Hokage: Let Suffering Never Fly

Chapter 244 The Truth (1)

Chapter 244 The Truth ([-])

Knowing that Gaia, his best friend before he was still a human, needed some help, "Bayu" naturally chose to believe in him.

Master the magic of immortality, and then use the art of counter-channeling to channel Gaia's consciousness clone that was lost in a different space.

Gaia has integrated a lot of knowledge into the opponent's memory, and coupled with his own guidance, it is only a matter of time for "Bayu" to master celestial beings and even become proficient in time and space ninjutsu.

It can even be said that this giant fish is a copy that possesses most of Gaia's knowledge.

Baby Fish began to practice immortal arts in an inhuman body, and also practiced time and space ninjutsu. The progress is far beyond that of ordinary people. It is estimated that he will master these magical arts within ten days.

Based on the amount of chakra in the body of the giant salamander, once it is converted into celestial chakra, it will definitely be a being that is not weaker than the Great Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain, the White Snake Immortal of Ryūchi Cave, and the Slug Immortal of Shiggou Forest.

Gaia even uses the genes of the giant salamander to breed more second-generation giant salamanders.

He even had a very crazy idea to create the fourth holy land in the ninja world, a secret realm as famous as Mt. Miaomu, Ryūchi Cave, and Shiggou Forest.

When Gaia used her own means to create a life for Baby Fish out of thin air, and played with the thoughts of "others" to achieve her own goals, at this moment, he no longer felt the slightest sense of guilt for his actions.

In his opinion, this is just a tool created by himself to bring the consciousness clone back.

Just because of necessity, this tool must have considerable wisdom. Gaia thought of it and did it.


While Gaia was busy with her own affairs, Konoha deduced some information from the murals, texts and other materials collected on the moon, as well as some ancient books left by the Hyuga family, and even found the ancient ancestral land of the Hyuga family. .

Especially the outrageous-looking ancient book records passed down from the Hyuga family, which may very well be the truth they have been seeking.

Because the time is so long ago, the Hyuga family only knows that this is about 300 years ago, when a clan member of the Hyuga clan went crazy before his death. The fantasy written down is considered a relic of the clan member, so it has been kept. down.

According to records in ancient books, a thousand years ago, a country appeared on this planet. The name of this country achieved the unification of the ninja world with the help of the power of a goddess who descended from the sky.

The goddess possesses the power to move mountains and reclaim seas... and do many things that are like miracles.

After this daimyo achieved the unification of the ninja world, he gave birth to two children with the Shinobi.

These two children inherited the power of the goddess, but when they grew up, they turned against their parents... In the end, they worked together to seal the goddess.

There is no detailed explanation in the ancient books about the reason for turning against each other. Konoha's intelligence department can only get the possible situation from a few words and murals, that is, the goddess seems to be conducting some kind of taboo experiment to control human thoughts and transform them.

A fight broke out between her two children to stop her from continuing to harm humans.

"Based on the current intelligence, this so-called goddess is Kaguya Otsutsuki." Naoki thought in his mind while looking at the summary information handed over by the intelligence department.

From the information obtained from Konoha over there, we can know that Kaguya Otsutsuki does have two children.

The eldest son, Otsutsuki Hagoromo, later became the founder of the ninja world, the "Six Paths Sage", and the second son, Otsutsuki Hamura, later moved to the moon with some of his clan members.

In order to fight against the possible appearance of the Otsutsuki tribe, Otsutsuki Kaguya used the Infinite Tsukuyomi to create White Zetsu from humans. This is the reason why she and her two sons broke out into a battle.

It's just that... this is somewhat inconsistent with the information Gaia told herself before, and it is also inconsistent with the information given by Konoha in another world. Kaguya did not give birth to these two children through human union.

Naoki found Tsunade and confirmed this part of the information to her.

Tsunade looked at the information in Naoki's hand with confusion and was also very confused.

In their world, the Hyuga family did not leave such an ancient book.

