Hokage: Let Suffering Never Fly

Chapter 209 The Lost God

Chapter 209 The Disappearing God

When Gaia acted alone, she erupted very quickly, and soon came to other towns in the Kingdom of Yu. The same situation was discovered in several surrounding towns.

Everyone has fallen into that crazy state, and the degree of it is still getting deeper.

The people in the first town were just lying in the talisman array, but the people in the subsequent towns had already used tools to nail themselves into the talisman array, and they were getting more and more bloody.

The anomaly seems to be increasing as time goes by.

This reminded Gaia of some strange religious rituals.

They seem to be using their pain to please some god...

Is there such a god in the ninja world?A god with such power...should not remain nameless.

But Gaia did not find any information about gods in the history she knew.

Could it be... just some kind of unique secret technique?This was the first thing Gaia thought of.

If there is someone behind this incident, then the other person's purpose is nothing more than to control the country, or to gain some kind of power through this special ritual...

Then, the royal city of Tang Country is the key.

It has the largest population and is also the center of power.

As long as you control it, you can not only gain more population, but also control the country easily.

Gaia woke up a man and asked him where the royal city was.

On the other side, after noticing the anomaly in Yuno Country, the main body of Snow Country immediately used the memory of the planet to find relevant information, but failed to find relevant information in a jumping search.

Gaia found Orochimaru and wanted to get some information from him.

"Gods?" Orochimaru looked at Gaia in surprise and thought, why would someone like you believe in such a thing?

In fact, Gaia also knows that gods are nothing more than powerful creatures, probably like the White Snake Immortal.

"There are rumors about gods, but I only know one."

"When I was in Konoha, I obtained some information left by the Uzumaki clan from the roots. Hundreds of years ago, the Uzumaki clan was involved with the God of Death. Their clan also had a secret technique called the Ghoul Seal... "

"This secret technique can summon the God of Death and seal the opponent's soul, but the price...is your own soul."

"Regardless of whether the spell is successful or not, the soul of the caster will be taken away."

"It's just that this ninjutsu has not been passed down because it became ineffective later."

"Invalid?" Gaia noticed something unusual.

"Well... the information says this. Since more than 200 years ago, this sealing technique cannot be used. But I am more inclined to believe that the God of Death does not exist at all. This sealing technique is just used by the Uzumaki clan to bluff people."

Hundreds of years ago, the entire ninja world was still in an uncivilized state, and it was normal for people to exaggerate themselves in the name of gods.

He has never heard that ninjutsu can be ineffective. As long as the technique is correct and the chakra movement is correct, ninjutsu can be used.

But Gaia doesn't think so.

If this sealing technique is indeed ineffective, then it can be considered that the God of Death originally existed, but disappeared due to some unknown reasons. Then this sealing technique based on the contract with the God of Death will naturally not be usable.

In other words, there should have been creatures like "gods" in this world, but they disappeared for some reason.

As a unified consciousness, "Peace" in Yuno Country naturally also received this news.


Such a coincidence?

This time is very special for Gaia. The relationship with "planetary consciousness" has reached a freezing point, and then such a suspected god appears.

Gaia looked at the Tang King's City in front of her and stopped in her tracks.

<divclass="contentadv">"Why does Terumi Mei appear near me?"

He noticed that the token carried by Mei Terumi was approaching him.

Based on his understanding of Mei Mei, she would not go against her decision unless there were special circumstances.

Gaia activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and came to Mei Terumi's side.

"Captain!" The sudden appearance of peace did not scare Mei Terumi during the action, because she was always prepared for peace to come to her.

"Why are you here?" As soon as Gaia asked, Terumi Mei knew that the other party did not return to the ship, but came here after he noticed the token on his body.

"Captain, I came here with Tsunade from Konoha."

teacher?What's she doing here?

Given her status, if she goes on a mission, it must be something related to medical ninjutsu.

Could it be that... Konoha received a mission commission?Medical ninjas were sent to solve this anomaly?

Everything in Yu Country is weird, and Gaia doesn't want Tsunade to be involved.

Otherwise, find a reason to persuade him to return?Send her back?

Then, Gaia frowned because he discovered an abnormal chakra.

Minato is here too.

If it was just an ordinary mission, there was no need to send both of them, and one of them was still hiding in the dark... This arrangement meant that Konoha had also noticed something strange.

Minato looked at the two people from a distance without making any unnecessary moves.

From the beginning, when he saw Terumi Mei, he was wondering if peace was possible here.

Because of that negotiation, the two of them came together, and later received information that the two of them teamed up with another female ninja to perform the mission.

Tsunade didn't know Mei Terumi, but he had met her and it was clear that she was a member of Peace's team.

"The mission in Yu no Kuni is risky and should not continue." This was Minato's judgment.

Compared with the mission, ensuring Tsunade-sama's safety is the most important thing.

He is Nasuki's sister. Once something happens to her, there will be problems in Konoha.

The two people in front disappeared, and Minato no longer hid his figure, quickly heading towards the royal city.


"Everyone in Yuno Country seemed to be in that crazy state, and in the towns I saw later, the situation became more serious. The situation here is very bad. Send you and Fuyutsuki directly back Kirigakure Village, please notify the village and send someone over..."

"I'll find the problem first, and then... you guys come over and finish it off."

Gaia also wanted to resolve the matter in Yuno Country as soon as possible, and did not care about anything else. She subconsciously held the other person's waist and sent Mei Terumi to the ship. Then she hugged her left and right, took the two of them to the ship, and sent them back directly. The pier of Kirigakure Village.

Before the two of them could react, Gaia disappeared again.

Gaia, who returned to the Kingdom of Tang, immediately headed towards the royal city.

At least find a way to send Tsunade-sensei away first.


Tsunade looked at the silent royal city ahead and frowned.

Even if the city gate is closed, there shouldn't be any guards, and for so long, not even a passerby has been encountered.

This is not normal.

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