Madara's whole body was trembling slightly. No matter how hard he suppressed his voice, Kamui knew that he was crying just by the sound of his breathing.

This was the first time in Shenwei's two lifetimes that he was held in the arms of a person of the same sex, not counting the time at the bottom of the cliff. At that time, he had a fever and was delirious.

He clearly hated anyone's touch, but at this moment, listening to Madara's suppressed cries, he didn't even think of pushing him away.

Kamui seemed to have found a very fun thing to do, that is, watching Uchiha Madara feel uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable he felt, the happier he felt.

This is much more interesting than killing him.

"Hey, are you crying?" After feeling it for a while, he asked with a smile.

Madara was very stubborn and did not admit it even when he was crying.

"But I feel wet on my shoulders." Kamui said funny.

"That's your illusion."

"Well... okay, let me go."

Madara didn't do it, but asked him: "Who did it?"

When he thought of Hinata Chenguang's face, Kamui's eyes became a little colder. He closed his eyes hard and drove Hinata Chenguang's face out of his mind.

"That person has been killed by me."


"So, let me go quickly. What's going on with two grown men fighting?"

Kamui said this. Madara circled his arm and hesitated for a moment. He whispered: "Then don't look at my face."

With a chuckle, Kamui struggled for a moment and said honestly and politely: "Hey, Madara, you pressed on my wound."

This sentence worked better than anything else. Madara bounced away from Kamui like a frightened rabbit. At this moment, he really looked like a rabbit, with long hair and red eyes.

"It hurts?" he asked.

Kamui nodded, narrowed his eyes and looked at him with a half-smile, and asked: "Madara, you are really crying, right?"

Madara was completely different when he was with Kamui than when he was with others. Just like every time he faced someone with whom he had a close relationship, because he had been familiar with her since childhood, he could not help but reveal some childishness that he was not even aware of.

"I didn't." He retorted.

Kamui smiled, "You have it. I've seen it. Your eyes are as red as a rabbit. Do you still remember the one Izumi raised when you were a child? Your eyes are as red as that now." Memory, Kamui spoke as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Looking at Kamui's smile and talking about the childhood memories that belonged to the two of them, for a moment, it seemed as if all the unpleasant memories had disappeared and they were back to being children again.

Madara rubbed his eyes and knelt down a few steps towards Kamui. He stared into Kamui's eyes and spoke extremely sincerely.

"You have suffered a lot in the past four years, and I will never suffer again. I am not the Uchiha Madara of the past. I have become much stronger than before. I will protect you and prevent you from suffering any grievances again. Kamui, you believe me.”

Kamui put away his smile and looked at the young man in front of him. His eyes were sincere and his tone was sincere.

It is impossible to forgive him. As for trusting him, Shenwei no longer trusts anyone.

Trust means to take out your sincerity, and what you will get in exchange for taking out your sincerity. After trying it once, he was completely defeated, and he will definitely not do it a second time.

During those four years, he regarded it as repaying the favor for occupying Uchiha Kamui's body.

In the future, he will not make any self-sacrifice for the so-called Uchiha.

He is keeping Uchiha Madara's life for the time being. As far as he is concerned, if he wants to live well, it is not enough to rely solely on the awakening system and the taijutsu learned from the Hyuga family.

There is still a use in keeping Uchiha Madara alive, and he will take it out when he wants it on a whim.

"I'm not a good person, aren't you afraid of me?"

Madara shook his head, the Kamui he knew was not a bad person.

"I may kill you at any time, but you still want me to stay by your side even then?"

"We've been together since childhood."

Placing the tip of his tongue against the inner wall of his mouth, Kamui smiled and nodded.

"Well, don't regret it."

Madara's only regret was obeying his father and sending Kamui to Hinata. Four years later, Kamui came back with a lame right leg and broken meridians.

He vowed to kill Hinata, and he must avenge this.

Kamui single-handedly provoked a family feud between Hinata and Uchiha, but Tajima did not punish him.

As Madara gets stronger and stronger, Tajima can only get weaker and weaker. When he finally realizes that his son is no longer the obedient boy in the past, he understands that although he is the nominal leader of the clan, he can He also had to make concessions to his son.

Shenwei understands his mentality very well, just like the emperor who likes to kill his sons when he is old, but it is just because of his lack of confidence due to old age and weakened strength.

Tajima was better off in this world when he was no longer in his prime and worried about his son usurping the throne. At least, he never had the intention of killing his son because he was no longer in his prime.

All he did was give in over and over again.

Madara took her life to protect Kamui, but in the end Tajima had no choice but to let him go.

"I know you have a deep brotherly love, but I want to remind you that with such kindness as a woman, you will be destroyed in his hands in the future."

This is Tajima's warning to Madara that he hates iron and cannot become steel.

Madara listened silently. After a while, he looked at his father in front of him and asked: "Then when you were protecting Nobuhiko and was almost beaten to death by your grandfather, did you also think that you would be destroyed in his hands?"

Uchiha Nobuhiko is Tajima's best friend and Kamui's father.

Tajima was stunned. How could Madara know about those old events?

Madara's eyes were pure and he continued to ask: "He left his pregnant wife from a foreign race and went to the battlefield for you and never came back. When he exchanged his life for yours, do you also think he will destroy you? ?”

Tajima was completely speechless.

Madara sat across from him with his head bowed, his voice low and lonely, "I want to protect my friends, brothers and clan members, and I want to change this war-torn world. This is what I became a ninja for, whether it's an ordinary ninja or a clan leader, But just for this, it doesn’t matter even if I lose my life for it.”

Father, will he understand?

He had to concentrate on dealing with the Senju, but also take measures to deal with Hinata.

Tajima had strong opinions on Kamui, but he had no choice.

I heard from Shakuhachi that Kamui's right leg had not been treated in time, and now the leg bone is dislocated and healed, leaving him with a lifelong disability.

Most of the meridians in his body were severed, and it was almost impossible to concentrate chakra anymore.

Moreover, due to long-term malnutrition, this body has been struggling to hold on. In fact, the whole person is extremely weak.

Because of Shakuhachi's words, Tajima also understood how miserable Kamui's life was in Hinata.

Thinking that the protons of the Hyuga family were living a good life here, but Kamui had to suffer this, just thinking about it made Tajima so angry that his liver ached.

If Hinata Liuguang was not dead, he would also like to ask why he treated a child like this.

However, he knew that even if he asked, it would be of no use. He had suffered all the pain, and such accountability after the fact would not change anything.

Using Kamui in exchange for Uchiha's four-year rear stability, he could no longer ask for anything more from Kamui.

However, this child was so impulsive that he killed Hinata Liuguang on the spot regardless of the overall situation.

While sighing, Tajima began to wonder about Kamui's abilities.

The invisibility ability to avoid Sharingan and Byakugan...

What exactly is it?

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