Douluo: I am the Soul Emperor, Qian Renxue’s biological brother

Chapter 4: Blood Emperor Body, innate level 6 soul power!

Chapter 4: Blood Emperor Body, innate sixty-level soul power!


The moment the Soul Emperor's palm touched the awakening crystal, Qian Daoliu also transferred a trace of soul power into Qian Renxue's body just like before.

The awakening crystal was suddenly filled with blood-colored light at this moment, shrouding the figure of Soul Emperor, and even the surrounding aura was suppressed at this moment, as if it was filled with extreme terror.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the great enshrined Qian Daoliu, the second enshrined Golden Crocodile Douluo, and the other enshrined persons showed a hint of solemnity.

"Although I have long guessed that the young master's martial spirit may not be a seraph, such a powerful aura and terrifying power are simply unheard of!"

The second most powerful disciple of Wuhun Palace, the level 98 Super Douluo Golden Crocodile Douluo, also said with a solemn expression at this moment.

Hearing this, everyone present looked solemnly at the Soul Emperor who was awakening his martial soul.

As all the bloody energy began to gather, behind the Soul Emperor, a bloody figure slowly emerged, with a terrifying and powerful aura emanating from it.

This aura and power are completely different from those of the god-level Seraphs, and even far surpass the Seraphs.

"What kind of martial spirit is this? It's also a real body type, just like the angel martial spirit."

"However, this aura and power are much more powerful than the angel spirit!"

Seeing the figure of blood gathering behind Soul Emperor, Qianjun Douluo was shocked.

"Xiaoxue, what kind of martial spirit have you awakened?!"

Feeling the terror of this blood figure, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but be shocked.

Oh it's you!

At the same time, Emperor Hun Tian looked at the martial soul he had awakened and couldn't help but secretly thought.

The Emperor of Blood!

This is the Dou Emperor's true form condensed by Soul Heavenly Emperor after breaking through Dou Emperor on the Dou Qi Continent. The power of Dou Emperor's true form is extremely terrifying, and it is enough to destroy half of the Zhongzhou Continent with a wave of his hand.

The Soul Emperor also did not expect that the martial soul he awakened would actually be his blood emperor body.

"This is my martial spirit - the Blood Emperor Body!"

Hearing this, Emperor Hun Tian also replied calmly.

The Emperor of Blood!

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu's expression changed slightly.

It's not their Qianjia's Seraph Martial Spirit, nor is it Bibi Dong's Soul-eating Spider Emperor. It seems like this is a Martial Spirit that mutated after the combination of the two.

Although he didn't know what level he had reached, Qian Daoliu knew very well that the level of this martial spirit was definitely not inferior to that of the Seraphim.

Although this martial soul mutation is developing in a good direction, Qian Daoliu is not happy.

Thousands of their families have inherited angel martial spirits, and their inherited will is to eradicate all evil in the world.

At this moment, the martial soul awakened by Qian Renxue was definitely an evil-attributed martial soul. The blood evil aura and evil power were even more terrifying than those of the so-called evil soul masters.

As a family of holy angels, the appearance of such an evil martial spirit made De Qiandaoliu feel a little hesitant for a while.

"Xiaoxue, come and test your innate soul power!"

While Qian Daoliu was in a daze, the second worshipper next to him, Golden Crocodile Douluo, was a little impatient.

He wanted to see how terrifying this child's innate soul power was, just after he was born, with the ability to suppress Titled Douluo? !

Innately full of soul power? !

Or innate level [-]? !

Or, level [-]?

At this moment, all the worshipers present looked at the Soul Emperor with serious eyes.

The moment Emperor Soul touched the crystal ball, the entire crystal ball glowed with dazzling blood-colored light.

Congenital level [-]!

In an instant, all the worshipers present had shocked expressions on their faces.

"No, it's still going on!"

Qian Daoliu's eyes were fixed on the crystal ball, and he saw that the crystal ball began to be filled with cracks like spider silk.


The next moment, the entire crystal ball exploded.

<divclass="contentadv">Seeing this scene, the worshipers present showed a hint of solemnity and shock.

This was a twenty-level soul power crystal, and it actually exploded.

Could it be that this child's innate soul power has already surpassed the innate level [-] and exceeded the limit of a god-level seraph?

"Jianmo, go and get a level [-] one!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo also looked directly at Demon-Conquering Douluo and said.

As for why it was Demon-Conquering Douluo, it was naturally because he was the weakest here.

Soon, the level [-] soul power crystal was also brought!


Under the shock of everyone, the level [-] soul power crystal exploded.

"Take the level [-] one!"

At this moment, Qian Daoliu became a little anxious and urged.

There is no surprise in the level [-] soul power crystal.


Still bursting!

"Bring me the level [-] one!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Daoliu took a deep breath and spoke again.

After bringing in the sixty-level soul power crystal, the crystal ball finally did not explode. Instead, the entire crystal ball was filled with light, and the entire crystal ball glowed.

Innate soul power level sixty!

It’s actually level [-] innate soul power!

At this moment, everyone present looked at Qian Renxue as if they were looking at a complete monster.

Is this really human? !

Has such a terrifying existence ever appeared in this world? !

Innate soul power has actually reached level [-]!

In other words, this child actually has the strength of the Soul Emperor at the age of six!

You know, looking at the entire Douluo Continent, the Soul Emperor's strength belongs to the upper-middle level of the strong, and in their Wuhun Palace, they are also in the middle of the middle.

This child actually reached such a state as soon as he was born!

"God! I saw the appearance of God!"

At this moment, the level 98 Golden Crocodile Douluo was trembling, staring at the Soul Emperor and saying, "He will definitely become the first god-level existence in the Douluo Continent in ten thousand years!"

Hearing this, the three, four, five, six and seven worshippers all nodded slightly.

The innate soul power has reached level [-], which means that the Soul Emperor has more time to reach the divine realm than ordinary people.

I am afraid that this child will be able to become a Titled Douluo before he is 20 years old, and he will be able to become a Level 40 Extreme Douluo at the age of 99.

The next time will directly impact the realm of God.

It's so scary!

"Grandpa Golden Crocodile, is my brother's awakened soul power very strong?" At this moment, Xiao Qian Renxue, who was standing pretty next to him, looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo and asked.

"Of course he is very strong. Your brother's innate soul power has been number one in the entire Douluo Continent for thousands of years!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo looked at Xiao Qian Renxue at this moment, smiled and touched his forehead: "Of course, Xiaoxue, you are not bad either, you are only worse than your brother, everyone else you are better than them!"

In response to this, the rest of the worshipers' eyes flashed with different colors.

"There must not be any rumors about what happened today!"

Immediately afterwards, Qian Daoliu said coldly to several major worshipers.

The six worshipers all nodded, knowing exactly what this meant.

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