Finally, Rixiang Xizhao lost his composure. He backed away and sneaked into the dilapidated courtyard. Then, he was blocked by the young man who came back from outside.

"Who are you, Miss Chenxi?"

"I am her fiancé." Hinata Xizhao answered truthfully.

"Oh?" Shenwei walked to Ruyuan and sat down. He opened the stopper of the bamboo tube and took a sip of water. He said calmly: "She doesn't like me."

"No, don't like it?"

"Well," Kamui nodded with a smile, "If she likes me, why doesn't she break off the engagement with you? Or do you, the Hyuga clan, like to have three wives and four concubines, and like to occupy several by one person?"

"Hey, what are you talking about!"

"Is Miss Chenxi going to break off her engagement with you?"

Hinata shook her head.

Shenwei asked again: "Did she tell you personally that she likes me?"

Hinata Xizhao continued to shake his head, and he didn't even question him face to face.

"Alas," Kamui breathed out softly, and his eyes softened as he looked at Hinata and Sunset, with a hint of helpless innocence, "In that case, what are you worried about?"

"I..." Hinata Xizhao suddenly didn't know what to say.

This was his plan. If this Uchiha boy dared to be "arrogant" and dared to speak rudely or have a bad attitude towards him, then he would beat him up here to let the other party know that some people should not be messed with.

But after he came, he finally met the love rival that Hinata Chenguang said, and found that the other person was not that kind of person at all.

His attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, and even his tone was not disrespectful at all. There was even a hint of consideration for him in it.

What the hell, am I delusional?

"I am Uchiha's proton. What do you think the eldest lady will like about me?"


"She just wanted me to teach you some physical skills, even though my level is average."

Of course, Hinata Xizhao knew how much Hinata Chenxi weighed. He found that he was more willing to believe the weak and sick young man in front of him than Hinata Chenguang said about seducing his sister with his face.

"You and Chen Guang..." Rixiang Xizhao was thinking about what to say. After thinking for a while, he continued: "Why did you offend him?"

Kamui: "How do you say that?"

Hinata Xizhao was quite upright. He squinted his eyes and finally found the right words.

"He seems to particularly dislike you..." To be precise, it can be considered targeted.

Yes, Hinata Chenguang didn't like him, otherwise, he wouldn't come to this yard every three days to cause trouble for him.

"Maybe you don't like me helping the eldest lady improve her physical skills."

This is definitely the most likely reason.

Kamui looked at Hinata Xizhao again. He looked at this man. Regardless of his appearance, this man's IQ was not too high, and he was not very scheming. He was just a loyal and honest person.

Such a person can be very confident in himself, which in disguise shows that he is indeed capable.

"Otherwise, let's go to the eldest lady in person, let her know that you care about this matter, and ask her not to come to me again. What do you think?"


Hinata and Xizhao looked at the smiling Kamui. Although he and the boy were not in the same camp, his smile was full of sincerity.

After being frozen in this courtyard for a moment, Hinata Xizhao found that she couldn't say anything useful to Kamui.

Kamui is like a ball of soft cotton. When he punches out, the cotton can wrap up his fist, neutralizing his strength and nullifying all attacks.

However, he didn't hate him. Even though he came with preconceptions, after a short conversation, he still didn't hate him.

In the past years, Hinata and Yuzhao had faced off against Uchiha people. Almost without exception, the Uchiha clan members were arrogant and cruel, but Kamui was different from them.

He has a gentle voice, a humble manner, a polite manner, and a gentle smile. He makes people feel like spring breeze after being together for a short time.

He was different from any Uchiha he had ever met.

"The fiancé chosen by the patriarch for Miss Chen Xi must be extremely outstanding and excellent. If you are the one to point her out, she must be better than me. Go find her, she should be very willing."

Hinata Xizhao scratched the back of his head and blushed. It was the first time for him to be praised so sincerely, especially since the other person was not suspected of flattering him.

"Then I..."

Kamui nodded and smiled at him encouragingly, "Go quickly."

Kamui didn't know what was going on between Hinata Yuzhao and Hinata Chenxi. In the month since then, Hinata Chenxi had really never appeared again.

Summer came during this period, and after the sudden high temperature, continuous precipitation came.

Kamui was sitting in his house. It was raining heavily outside and light rain inside.

At first, he used a wooden basin to collect water, trying not to wet the ground. Later, when he saw that there were many leaks, he simply let it go.

Because of the rain, he hasn't gone out for many days. Except for the uncle who delivers three meals a day, he has never seen anyone else.

The rice is still leftovers from the previous night. In winter, it is hard to digest at best, and in summer, you can even smell a bit of sourness.

It's really hard for them to do this every day for several years.

Kamui looked at the leftovers in front of him. He was suddenly curious about the boy who was sent to Uchiha. What kind of life did that boy live?

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't imagine it at all, so he simply stopped thinking about it. So what if he knew it?

Eating leftovers for a long time has been tormenting his stomach, which makes his already not very good body even worse. On weekdays, he can still pretend to be in good health in front of others, and is only allowed to cover up when he is alone. Allowing pain and discomfort to spread.

This life is really worse than when I was still alive.

Kamui turned to look at the dirty wall. The numbers were getting bigger and bigger, and his eyes were becoming colder and more sinister.

Every day, every day, every day when he was eating, he hated the world equally. He should have committed suicide immediately the moment he traveled through time, and it would be better than living this life now.

At noon a month later, it was still raining lightly, and Kamui saw the morning sun of Hinata at home for the first time.

In the past, she had never come to this yard. The yard was so dilapidated that it looked like a dilapidated house, which was not suitable for her status as a eldest lady.

What kind of wind blew today to bring her here?

"I came to your place to kill some time. I don't like the outsiders coming to the house." Chen Xi smiled a little awkwardly. She didn't hold an umbrella. The light rain wet her hair, and the strands hung down, with a bit of innocence. feel.

We hadn’t seen each other for more than a month, and when we saw each other again, neither of us knew what to say.

Chen Xi stared at Shenwei, trying to read some different emotions from Shenwei's face, but what disappointed her was that no matter how long she looked at him, Shenwei remained calm, not looking at her or speaking, with his right hand covering his face. I don't know what I'm thinking about in my stomach.

Chenxi is not like Shenwei. Although she is domineering, she is careless and cannot tolerate things she cares about for a long time.

The sky was dim, and only the light shone in from the open paper door, illuminating the doorway a little.

Indoors, areas where light does not reach are dark and damp.

Chenxi didn't like this place. Whether it was the pervasive musty smell or the dim light, she felt awkward. What made her feel even more uncomfortable was Shenwei, who was motionless and leaning against the wall in a daze.

Shenwei seemed unable to smell the unpleasant smell. He didn't even frown in this space.

Chenxi looked at him without blinking. After not seeing him for many days, Shenwei had lost a lot of weight, the lines on his face were sharper and colder, and his whole body exuded a feeling of alienation and coldness. He made people feel strange.

From a wisp of spring breeze to a piece of stone, this is probably what it feels like.

And she didn't like this feeling.

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