Naruto: Become Uchiha Madara’s mobile health pack

Chapter 83 1 Bowl of Red Beans and Rice

Kamui spent the entire autumn pretending to be ill.

He was sick when he first arrived, and Hinata Liuguang also knew from spies that Kamui had been sick since he was a child.

The fact that he no longer works as a sparring partner for Hinata Chenxi was also confused due to physical reasons.

Hinata Chenxi felt very sorry for this, but she was also very puzzled. When she came to visit Kamui once, she asked him, "Is it because of the rain in late summer and early autumn? I got sick after getting caught in the rain, and I never recovered." ?”

Kamui nodded and said perfunctorily to her, "Probably, I'm not in good health to begin with."

"Then let me find the best doctor in the clan to diagnose and treat you, okay?"

Shenwei pretended to cough a few times, looking so weak that Sister Lin felt ashamed.

He waved his hands, furious, but still smiling, "No, I've been like this since I was a child. The doctor said I was not born well, and I've already earned enough to live to this age."

Hinata Chenxi looked at Kamui's lackluster smiling face, his mouth flattened and he was very sad.

She couldn't tell how sad she was when she thought that Kamui might disappear from this world one day.

She sat down next to Shenwei in despair, basking in the sun with him on the edge of the river.

"The morning light disappeared that night, and your health deteriorated because of the rain that night. It was an unlucky night."

Yes, it was an unlucky night.

Since then, Hinata Chenxi no longer imagined that Kamui would learn and improve with her, but she would still come to see him from time to time.

From Kamui's point of view, she just wanted to find a trash can to listen to her talk. Hinata and Xizhao, that honest man, had no patience to listen to her chatter. Only Kamui, who never resisted, could listen to all her chatter.

Autumn passed in such a calm and uneventful day. During this period, Kamui opened the space and used the system several times. It was not because it was necessary, he just wanted to practice his proficiency.

On this day, the sixth day of the lunar month of Frost, when Shenwei woke up from hearing the crow of the neighbor's cock, the sky outside was just getting bright.

He leaned against the window and opened it a crack, and the cold wind that hit his face squeezed in through the crack with fine snowflakes.

His sleepiness was blown away by the sudden influx of coolness. He looked at the snowflakes blowing on his hair, and for a moment he had the illusion of going back in time.

Three years ago, it also snowed on the day he left the Uchiha clan. The snowflakes were bigger than this and fell one by one from the light gray sky, icy and cool.

Kamui turned his head and glanced at the numbers recorded on the wall. He crawled back on his hands and knees and took out the small piece of charcoal from under the pillow.

This time, he did not continue writing in the previous order, but counted down.

He wrote the number 360 on the wall. Every day that passes becomes one day less. When the number reaches zero, it will be the day when Uchiha Madara fulfills his promise to destroy the Hyuga clan and take him away.

Having said that, Kamui's feelings towards Madara are very strange now. On the one hand, he feels that he is different from others to him, but on the other hand, he really hates him.

The offenses I suffered in the Hyuga family these days were all thanks to him, weren't they?

He had wanted very, very much to kill him.

Kamui looked at the numbers in a daze. If the Hyuga clan in the original work could continue until Shippuden Boruto, would the Hyuga clan that Uchiha Madara swore to get rid of survive until that time?

It's really hard to say, after all, in the original work, Uchiha Madara didn't have any enmity with Hinata.

In one year, compared with the painful three years in the past, it seems that we can see the light of day.

Kamui also became a little excited because of this. He put on his clothes and opened the door, standing on the porch despite the cold wind and snow.

This body has been treated harshly here for three years and has become very weak. When winter comes, his limbs become cold and he suffers from severe chills.

But that day, for the first time, he didn't feel cold.

The Hyuga clan's land is in the south, and it rarely snows so early here. The wind and snow blew the dry dogtail grass on the roof to and fro, and a thin layer of snow already accumulated on the ground.

That year, he was like this when he left Uchiha.

Stretching out his hand, snow like salt particles fell into his palm, and the faces of Madara and Izuna appeared in his mind.

Shenwei curled up his lips and smiled, what are those two guys like now? Have they grown up?

The gray sky and yellow soil dyed this first snowy winter day gray. In the wind and snow, a man wearing a black cloak suddenly appeared in Shenwei's field of vision.

The door was opened, and during the opening, you could see that there was no one on the street, and it was as empty as a ghost town.

For a moment, he thought it was someone coming to take him away, but then he realized how ridiculous his idea was.

Just by looking at the figure, he knew who it was.

When Hinata Asuka saw Kamui standing in the corridor wearing only thin clothes, he couldn't help but take a few steps and ran towards him. As he ran, he said dissatisfiedly: "You are weak, why don't you stay in the room in such a cold weather?"

What he said made people laugh. In the dilapidated house where Shenwei lived, there was heavy rain outside and light rain inside, strong wind outside and clear air inside. There was not much difference between the inside and outside of the house.

Shenwei didn't pay much attention to his words. He patted the snow on his body and jumped on the edge. Shenwei looked around and saw that the gray-brown house was covered with a thin layer of snow, like a person with dark skin who had applied powder. After all, It's a make-up.

He smiled, "This is the first snow. It was in such weather that I left Uchiha."

Hinata Asuka silently took off his cloak and put it on Kamui. The cloak still carried his warmth, making him feel much warmer.

"Didn't you say we should meet as little as possible? Why are you here again?"

Hinata Asuka stood here with Kamui, raising the food box in her hand to show him.

"I'm here to give you this," he said with a rare smile. He was originally a very handsome young man, but when he smiled, he became more childish.

"This is..." Shenwei glanced at it. The lid was tightly closed, and it was impossible to tell what was inside.

He asked, and Hinata Asuka's mood rose. He pulled Kamui to the room, and said happily as he walked: "Come in and take a look, it's still warm."

Kamui sat on the floor with only a worn cushion, watching Hinata Asuka open the food box and take out a bowl of red beans and rice.

Hinata Asuka put the red bean rice on the low table and pushed it to Kamui like a treasure. Even the chopsticks and spoons were ready, so you could use whichever one you wanted.

"I specially added sugar to it. It's soft, glutinous and sweet with the unique aroma of red beans. Try it."

Kamui looked at the bowl of red bean rice and then at Hinata Asuka, and suddenly felt puzzled. He laughed, rested his elbows on the table and held his chin in one hand, and asked: "Why don't you stay at home to keep warm early in the morning just to come here?" Bring me a bowl of red beans and rice?"

Hinata Asuka was looking at him with a smile in his eyes, and suddenly felt that his behavior was a bit awkward. He blinked his big gray eyes and glanced around constantly, but he did not dare to look at Kamui.

"If you make too much, the red beans will harden if left over, so I might as well give them to you to eat."

Kamui raised his eyebrows and looked at Hinata Asuka's poor acting with a half-smile.

Even though he knew he had good intentions, Kamui couldn't be too aggressive.

Lazy, he grabbed the spoon, took a big spoonful and put it into his mouth.

The glutinous rice is sticky, and the aroma of rice and red beans are mixed together. Not only do they not cover up the aroma of each other, but they are in perfect harmony.

This was Kamui's first time eating red bean rice. After he took two or three bites, Hinata Asuka dared to look at him again. He asked carefully and expectantly: "How does it taste?"

"Hmm..." After swallowing the mouthful of red beans and rice, Shenwei felt that he had eaten something like this in the past. He squinted his eyes and thought for a long time, slapped his forehead, and shouted: "I know, this Isn’t it the taste of rice dumplings?”

Hinata Asuka:? ? ?

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