Will... meet my lover?

Madara stared at him dumbfounded, unable to believe that these words came from his brother's mouth. By the time he reacted, his hand had already been stretched out before he could think of anything.

He covered Kamui's mouth that was about to say something more and stared at him fiercely.

"Kamui, please don't talk nonsense. Where can I... who could be that person..." Madara is a 13-year-old child after all. Although he is not yet enlightened, he doesn't understand anything. Kamui said it calmly. These things sounded blushing to his thin-skinned ears.

Kamui tried his best to pull Madara's hand away. The smell on Madara's hand was fresh and had the fishy smell of aquatic plants. He must have gone to Nanga River.

There is a river called Nanga River near the Uchiha clan. Since many clans live on this river, Tajima does not allow the five children in the family to go to the river. If they are unlucky enough to encounter an enemy, they will be punished. Injury, or even death.

Of course Kamui knew what Madara was going to Nanga River for, and there was no other possibility besides meeting Hashirama.

He looked at the red face and did not express his guess.

The chakra reincarnations of Indra and Asura are destined to meet. This is an unchangeable fact, and Kamui does not want this to change.

However, he was wondering, when did Madara meet Hashirama, recently, or even longer ago?

In the past six months since traveling back in time, for some reason, Madara, who was originally independent, seemed to have changed into a completely different person. No matter what he did, he had to take Kamui with him, so he just tied him to his belt and carried him wherever he went.

Not only that, wherever Kamui goes, he will follow him every step of the way as long as he is free. I don't know, he thought Kamui had a bodyguard behind him.

The two have been almost inseparable for the past six months. Madara probably didn't have time to go out and meet friends. If he had time, it was during the month he was injured.

Kamui guessed that it was probably one day this month that Madara wandered to the Nanga River by chance, and then happened to meet the second-rate Hashirama.

This is fate.

Kamui looked at Madara's face and was distracted. Now Madara is his brother after all. If there is someone like him who knows the plot, it would be unreasonable for Madara to fall into Hashirama's hands again.

Besides making Madara stronger, there should be other ways to go.

"Madara," he called to Madara who was walking into the room with a smile, "for the sake of the fact that you may need me to save your life in the future, would you like to practice taijutsu with me today?"

As expected, Madara stopped. The boy's thin back stood straight in the sunset. Because his back was facing away, Kamui could not see the expression on his face.

He was not in a hurry, just stood there and waited patiently.

He waited for more than three minutes before Madara slowly turned around.

He looked very serious and said: "Physical skills are not as simple as you think. The process is painful and boring. Are you sure your body can bear it?"

After saying that, he looked Kamui up and down.

It was true that he had gained a little weight, but with such a fragile body, Madara couldn't guarantee that he would be fine.

Kamui understood what Madara was worried about, but he still smiled and nodded, "I know my own body well, just don't worry."

Now that it's all said and done, how can Madara refuse?


Madara looked into Kamui's eyes, his tone was a little cold, he waved his hand, "Let me think about it carefully."

Thinking about it means there is a turning point. Is this correct to understand?

Kamui didn't wait for the turning point he wanted, so he first waited for the news of Togakushi and Myoko's death.

This time, Uchiha encountered an ambush from the Senju Clan and the Kaguya Clan on their way back from the battle with the Hagoromo Clan. In line with the goal of picking out the weak, the old, weak and disabled became their first targets.

Myoko died in the war with the Hagoromo clan, and Togakushi followed closely behind, and was sent away by Senju and Kaguya.

The third brother walks in front, and the fourth brother follows behind. They are indeed twin brothers. They come together when they come and walk together when they leave.

Those who swore sworn vows to Mr. Guan and swore not to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month and the same day, were really too embarrassed to compare with them.

The death of Myoko and Togakushi was a huge blow to the Tajima family. The moment the mother heard the news of her son's death, she couldn't even breathe and passed out. The crybaby Izuna kept crying as usual.

Ban was so sad that he punched the wall, only Kamui looked at it all coldly.

The two younger brothers who had lived together for more than half a year died. Shenwei found that he could not even shed a single tear, and there were not many ups and downs in his heart except some sadness and pity.

When he was alive, he left home at a young age and was left by his father to practice martial arts in the Banyan Garden. His parents were absent and his family ties were lacking, which resulted in him having some emotional barriers and being relatively weak.

To use a more popular term in the real world nowadays, it means that the ability to empathize is extremely poor.

However, he didn't expect that he could be so indifferent, so shockingly bad.

The whole house was covered with a thick layer of dark clouds because of the deaths of Myoko and Togakushi. The dark clouds were so heavy that it seemed like it might rain at any time.

Tajima stayed with his wife and took care of her for several days. This was what he had to do. It was more like atonement than taking care of her.

In this era where clan members may die on the battlefield every day, there is no such thing as a funeral.

If the dead tribesmen can bring back the body, they should try to bring the body back. If they cannot bring it back, they should find a place to bury it on the spot. If there is a tribesman who has opened the Sharingan, then these eyes will also have to be recovered.

The bodies of Myoko and Togakushi were finally brought back, and the clan would send people to bury their bodies in the Uchiha cemetery.

The person who presided over this matter was Uchiha's younger brother, Uchiha Toto. On the day of the burial, he came to the mansion early in the morning.

After talking to Tajima, he passed by the front yard and saw Kamui standing there. Uchiha Toto was kinder than his brother, and he was one of the few people who didn't look down on Kamui so much.

He came to the house countless times and never jokingly called him princess like other people did, so Kamui had a good impression of him.

When Dou passed by Shenwei, his steps slowed down a bit. His face was not pretty, but his tone was still gentle. He said, "The burial will begin in an hour. Are you going to see them off on their last journey?"

Kamui raised his head and blinked his eyes to look at the dark clouds in the sky that were so thick that they seemed to fall down at any time. Dou didn't wait for a response and couldn't help but stop and look at him.

He thought that maybe it was the shock of losing two younger brothers at once that made Kamui's reaction so slow.

He felt that he might have done something wrong. Kamui was not Madara and Izuna. Such sadness was unbearable for such a weak child.

He thought he wouldn't wait for Kamui's answer, but just after he took a few steps out, the young man's voice behind him was as light as the falling autumn leaves.

"I'll go," he said.

Dou was startled and looked back at him.

Kamui's expression was very calm, there were no tears in his eyes, and there was not much sadness.

Dou frowned, but felt that it was really rare for a child to be so calm when facing death.

In such a war-torn era, it is very common for brothers and friends to die. Being able to calm down emotionally in the face of death is the mentality of those who have achieved great things.


He sighed inwardly, if this child had a healthy body, if so, he should become an excellent ninja of the Uchiha clan.

They all looked away, nodded slightly, and after a while, said in a deep voice: "Okay, remember to call your brother and brother."

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