Moreover, according to the intelligence they integrated, it should have been after Kaguya Otsutsuki used her own power to calm down the troubled times and gave birth to two children with the blessings and prayers of the people, rather than... after marrying a daimyo of a country. Two children were born.

In other words, the information in their hands is different from the situation on the other side. Of course, this is something written by a crazy person after all, and the authenticity cannot be guaranteed.

Just when the two were doubting the authenticity of this information, Minato knocked on the door of the Hokage's office.

"The Yondaime, something happened to my body." Minato said, and then he raised his right hand. In the palm of his hand, a black diamond-shaped mark was particularly eye-catching.

"I just discovered this this morning..." Minato wanted to continue explaining, but found that Naoki's eyes were in a trance.

"Rose tree?" Tsunade looked at the absent-minded rope tree and said quickly.

"I have seen this mark..." Shen Shu's words shocked both of them.

"The body after Gaia's reincarnation... also had this mark on the palm of her right hand."

Gaia had previously speculated that this was something left to him by the "planetary consciousness", which might be able to seize his physical body at a critical moment.

But this mark also appeared on Minato.

Naoki instinctively thought that this was related to the Otsutsuki clan that Minato had fought in another world.

This thing is not something left by "planetary consciousness", but something left by the Otsutsuki clan with the help of their abilities.

They have very little information about the Otsutsuki clan, and they have no idea what special abilities they have.

But in their world, there were only two Otsutsuki clan with pure blood, Otsutsuki Kaguya and Otsutsuki Ishiki.

It was difficult for Rope Tree to make a judgment, so he could only tell Gaia about this matter.

Through special contact channels, Gaia knew that Rope Tree wanted to see her.

Using the Flying Thunder God Technique, he arrived at a stronghold outside Konoha Village.

"Hey, just in time, my experiment has reached the final stage... I created a giant salamander immortal. Maybe tomorrow I can try to channel my conscious clone back, and there will soon be a ninja world that will surpass Shigulin and Miao. The fourth, no, should be called the first holy land of Wood Mountain and Longdi Cave." Gaia shared the immortal she created with Roe Tree with great interest.

But when he heard that Gaia used this method to fabricate a "partner" with memories to achieve his own goals, Shengshu's eyes showed incredible surprise. He looked at Gaia and subconsciously took a step back.

Some kind of taboo experiment of manipulating and transforming human minds... and taking pleasure in it.

"Gaia, this is the information Konoha has just collected." Naoki handed the information in his hand to Gaia.

Gaia, who noticed something was wrong with Shengshu, took the information in Shengshu's hand doubtfully, and then started to read it.

Thousands of years ago, someone used Kaguya's power to unify the ninja world...

Otsutsuki Kaguya combined with a human and gave birth to two children...

This is contradictory to Gaia's own acquisition of memories.

<divclass="contentadv">But Gaia did not question the authenticity of this ancient book because it was in the hands of a madman, because the memory he obtained was probably processed.

"Gaia, plays with other people's memories and souls, controls other people's thoughts..."

"Isn't what that mysterious existence did to you exactly what you are doing now?"

"I..." Gaia was about to retort, but then realized that Shengshu's words were not wrong.

He used his ability to create a non-existent soul, gave him a virtual past, and asked him to help him achieve his goals.

Rewriting or even creating other people's memories and using them to achieve their own goals is what is happening to them.

"The black diamond-shaped mark in your right hand also appears on Minato's hand."

"I guess this may be the special ability of the Otsutsuki clan."

"In another world, before Otsutsuki Momoshiki died, he planted this thing in Minato's body. Maybe this is what they used to resurrect themselves..."

"Manipulating thoughts, playing with souls...conducting forbidden experiments." Shengshu raised his eyes and looked at Gaia: "In your current thinking, you no longer regard yourself as a human being. And even you yourself are not aware of this."

"Gaia, the mark in your body... is quietly reviving."

The rope tree's words suddenly woke up Gaia.

He has used animals and even death row prisoners to conduct experiments before, but at least he has his own bottom line.

But this time, he created an intelligent creature out of thin air, giving him a false memory and a false life... and also used his abilities to make the other party obey his words.

