Naruto: Become Uchiha Madara’s mobile health pack

Chapter 76: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Seeing that the sword was almost in front of Hagoromo Rehe, he, who had rich life experience, did not dodge for a moment. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the sword coming straight towards him. His figure did not waver and was as steady as a mountain.

If Kamui's sword really doesn't hurt him, this is the best excuse for him to ask Hinata to deal with Kamui.

In this way, there will definitely be a rift between Hinata and Uchiha, which is very beneficial to him if he wants to win over Hinata and kick Uchiha out.

The courage and courage of those who achieve great things are unmatched by ordinary people. In order to achieve their goals, they can even release their own bodies and let the other party poke them with swords.

After coming back from the beautiful and powerful sword dance, the expressions of everyone with their own agendas were very exciting.

There is Hyuga Chenxi who is worried, and there is also Hinata Chenguang who is not too worried about the heat, and there is also Hinata Liuguang who is in a somewhat conflicted mood, and the follower who is always ready to go out to protect the clan leader but is signaled by the clan leader to not move, and...

"Divine power!"

With a loud shout and hearing someone calling his name, Kamui regained some of his consciousness, and what came straight to him was the scabbard he had kicked out.

The opponent's technique was extremely accurate, and the sword scabbard was faster than Shenwei, and came to him.

Holding the scabbard subconsciously, the person also came to Hagoromo Rehe. The tip of the sword brushed against Hagoromo Rehe's ear, and a strand of black hair fell down as if it had lost its sustenance.

Pushing the edge of the low table in front of Hagoromo Reika with his toes again, Kamui did a backflip and retreated a few meters.

When he landed and stood firm, the sword had been sheathed, sealing away the murderous aura just now.

Kamui took a few deep breaths and was thankful that Hinata and Xizhao took action in time. If he hadn't disrupted him, he might have done something irreversible.

Moreover, it was obvious that he was following the other party's lead.

Thinking like this, Kamui hurriedly went to see Hagoromo Reika who was sitting there.

As expected of the leader of the clan, the situation just now was so dangerous, but he did not change his face because of it.

"Sorry, just now, my foot slipped just now..."

You knew this excuse was fake as soon as you heard it. There was carpet under your feet, so why would your feet slip?

But the divine power did not cause any actual harm to him, and even the punishment was painless and meaningless.

Yuyi Liehe laughed twice and waved his hand, showing the generosity of an elder and the head of the clan, "No problem."

Such an excellent sword dance program should have been praised by viewers, but because of this last incident, the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

Kamui returned the sword to Hagoromo Reika's entourage, and when he returned to his seat, he nodded slightly to Hinata and Sunset to express his gratitude.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that it was Hinata and Xizhao who saved his life through his quick wit.

Sitting down in his seat, Hinata Chenguang immediately took his tea cup and handed it to Kamui, saying kindly: "Hurry up and have a drink to calm down."

Kamui glared at him unceremoniously, ignored the cup he handed over, picked up his already cold tea, raised his head and poured it down his throat.

"Seriously you don't want to drink from me?"

Hinata Chenguang was not angry even after being brushed off by someone's good intentions. He looked at Wei's Adam's apple with a meaningful look, raised his head and drank the cup of tea that could not be delivered.

The mighty sword dance brought the banquet to its climax and came to an end. The meal was almost finished and everything that needed to be said was said. For the rest, the two clan leaders could continue to discuss the details in private.

The clouds that had accumulated all afternoon finally began to rain heavily, driven by strong winds.

It was obviously the end of summer, and the temperature had dropped due to the arrival of wind and rain, but Kamui felt that he was extremely hot.

That's right, everyone else was sitting quietly, but he was the only one, with swords flying all over the place, so it was inevitable that it would be hotter.

Standing at the door of the banquet hall, Shenwei was in a daze watching the rain getting heavier and heavier. Lightning appeared in the sky from time to time, and the rain would only get heavier.

Hinata Chenguang didn't know if it was because of his conscience, but he knew that what he did at the banquet was excessive, so he followed Kamui with a shy face.

The lanterns on the corridor were swaying in the wind and rain, and the candles inside were bright and dim.

