Hokage: Let Suffering Never Fly

Chapter 248 The Third Mizukage

Chapter 248 The Fifth Mizukage

Gaia tried a little, and finally directly transferred part of her consciousness into the body of "Peace" and took over the body of Peace.

If it were the previous self, and faced this situation, he could only separate part of his consciousness and transfer it to the clone in the Land of Snow, and then take over the clone after the clone came into contact with Peace's body.

For Gaia, many restricted abilities are gradually being unlocked.


"Sir, you're finally awake!" In the top-level ward of Kirigakure Village, Heping opened his eyes and faced the concerned greetings of Fuyuki and Terumi Mei.

Peace's coma not only panicked the two of them, but even Kirigakure Village was in turmoil because of it.

The last time, Heping disappeared in the country of Yu, which almost caused huge turmoil in Kirigakure Village. If Gaia hadn't asked another clone of himself to rush back to Kirigakure Village as Heping, Kirigakure Village would probably have been destroyed by now. The next Mizukage was chosen and fell into civil strife.

Since then, Kirigakure Village has never sent any missions to Heping that require him to stay away from the Kingdom of Water. After all, the most important thing at this stage is to seek stable development. As long as there is peace, only Kirigakure Village and the Kingdom of Water can have peace. The power to fight against Konoha.

Moreover, they are also arranging for Peace to take over the management of the village and prepare for his succession to the Mizukage.

The senior management of Kirigakure Village also formally made a request to Heping for him to serve as the fifth generation Mizukage. However, at that time, Gaia was busy thinking of ways to rescue Tsunade and Minato, and did not have much energy to take care of his own trumpet. How can I be peaceful? How can I be a shadow of a village and refuse the request of Kirigakure Village?

Kirigakure and the Snow Clan only think that this is Peace's recognition of the village, which is not enough. Let Fuyuzuki and Terumi Mei increase their efforts to make Peace completely become the people of Kirigakure as soon as possible. It is best to let him leave what belongs to him. Bloodline, this will completely tie peace to Kirigakure Village.

The two women had been mentally prepared for a long time, but unfortunately Heping didn't seem to be enlightened and was extremely slow in that regard. As a result, their strategy progress was extremely slow in the past few months.

It wasn't really that Gaia couldn't do it, it was just that he wasn't in the mood at the time.

How could he still be in the mood to think about creating humans when Tsunade and Minato were living or dying because of him.


"Sir, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?" Dongyue's face was almost touching Gaia's face.

The hot breath made Gaia feel distracted for a moment.

"It's nothing, it's just that my body seemed to have undergone some kind of change, and I couldn't adapt to it for a while, so I fell into a coma..."

"Don't worry, it should be a good thing."

Gaia made an excuse, only saying that her strength seemed to have a breakthrough, which led to her coma this time, which made Fuyutsuki and Terumi Mei feel relieved.

The medical level in Kirigakure Village was really poor. During Heping's coma, they didn't find anything at all. Moreover, given Heping's identity, it wasn't up to him to say anything.

The senior officials of Kirigakure and the Snow Clan came to visit after learning that Heping had woken up.

At this time, the top management of Kirigakure Village once again made a request to let Heibei serve as the fifth generation Mizukage.

This is the third time they have brought this up.

I thought that Heping would still reject it, but this time Heping, although he still said that I was afraid that I could not do well, if it delayed the development of the village, wouldn't that be a huge sin?

But everyone still noticed that his attitude was obviously relaxed.

This means that Hepei has accepted his identity as the "Kirigakure Village Ninja".

Moreover, it depends on you not being able to do it well!If you can do anything...what will we do?

The original plan was for us to share some of the "chores" for you!

If the Fifth Mizukage is not settled one day, the village will not be able to reach an agreement on this matter, and the internal distribution of power will always be a problem.

If it continues, who knows if other forces in the village will also use a honey trap to draw Heping into their camp.

These days, if it weren't for their strong control, the number of women surrounding Heping would probably be in double digits...

At that time, their rights and interests will be "impaired".

<divclass="contentadv">After all, there are only two companies to share the profits now. In the future, it will be uncertain.

Everyone seized the opportunity and immediately expressed their stance, saying that the village and the Snow Clan will provide help to you. Leave some tedious matters to us, and you will be responsible for controlling the general development of the village.

Finally, after several hours of persuasion, Peace finally relented and agreed to become the Fifth Mizukage of Kirigakure Village.

Of course, although the person has been selected, the process still has to go through.

Just like the rope tree became the fourth generation of Konoha, everyone knew it, but what should be done still had to be done.

Peace is the great hero who saved Kirigakure Village and even the Land of Water. Most of the ninjas in Kirigakure Village are grateful for his life-saving grace, and they even admire Peace's strength. With him serving as the Fifth Mizukage, most of them are no comment.

As for those who have opinions...we can't fight for peace anyway.

After several days of arrangements and momentum building, Peace successfully became the Fifth Mizukage of Kirigakure Village.

The entire ninja world learned the news immediately. For this man who suddenly appeared and showed strength enough to resist the rope tree, everyone had long thought that he would be the future Mizukage, but they didn't expect that this day would drag on. so long.

At this point, the ninja world formed a bipolar pattern.

The Country of Fire and the Country of Water, or Konoha and Kirigakure, have the power of Roe Tree and Peace respectively to crush the other three great powers.

The other small countries were even more frightened and acted extremely cautiously, fearing that when they woke up that day, they would be destroyed because they offended the Water Country or the Fire Country.

In their opinion, the disappeared country of Yu was destroyed because it offended Konoha and Kirigakure at the same time.

This is even more outrageous than the Whirlpool Kingdom that was destroyed decades ago.

Although the Kingdom of Whirlpool is gone, at least the land there is still there, but the Kingdom of Tang has disappeared from the world together with the people and the land, truly eradicating the roots. After all, even the land is gone.

However, the new Mizukage Jonin announced a series of foreign friendly policies, especially establishing close ties with Konoha across the sea.

Konoha even obtained the exclusive right to sell some of Kirigakure Village's specialties in the inland areas.

No one knows what deal the two parties made, but they only know that the two poles of the ninja world are not as incompatible as their names.

Instead, a series of close cooperation was achieved.

But only the daimyo of the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire knew that they were not involved in this matter at all.

It was Konoha and Kirigakure who reached a series of cooperation, not the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire...

But neither the Fire Kingdom nor the Water Kingdom dared to stand up and contradict their respective villages at this time.

Needless to say, Naoki, this guy is so strong that he dared to force even the Third Hokage to die in battle. Within a few days after taking office, he forced the Uchiha clan, the largest clan in Konoha, to dig up his ancestral grave... It can be said that he is so strong. pole.

If the Daimyo of the Land of Fire dares to come forward, his little son who is still nursing might be the Daimyo the next day.

Can't be bothered.

As for peace, this guy doesn’t care at all!

It was completely the Snow Country and the elders of the original Kirigakure Village who took control of everything in Kirigakure Village and divided the rights of the Mizukage...

Peace is just an empty shelf!

No one knows that this is Gaia’s arrangement.

In order to destroy it, you must first make it crazy.

The high-level people who have the power will lead to destruction step by step in the process of expansion.

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