Hokage: Let Suffering Never Fly

Chapter 43 Psychic Beast: Gugu

Chapter 43 Psychic Beast: Gugu

Even though Gaia had been one of them, he could do nothing but sympathize.

No matter how much he hates or dislikes such a world where the jungle prevails, no one will care about the thoughts and voices of the weak.

At least, for now.

After finishing a day's work, Gaia returned home and couldn't wait to go to the basement, wanting to see the situation of the two eggs.

The two eggs stood quietly in the incubator. Gaia sensed it and found that the vitality contained in the eggshells was more powerful than before.

With some previous experience and lessons, Gaia now does not dare to use her transformation power to affect the evolution of the two eggs.

It's just that he made more careful preparations, such as food... and preparations for the destruction of corpses after an accident.

As time passed, the two eggs went through several rounds of breaking out of their shells and turning into eggs again.

Gaia even suspected that they broke out of their shells just to supplement food and provide energy for their own evolution.

Each time the two eggs hatch, it takes less and less time to turn into eggs again, and Gaia knows that this is because they require more and more energy.

In his perception, there were two forces fighting fiercely inside, as if they were going to devour each other... They were two different active factors.

The proportion of active factors in the two animals' bodies also gradually increased in cycles.

Have you ever seen anyone who can operate on five people at one time?

And it lasts for several hours.

It's not a big deal if a modified creature is a little abnormal.

It seems to be asking yourself: Are you serious about taking a half step back?

Even regardless of size, this pigeon is no longer in the category of animals.

After all, the pigeon still couldn't speak human words, and I don't know whether it was lucky or unlucky.

In an instant, an inexplicable sense of familiarity welled up in my heart.

This is called... what is it?

But he is sure of one thing, that is, he has harvested a pigeon psychic beast.

Eventually, the two active factors gradually decrease and a completely new active factor emerges.

Just a few minutes ago, the black pigeon in the incubator broke out of its shell and swept away the food that had been prepared in advance. Unexpectedly, it felt that it was not enough. When the shadow clone was preparing food for it, it turned to the rooster eggs on the side. Just start pecking, the shadow clone originally wanted to stop it, but in the end...

After the operation, Gaia hurried back home on the grounds that she wanted to go back to rest.

Gaia asked tentatively: "What are your abilities?"

Delivering a letter?With this body type, the target is probably too big.

Huh... Gaia took a deep breath and tried to convince herself with various reasons.

Gaia has only seen such spiritual eyes on Konoha Ninja's psychic beast.

Gaia is now the trump card of their Konoha Hospital!

I understand the truth, but the question is why can pigeons be so big?

In the black eggshell, it took a full night for the two active factors to gradually decrease to only that special active shadow.

Intelligent creatures... perhaps, can be used as psychic beasts?

Gaia looked at the opponent's size, and seemed to be thinking about what this pigeon could do...

Suddenly, there was a sound of cracking eggshells. Gaia followed the reputation, but he had already held Kunai with his right hand. Once he found something abnormal, he could shoot at any time.

But strangely, Gaia seems to understand its words.

From yesterday to now, everything that happened in the underground secret room surprised Gaia.

Gaia didn't fall asleep all night, and stayed by the incubator for fear of any accidents.

However, Gaia looked at the obviously wrong-shaped pigeon in front of her and fell silent.

After all, genes have changed...

Because in the memory passed by the shadow clone, he saw... a somewhat horrifying scene.

"It's okay, I have some migraines, and I may not be able to do the next few operations." The other doctors repeatedly said that Gaia should go to rest quickly.

Due to Gaia's high efficiency, more than half of the doctors in the hospital were sent to the front line to support...

A unique existence connects him to this pigeon.

Gaia was afraid that it would speak human words when it opened its mouth.

The pigeon took a step forward, trying to get close to Gaia, but Gaia took half a step back. The pigeon didn't understand, and looked at Gaia with its head tilted, its eyes full of puzzlement.

The pigeon turned into a shadow and went straight into the male egg.

One day, when he was undergoing surgery, a memory suddenly appeared in his memory.

As a flying psychic beast?Gaia looked at her growing body and estimated that the pigeon wouldn't be able to carry her.

It contains both elements of the gluttony factor and elements of the shadow factor.

He can feel the presence of pigeons, and even give orders to pigeons through some special channels.

But when he saw the large black eggs in the basement incubator, he sensed a fierce battle within the shells.


The cells in this pigeon's body are all derived from the increase in the value of the active factor originally modified by Gaia, and each cell contains Gaia's chakra.

Obviously, this pigeon... should already have "intelligence".

Not sure if this is a good or bad Gaia, I can only watch from the sidelines...

The movements of his hands are as steady as an old dog, but in fact Gaia has already panicked.

If Gaia collapsed at this time, the entire hospital would be shut down.

What can I do?

However, since they are intelligent creatures, they should be able to communicate.

I didn't expect the other party to give me any response, but the pigeon glanced at Gaia very spiritually, and then the black figure seemed to melt, turning into a pool of shadow, "flowing" out along the incubator, and integrating into Gaia. in the shadow.

He can still control the opponent's life and death through these chakras.

It was originally a product of experimentation, so there will inevitably be some accidents...

Although every time I eat enough and then turn into an egg again to start evolving, it is still not enough.

That was the news after a shadow clone left behind in the basement dissipated.

If you take this out, you won’t be able to tell...


First, a pigeon's head came out and cooed at Gaia.

"Gaia-kun, what's wrong?" On the side, the medical ninja assisting him in the operation paused when he saw the man's movements and asked quickly.


From an egg half a meter high, a large black pigeon emerged.

Gaia controls the life and death of the latter, and the pigeon seems to subconsciously regard Gaia as its master.

Now, the originally yellow male egg gradually turned black, and the shadow clone could not make a judgment on how to deal with it, so it could only choose to self-dissipate and bring the memory to the main body.

"Let's call him Gugu."

"In the future, please give me more advice."

In Gaia's shadow, there was a twist, as if responding to Gaia's call.

Next, the headache for Gaia is how to explain the origin of this pigeon.

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