"You're sweating so much," he said.

Shenwei noticed it himself, raised his hand to wipe it, and said in a not-so-good tone, "Ah, I have to thank you very much."

Hinata Chenguang didn't shirk, and responded with a smile, "It's really my fault, but don't take it to heart."

Shenwei didn't want to talk to him and moved aside. The wind blew from one side to the other and passed through the corridor. The cold wind somewhat relieved the heat on his body.

Sweating more and more, Kamui didn't want to wait any longer, so he turned around and left.

As soon as he turned around, his arm was grabbed by the person next to him. Hinata Chenguang suggested with a serious look, "Let's spend the night at my house tonight. It's raining harder and harder."

When he thought of what Hinata said to Chen Guang during the day, Kamui felt an unreasonable dislike.

Shaking off the opponent's hand, Kamui left without looking back. His frail figure walked in the wind and rain, with only the faint word "no need" floating back.

Hinata Chenguang was not angry, and looked at Kamui's leaving figure with a smile on his face. He turned the fan over and over in his hand, and finally laughed out loud.

The entourage following him looked at the young man in white who was walking away, and then at the young master who was not easy to mess with. After hesitating for a while, he asked, "Do you want to go and get him..."

Hinata Chenguang raised her hand to stop him from continuing, but ordered: "Go get me a cloak."

"Cloak?" The other party obviously didn't expect that he wanted this thing.

Look at the sky, it's stormy, it's so dark that there's no light, not even a glimmer of light. Why does he need a cloak at this late hour?

"The cloak you want is..."

Hinata Chenguang's temper had become weird and irritable since that incident, but today he rarely felt impatient. That kind of happiness radiated from the inside out.

"Just let you go and get it. Why do you care so much? Also, don't tell my father that I'm going out."

"Where are you going?"

After asking, the entourage regretted it and ran to the other courtyard in despair before Hinata Chenguang got angry.

I faced the wind and rain all the way back to my dilapidated courtyard. Just like every time in the past, it was raining heavily outside and light rain inside.

Kamui hurriedly took a wooden basin and placed it in the area with the worst leakage to catch the rainwater. After tidying up everything in a panic, he was able to take a breather.

He took a few deep breaths, feeling inexplicably irritated.

It was obviously a cold day, but why did he feel hot all the time?

Could it be that you are acting this way because you feel angry at being humiliated?

But just performing the sword dance is not a big humiliation for the time traveler. At best, it is like the performance at the school New Year's Day party, which does not make him very angry.

That being the case, why do you feel irritable now?

Sweat dripped from his forehead. Kamui put on his pajamas and lay down on the quilt. They all said that a calm mind naturally cools down. As long as he relaxes and lies motionless, he can always calm down the heat.

As time passed, the sound of rain was deafening, disrupting his auditory nerves.

The quilt was kicked away unconsciously, and Shenwei's body was tumbling like water.

The heat he had never experienced before was like a fire running through his body. He felt that he was about to be burned. He rubbed his hands and tried to untie his pajamas. Only then did he realize that something was wrong. No matter how hard he tried, a pair of hands They were all limp and without strength.

"What's going on?" After the panic, he became more confused.

He tried hard to raise his hand to test the temperature on his forehead, but he couldn't do it. He didn't even have the strength to lift his arm.

In addition to the heat, his body also felt an indescribable urgency. As for what it was that he was urgent about, he himself didn't know.

Sweat soaked his clothes and stuck to his body. Shenwei didn't care about it at all. He just wanted to find something cold to put on it to relieve the heat in his body.

Growing up, he hated summer the most because it was so hot.

"Do you have a fever?" he guessed in a low voice.

Are you sick because you got caught in the rain?

What should we do this time? Such heavy rain will definitely not come again to Hyuga Asuka. With his current physical condition, will he burn into a fool if he survives until tomorrow?

Shenwei thought about that time at the bottom of the cliff that he also had a fever, but at that time he didn't feel hot, but cold.

At that time, Madara wrapped him in his robe and held him tightly in his arms.



This time, no one came to save him.

He shouted several times, but every sound was drowned in the pouring rain.

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