To him, it is just a tool he created to achieve his purpose, but to the giant salamander, he has transformed from a human into an animal.

There was no time to even feel sad before Gaia's request was fulfilled.

In the process, Gaia has lost respect for humanity.

Gaia's body in the Land of Snow raised her right hand. The black mark in her palm did not change at all, but Gaia knew that the other party's consciousness was gradually occupying her consciousness, which would cause her moral values ​​to change.

So, the person lurking in his body is Kaguya Otsutsuki?

But she was sealed a thousand years ago. If she can have an intersection with him, it means that she has appeared in this world at least a thousand years ago.


It may not be Kaguya Otsutsuki!

At that time, there were two Otsutsuki who came to this planet to plant the sacred tree.

Otsuki Kaguya and Otsuki are in the same style.

Before I was reincarnated, I had this memory.

At the critical moment of planting the sacred tree, Otsutsuki Ishiki was stabbed in the back by Kaguya, seriously injured and on the verge of death, and then swallowed by the Ten-Tails... But this memory is not true.

There is doubt as to whether Otsutsuki Isshiki is dead.


"Go to Mt. Miaomu." Gaia originally wanted to find the Great Toad Immortal in Mt. Miaomu to ask about things that happened thousands of years ago, but was told that the Great Toad Immortal was still sleeping.

Unable to get any foreign aid, Gaia could only sort out the information she already had in her hands, trying to get more out of the scraps of information.

The first point is that I did not just travel to this world 20 years ago, and it is not that I don't understand the plot of Naruto.

If the story development of another ninja world is defined as the original timeline, then under the premise that there is only one traveler, the changes in the timeline can be attributed to itself.

Otsutsuki Ishiki's death is doubtful, and Otsutsuki Kaguya's subsequent experiences may not be consistent with another world.

If the record of the madman in the Hyuga family is true, then Kaguya Otsutsuki in this world is the two children born from the union of human daimyo... and this human being does not exist in another world.

The time he traveled through, at least a thousand years ago, was the time before and after the internal strife between the Otsutsuki duo.

Gaia was stunned when she thought of this.

People who didn't originally exist in the timeline... aren't they just time travellers?

The daimyo who used the power of Otsutsuki Kaguya to briefly unite the ninja world and gave birth to two children with him... couldn't be me, right?

Gaia broke into a cold sweat.

Put the matter of possibly killing aliens aside for now and continue to sort out the information.

What happened between 20 years ago and Otsutsuki Kaguya being sealed should not have changed much from the other world.

There are currently three known differences. The Otsutsuki clan on the moon fell into civil strife for some reason and was eventually wiped out. The gods that existed in the ninja world disappeared more than 200 years ago. The other is that a madman appeared in the Hyuga family. Leaving behind a record that may be true.

The first two are the work of his enemies lurking in the dark, but the third point is not.

It is not certain whether the record left by the madman is true, but at least it is different from the memory that the "planetary consciousness" instilled in him. It can be concluded that at least this matter was definitely not done by the "planetary consciousness".

If it wasn’t him, could it be me?

If my former self wanted to leave a record for my future self, what method would I choose?

Gaia noticed the statement in the intelligence.

The person who wrote this ancient book was a member of the Hyuga family 300 years ago. The person went crazy before his death and wrote these things.

Writing it before death can ensure to the greatest extent that this incident will not have much impact on history.

Then, the identity of the Hyuga clan can guarantee that this relic will be preserved.

Thanks to the Hyuga family's family system, the clan's bloodline will be best protected, which means there is a high probability that it will be retained until the establishment of Konoha Village in the future.

But the question is, why did I conclude at that time that this record would be dug out and eventually fall into my hands?

Unless, he knew at that time that he would become a part of Konoha in the future and would be aware of the changes in history... and try to read the written records for comparison.

If this record is really kept by you, use it to remind your future self.

There are only two possibilities, one is that he has mastered the ability to predict, and the other is... the person who uses some means to control the records left by the Hyuga tribe is his future self.

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