Douluo Continent full of heroic spirits

Chapter 26 The Storm in Karna

Chapter 26 Karna’s Troubles

Tiandou Royal Academy is an aristocratic academy, but recently the damage to Karna has become more and more serious.

Looking at the different eyes of the people around him, but there is one thing revealed in their eyes, that is, discrimination against Karna.

Originally, it stands to reason that Karna should not be the object of discrimination.

After all, Karna was specially recommended by Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of Tiandou.

However, as Karna's talent showed, Karna gradually became a model for nobles to educate their children.

Thus, Karna became a child of someone else's family.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the key to Karna's deep discrimination, but, with Karna's status in the Tiandou Royal Academy rising, all boats are rising.

Moreover, Karna would not kowtow to those nobles and so-called seniors, so many people who were surpassed by Karna also began to be jealous of Karna.

With the support of a certain Prince Xue Beng who did not want to be named.

Those seniors who were originally because of Karna's lack of respect, and those nobles who didn't pay homage to them because of Karna, began to suppress their jealousy.

Under the multiple emotions, everyone passed on the hatred for the entire Tiandou team and the resentment for their unfair status to Karna.

The rest of the Tiandou team, they can't afford to mess with them, after all, there are their own bosses standing behind them.

Even if he went to school with Karna, Siegfried is also a commoner, but behind Siegfried is the titled Douluo Poison Douluo Dugu Bo who must be vengeful.

In addition, Siegfried was adopted by Dugu Bo, so everyone didn't bother to investigate Siegfried's life experience, but defined Siegfried as Dugu Bo's adopted son...or adopted grandson?Or a child bride?

Anyway, no matter how he is called, Siegfried's identity is completely different in the eyes of nobles.

Looking back at Karna, although the start of school was brought here by Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of Tiandou.

But for such a long time, Xue Qinghe has not shown his face, so it is easy for everyone to think that Karna is no longer favored by Xue Qinghe.

Plus someone who is unwilling to disclose... Forget it, let Xue Beng reveal that Karna's identity is the son of Xueqinghe's coachman.

This matter can be said to have caused quite a stir in the Tiandou Royal Academy.

After all, it doesn't mean that Tiandou Royal Academy has never recruited ordinary commoner students, at least everyone has an acceptance value in their hearts.

However, being a commoner does not mean that everyone can accept the humble status of the coachman's son!

In fact, the status of a civilian is somewhat nobler than that of a coachman.

Moreover, there are also differences in professions. For example, they are both professions, but craftsmen can make weapons and have a special blacksmith association, so the status of blacksmiths is not low.

But the coachman...who has ever heard of this thing having an identity?

Moreover, everyone is a noble and cannot be contacted by other professions. But if everyone travels for fun on weekdays, aren’t they all coachmen and drivers?

The children of the aristocrats yelled and drank six, and the coachman had to be submissive because of his salary, so this also caused everyone to discriminate against the coachman.

So, with this discrimination, with that jealousy towards Karna.

Adhering to the principle of slandering you if you can't surpass you.

As a result, the entire Heaven Dou Imperial Academy actually had a storm of contempt and contempt for Karna.

In the beginning, there was nothing wrong with this turmoil. After all, some noble children looked down on the teachers of Tiandou Imperial Academy.

But later, as the situation progressed further, even the principals of Tiandou Royal Academy could do nothing to solve it.

After all, in Tiandou Royal Academy, there are all nobles, even if Meng Shenji is Contra, but in front of so many nobles, they have to kneel.

Helpless, before Karna himself received the attack, Meng Shenji planned to turn a blind eye.

"Karna, if necessary, I can ask the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect to warn them!"

Yu Tianheng came to Karna and said.

"Well, Karna, I can also ask Grandpa to warn them!"

Dugu Yan also walked up to Karna and said.

The purpose of both of them is very pure, not to blackmail Karna as a condition, but just to help their teammates who have been with them for a long time.

Moreover, this matter is actually nothing to them.

After all, no matter whether it is Dugu Bo or the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, they are existences beyond the reach of those nobles.

The two sides have no interest relationship, and those who look down on Karna are only the children of those nobles, and they are not directly attacking those nobles.

Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng of the Tiandou team said so, and the others, such as the two brothers Osluo Yufeng and Shi Mo Shimo, did not play.

Although their family is also aristocratic, they can't compete with so many nobles at all.

But they also wanted to help Karna.

So, Oslo and the others plucked up their courage, came to Karna and made suggestions to Karna.

"Actually, Karna, we have also tried to ask, as long as Karna denies that you are the son of Su Duo, the coachman, then we can define you as a courtier of Prince Tiandou, so that they will not dare to do anything to you."

Oslo stepped forward and said, this is the way they meet each other.

For the coachman's son, the nobles of Tiandou Royal Academy dared to offend or despise him.

But for Prince Tiandou's future courtiers, those high and low will be the future courtiers of extreme people. If these noble children did nothing, they might be beaten up by their parents.

"That's right, Karna, as long as you leave this identity for a short time, they won't dare to gossip about you!"

Dugu Yan also agreed with this suggestion.

After all, this is the easiest and fastest method, and it can also guarantee that no one will make a fuss about it in the future.


Facing the advice given by the Tiandou team, Karna Juechen stood there like the purest lotus in the world.

"Thank you for your suggestions, but I will not deny my father because of my father's identity. Although everyone's suggestions are very good, it really allows me to avoid this turmoil."

Karna stood there with his right hand on his heart and said.

"However, I can't deny my identity. In my heart, I don't think my father's identity is inferior. In the same way, I don't think I have anything to escape as my father's son!"

Everyone in the Tiandou team couldn't help being a little moved when they saw Karna's appearance.

"My father raised me with his labor, so I am very proud of my father's career and labor, but I still appreciate everyone's advice, thank you!"

When Karna said this, he also thanked everyone at Tiandou Academy.

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