Gaia attaches great importance to the title of Konoha Sannin.

This Konoha's newly promoted golden combination has been his amulet for a long time.

If Sanshoyu Hanzo changes his mind and forms an alliance with Sand Hidden Village, and instead besieges Konoha Village, then the result waiting for this army will not be too good.

The food cooked by Gaia is really fascinating. If I could have one meal every day when I was in Konoha... that would be great.

Since Sannin's first battle in the Land of Rain, Urenin began to deliberately avoid Konoha.

And every day after Gaia finished her work and returned home, she would hide in a secret room to expand her basement.

Among Konoha Sannin, Gaia is not a native of Konoha.

The role of Xiaonan is to remind Gaia when someone comes to his door when he is practicing.

After the new house was built, Gaia moved here completely, and Xiao Nan also had an independent room on the second floor.

Even if they smash this place, they don't feel bad...

The three huge families of Zhuludie occupy a large area in the core area inside Konoha as their common family residence.

Thanks to the hidden special effects attached to the mid-level Earth Dungeon Cave, unless Hokage-sama visits the secret room in person, no one will be able to discover that Gaia has created a hidden private space tens of meters underground .

He knew the strength of Kosuke Maruhoshi. He was the one who was approved by his second grandfather, and his strength was definitely not weaker than his own.

By three days, the house as a whole had been completed and was undergoing renovations.

Matt Dai was originally just a small farmyard, but Kosuke Maruhoshi's was simpler than his... it was really just a shelter from the wind and rain.

There should be ninjas among the Konoha construction team. The house was built very quickly. Gaia went over to look at it early the next morning and the foundation had already been laid. When he looked at it at night, the overall prototype of the house was ready. .

Just like the Gaia trio before.

They just want to protect their village and Shinobi purely.

Gaia knew it well, and immediately stated that she would continue to work hard and never let down the will of the fire.

Why did the three great powers choose the battlefield in Yuren Village?

Because it is sandwiched between the three great kingdoms of fire, wind and earth.

Except for Xiaonan's young age, there are almost no notable circumstances.

It's pretty good. You can get your house payment waived by saying a few big words... Who wouldn't be happy?

He naturally wants to maintain a good relationship with the two elder brothers.

All these actions are based on one condition, that is, Yuyin Village will not suddenly change its mind.

Of course, Xiao Nan only thought that Gaia was practicing in the secret room on the first floor, and had no idea that Gaia was actually conducting some disgraceful biological experiments deeper underground.

When Gaia asked about the price, someone hinted that a certain adult had already given it.

Gaia picked out the simplest two-story building and commissioned them to build it.


With the Aegakure Village deliberately avoiding the situation, Konoha now has the ability to send the team to the border areas of the other two countries.

The Konoha Sannin, who are also members of Konoha's golden group, also have a piece of their territory on the edge of Konoha... that is, it is a little shabby... and, including Matt Dai's wife and children, the total is Just five people.

Currently, Konoha's ninja team is passing through the Kingdom of Rain, and batches are gathering towards the border of the Kingdom of Wind. He is trying to defeat Sunagakure first, and then deal with Sunagakure Village wholeheartedly.

"Mr. Gaia, please take care of me in the future." Matt Dai watched Gaia's small building gradually take shape, and brought a pheasant he just killed to celebrate.

Soon, Hiruzaru Sarutobi forgot about it.

When Gaia saw the game in the other person's hand, she naturally knew what it meant.


Therefore, it is understandable for these two people to become Konoha Sannin himself.

"The Sannin of Konoha? The secret doctor Gaia?" More than 20 days ago, when Tsunade received the news about Gaia, she was very surprised.

Sensing the location of Maruyoshi Kosuke, I found that he was in Konoha Houshan. After informing him of the location, I asked Matt Dai to inform him to come over...

As for Gaia... she doesn't have the idea of ​​starting her own family in Konoha either.

Just as he said, Kosuke Maruhoshi carried the tools by himself, and spent one night repairing a thatched house, which was right between the houses of Gaia and Mattai.

Unfortunately, neither Matt Dai nor Maruhoshi Kosuke has any plans to build a large family.

When Kosuke Maruhoshi learned that Gaia had built a house near Matt Dai's house, he also murmured in his heart... or else he should build one himself.

"Okay, I will send manpower to help you build it." Gaia wanted to live next to Meteor, and Hiruzen Sarutobi was actually happy to do so.

If he can continue to deepen the bond between him and his teammates, one day he can become the heir to the Will of Fire...

Okay... we, the Sannin of Konoha, now have our own station.

There are too many things he has to worry about, and he doesn't have so much energy to care about these trivial things.

Therefore, Hiruza Sarutobi sent all three of his disciples there, firstly, hoping that they could make achievements on the battlefield, and secondly, also hoping that they could stand up at critical moments.

Instead of just staying in the Kingdom of Rain to fight.

On the same day, members of the Konoha construction team approached Gaia, asked him the address of the building, and even took out the blueprints, asking him what kind of house he wanted to build.

Matt Dai, although I haven't fought against him, but from Gaia's description, the other party's attainments in physical skills may even surpass me...

But why is Gaia the third one?

As his master, I have not yet become famous in the ninja world, so why did my disciple become famous first?

Tsunade: Why do I feel like my title has been robbed...

Not only her, but Jiraiya and Orochimaru who were also on the battlefield also felt this way.

(There is another chapter at nine o'clock)

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