Douluo: Star Emperor Yuhao

Chapter 55 My name is Ji Juechen, your sword is not bad.

Chapter 55 My name is Ji Juechen, and your sword is good.

The big golden wave on the right is dressed in a lavender dress, with an elegant and noble temperament, and a tender and tender attitude.

The one on the left looks lively and agile, with a long black ponytail and a blue outfit, full of youthful vitality.



An extremely sharp aura appeared out of nowhere in Qian Chengxue's perception, and she opened her eyes out of curiosity.

A young man of about 18 years old, 1.9 meters tall, wearing ancient clothes, with long dark green hair hanging casually over his shoulders, and a handsome face with a paralyzed face.

Other than that, he was ordinary, with no fluctuations in soul power, just like an ordinary person.

However, Qian Chengxue sensed a hidden extreme edge from his body.

As if aware of Qian Chengxue's gaze, the young man turned his eyes. After seeing Qian Chengxue, there was a hint of interest in his indifferent eyes.

The sharp breath hidden in the body comes out!

The invisible sword intent enveloped the audience, forming a domain.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a sword!

A ruthless sword of destruction!

The other six people around him felt this aura and looked at the young man in surprise.

Qian Chengxue, who faced this sword intent, turned pale and sweat dropped from her temples.

As if sensing the master's crisis, the holy angel spirit in his body automatically possessed him, and a golden angel mark appeared on the center of his brow.

With a flash of white light, a golden holy sword appeared in Qian Chengxue's palm.

The holy sword trembled slightly, and a divine will that seemed to be able to purify all sins emanated from the inside of the sword.

It collided with the sword intent of Nirvana and Ruthlessness.


It was obviously an intangible meaning, but it collided with a spark of substance.

That was the aftermath of the collision between the two swords that spontaneously drove the spiritual power between heaven and earth.

The six people around felt as if they were being pressed by two big mountains, and they couldn't breathe for a while.


Following Di Tian's scolding, the sword intent on the young man melted instantly, as if everything before was just an illusion.

However, the grass blankets lying on the ground under pressure within a radius of 50 meters showed that the scene that happened before was all true.

"My name is Ji Juechen. Your Sword of Pure World is very good, but it's a pity that your cultivation level is too low. What's your name?"

This is the young man's evaluation of Qian Chengxue, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Qian Chengxue, who looked pale, did not refute.

Because the person in front of him named Ji Juechen was right, compared to him, her soul master's cultivation was indeed too low.

She could feel it through the breath it leaked before.

The true cultivation of the young man in front of him!

Soul Saint!

A soul saint!

In the entire continent, that is a genius that is rare to see in thousands of years!

It’s hard to imagine that such existence exists on the mainland.

Qian Chengxue was confident that her soul power was not lower than that of the young man who called himself Ji Juechen.

But that is based on the fact that the holy angel Wuhun will purify the evil heresy and gain cultivation base.

If she didn't have this talent, she wouldn't be able to break through to the Soul Saint with full confidence.

But she will not admit defeat, calm down the turbulent soul power in her body, take a deep breath, face Ji Juechen squarely, and say her name coldly.

"Ye Guyi."

Her real name will only be given to her relatives, and the most noble god.

Thousands of floating catkins have fallen into dust, and the bones are wearing clothes to slay evil spirits.


Seeing a hint of frustration in everyone's eyes, Di Tian didn't care.

When you are young and frivolous, it is also a good thing to take more blows.

Moreover, this Ji Juechen was a monster in his own right and could no longer be measured by genius.

Even with him, Di Tian, ​​based on tens of thousands of years of human cognition, there is no one who can compare with him.

At the beginning, at the request of his Lord, he searched for the top talents in the human world and invested in geniuses who had little ties to humans.

The many treasures of heaven and earth in Chuanling Pavilion are investment resources.

On a whim that day, when he was in the Sun Moon Empire, he passed by a forest of spirit beasts.

Accidentally saw the unforgettable scenery of a lifetime.


An eight-year-old child, relying only on one man and one sword, without any soul ring!

Accidental encounter with a thousand-year-old soul beast!

Just pay the price of his own serious injury, and kill it!

That soul beast is not a certain ice silkworm from a certain lake!

It is the middle-level bloodline of Zhengerba Sutra - Gale Silver Wolf, whose thousand-year cultivation is comparable to that of a high-level soul master!

The reason why he can kill is because the eight-year-old Ji Juechen has mastered the sword heart and sword intention that even the Soul Emperor of Sword Martial Arts may not master!

Although Ji Juechen feigned death to sneak attack at that time, he beheaded him, but that was still killing.

Nowadays, Ditian often wonders whether this human being is a human being or whether he is the reincarnation of a sword god.

Di Tian had made up his mind at the beginning that as long as this person refused his solicitation, he would directly kill him. This kind of human genius must not be allowed to grow!

However, this monster is worthy of being a monster, and is completely different from the way ordinary people think.

Just asked a question.

"Will joining Chuanling Pavilion make me stronger?"

Ditian's answer is yes, it is not impossible for you to become a sword god in the future.

Eight-year-old Ji Juechen signed a law contract with him on the spot.

After being trained by a large number of geniuses and treasures, Ji Juechen's only cultivation talent of innate third-level soul power was made up for.

With his strong understanding and perseverance, he became a soul saint from a soul master in ten years!

The combat power is even more terrifying!Not inferior to ordinary titled Douluo!


Li Yunhan was sitting under the big tree at the entrance of Kaoshan Village, looking at the six camps set up on the grassy slope in the distance.

The respect for Huo Yuhao in his heart grew even more.

In the past two days, more than one group of people came to Kaoshan Village, including even the head coach of Xingluo Mingdou Mountains, who came specifically to apologize.

Claiming that he was negligent in discipline, he didn't want his subordinate Li Tie to bully the people like this, so he apologized for this.

However, Li Yunhan didn't listen to a word of Dai Hao's words. He only knew that Huo Yuhao had killed all the animals in the Mingdou Mountains, so that they would no longer have to live in fear.

As for gifts, as many as you push, one will be confiscated.

He still doesn't know that these guys with human faces and animal hearts are doing one thing on the surface but doing another thing behind the scenes, aren't they just trying to get close to them through him?

It sounds so nice, but I haven't seen you go to other villages and apologize in a low voice.

Of course, Li Yunhan could choose to accept it and then do nothing at all.

But why did he accept it, he is an old man who is dying of old age, what is the use of taking these things.

And the most important thing is that he will not use that name to make profits for himself.

He has achieved his greatest wish in this life, and people must be content.


In front of the mountain village.

Where the forces of the Sun and Moon Empire were stationed, Jing Hongchen urged the flying soul guide to fall into the camp.

Before he could stop, faces that made him do evil suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's not that it's ugly, it's just unlucky.

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