Chapter 56 As an elder...

"Miss, the jade box is here, you can take a look."

The shopkeeper was holding a tray full of jade boxes.

Few people buy these things on purpose, and the ones they have in the warehouse were ordered by someone and ended up not being asked for.

I don't know if this little girl wants it, but if she wants it, then it's a good thing for him to pay off a batch of inventory that no one wants.

Jiang Yu'an picked up the jade boxes and looked at them one by one. They were actually quite good, but they had someone else's logo on them. It would be impolite to give them away.

But she is used to pick things up, it doesn't matter if there is a logo or not, she won't give it away anyway.

On the contrary, she could save some money on these inventories, and Jiang Yu'an was extremely satisfied, even though it did not cost her money.

However, she would not say it out loud if she was satisfied. She placed the jade box on the tray and said with an embarrassed look: "Shopkeeper, there is someone else's logo on this, this..."

"Miss, if you want 50 gold soul coins, there is no big problem for your own use. Our materials are all good. If you want to give them away, we can order them."

"It's too late to order. I want it now, and there are still a lot of it. Although it can be used, it will be very embarrassing for me if it may be given away."

Jiang Yu'an's expression was particularly tangled, he wanted but didn't want to let her handle it fully.

"How about I go to another house and have a look, hey..." Jiang Yu'an sighed, stood up and walked out, but his speed gave others a chance to stay.

"Miss, to tell you the truth, someone else ordered this and then didn't want it. If you want it, I'll give it to you at a low price. How about a 40 gold soul coin?"

The shopkeeper was a little anxious. He finally had such an opportunity to clear his inventory, so he probably couldn't miss it.

"30 gold soul coins, I want it." Jiang Yu'an didn't have the look of embarrassment just now, his eyes were full of cunning.

"You..." Now the shopkeeper looked embarrassed, why are you so old at such a young age?

"30 gold soul coins, I can't explain it."

"You have 30 gold soul coins in stock. Earning 30 gold soul coins is better than sitting in ashes in the warehouse, right?"

Jiang Yu'an didn't back down at all, 30 gold soul coins is still a cost price, if you sell it to her, you can still get back your money, if you don't sell it, you will only eat ashes.

It is difficult for normal people to get things that are engraved with other people's logos, and if the logo is cut off, the entire box will be destroyed, which is why these batches are in the dust.

"Okay, okay, hey."

Jiang Yu'an showed an expression like a little fox and quickly put the box away.

"35, 30 gold soul coins, one thousand and fifty gold soul coins, you count." Jiang Yu'an placed the bags of gold soul coins on the counter and waited for the shopkeeper to finish counting.

The shopkeeper poured out the gold soul coins into bags and counted them. After making sure they were correct, he returned the bags to Jiang Yu'an.

It seems that taking a bath can really wash away bad luck.

Maybe the shopkeeper just thought that she, a child, should not understand anything, so she took the jade box engraved with someone else's logo, but for her, it was indeed a bargain.

She happily ran to Dugu Bo's vegetable garden again. This time she took a special detour. Don't ask, it just felt unlucky.

That corpse Jiang Yu'an didn't even want to tell Tang San to let him collect the corpse, let her be so unlucky, let's hang it on the tree to dry, she almost took her to death, damn it.

It was a smooth journey to the outside of Dugu Bo's poisonous fog, and Jiang Yu'an waited for Dugu Bo to pick him up.

Although she has the antidote pill, she can't climb that mountain. Instead of going so far to get in by herself, it's better to wait for someone to screw her in.

Dugu Bo looked at Jiang Yu'an who came back, and was a little surprised: "He came back so soon? Does the jade box need to be ordered?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu'an showed a smile, a row of small teeth came out and blew a cool breeze.

"Of course it's my luck. That company printed someone else's logo, and then the others didn't want it and couldn't sell it, so I happened to pick up a leak, hehehehe."

A black line floated over Dugu Bo's head: "Are you so poor?"

This made Jiang Yuan a little dissatisfied, "Do you know what frugality is? Besides, I am already very poor. I also want to buy a house to bring my family here. Titled Douluo like you must have everything you want. I I’m just a little soul master, I’m very poor.”

"Okay, okay." Dugu Bo got a headache from being read by Jiang Yu'an, so he could only respond with a full mouth.

Tang San took the box and listened to the price, he was also very satisfied.

It's his An'an, but he's smart.

The two of them were like groundhogs, scurrying and digging here and there, very busy.

Tang San picked off a pear-like fruit and put it into the box, then threw it to Dugu Bo behind him.

"This, give it to our grandson... cough, give it to Dugu Yan, and then find a soul bone for her. From now on, the poison from cultivation will be forced into the soul bone. There is no need to take special antidote."

Dugu Bo stared at the box in his hand, with an expression on his face that he was hesitant to speak. He pointed at the box and spoke with difficulty: "It turns out that I have been worried for most of my life, and my hair has turned gray from worry. In the end, this little thing solved it." ?”

"Yes, what else?" Tang San took the time to look back at him.

Dugu Bo grabbed a handful of hair, and a few more hair strands fell from his head.

"Am I at a loss?"

" finally found it?" Jiang Yu'an looked at him in surprise, as if he was watching some silly dog ​​finally discover the bone in front of him.

"But you won't regret it, right?" Jiang Yu'an then looked at Dugu Bo warily.

Dugu Bo pursed his lips tightly. Can he say that he really regrets it?

But as a Titled Douluo, can he do such a cheap thing?

No... maybe he can really do it with others, but as a good brother he just recognized, he can't do such a shameful thing.

He insisted and said: "How is it possible? I am a dignified titled Douluo, can I do this? Of course I can't go back on what I said! Take it as you want!"

Dugu Bo spoke generously, with a pained expression on his face.

However, Jiang Yu'an and Tang San both had their backs to him, and could not see the expression on his face at all.

However, the two of them still had some conscience and only took some necessary and fully mature herbs.

The seeds and the like were well preserved.

Jiang Yu'an and Tang San stood up after picking, rubbed their waists and shoulders at the same time, and then stretched together.

The strange tacit understanding made Dugu Bo stare dumbfounded again.

It seems that he really has no chance to introduce his granddaughter to his good brother.

Then be an elder and take care of his family's geese. If you are an elder, what good things can't be missing, right?

It doesn't matter if he gives some of this medicinal herb to Yanyan at that time, right?

A strange smile appeared on Dugu Bo's face, and heyed to Tang San for a while.

Tang San got goosebumps from his laughter, and walked away in disgust.

The plane was delayed hahaha, but I was actually able to catch up. I boarded the plane at the exact moment I finished coding. What a great luck.

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