The physical training session had just ended, and the two people's breathing had not yet calmed down.

Shenwei felt that the palm holding his wrist was moist and hot. The other person seemed to be afraid that he would run away, so he held him with great strength.

They were only an arm's length apart, and their bodies that had just moved were like a furnace, and the heat coming from behind them was very clear.

This was the first time in a long time that he was a little panicked.

"Hey, Tobirama, you..."

Tobirama was even more nervous than Kamui. He didn't have the courage to look up at his graceful back, but he was stubborn and refused to let go.

He held it in for a long time, until the person in front tried to break free from his grasp, and then he said awkwardly: " don't even call me little brother..."

Kamui was stunned, not quite understanding what he meant.

Tobirama was a little embarrassed, and his hand holding Kamui's wrist tightened, and his voice was very light and trembling slightly.

"You...I..." The words were on his lips, but it was difficult for him to say them out.

Teenagers who are just starting to fall in love are sometimes even thinner-skinned than girls.

Kamui slowly relaxed and licked his back molars with his tongue. He thought mockingly to himself, facing Tobirama who couldn't even express his feelings, what on earth was he panicking about just now?

Just as I thought half a year ago by the Nanga River, Tobirama was having trouble even confessing his love.

Tobirama heard the Kamui in front of him chuckle softly, and this sound was filled with amusement and joy.

He was very anxious and took the other person's hand to lead him away. Shenwei was pulled back by him and had no choice but to face him.

The 14-year-old Senju Tobirama has grown a lot taller, but his face is still the same cold and delicate face. At this moment, this face is facing the light, his brows are furrowed, and his face looks aggrieved and innocent.

He was the one who clearly wanted to express his feelings, and he was the one who clearly didn't. In the end, it was he who was aggrieved and innocent.

Huh, such a boy will never chase women even when he grows up. He deserves to end up as a bachelor who has been single for ten thousand years.

Kamui kept looking at him with a smile, waiting for him to say those words that were obviously not difficult to pronounce, but were very obscure to Tobirama.

The more he looked at Kamui's beautiful eyes like peach petals, the more nervous Tobirama became.

"What do you want to say?" Seeing that the sun was about to set, Shenwei was a little anxious.

Tobirama also felt that the sky was getting dark. He glanced at Kamui and asked sadly: "What do we mean by this...?"

Kamui:? ? ?

Seeing the confusion on Kamui's face, Tobirama pursed his lips and explained: "I mean, we don't know each other's families, but we meet here from time to time, listen to me talk about trivial matters, and even compete in physical skills together. What do we mean by this?"

"Friends, aren't they?"

Tobirama was obviously not satisfied with Kamui's answer. He had no shortage of friends, so there was no need to come here to be friends with a girl.

In other words, from the first time he saw her, he didn't just want to be friends with her.

"Just... friends?"

Kamui could clearly see the disappointment in Tobirama's eyes, but he was still confused.

It had only been half a year. Although they had seen each other frequently in the past six months, in such a short period of time, had Tobirama developed other deep feelings for him?

How deep can the bond be in such a short time?

Kamui looked at Tobirama and smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes. He didn't trust him yet.

"Hmm..." Shenwei pretended to think. After a long time, he smiled and said: "Friends are a general term. Old friends, new friends, close friends, fair-weather friends, boyfriends, and girlfriends are all friends."

When he said this, Tobirama's nervous spirit finally relaxed a little, and the hand holding Kamui loosened its strength.

What kind of friend is he? He thinks that he doesn’t need to be told clearly by God, and he will naturally fall in love with him.

Kamui pulled his hand back without leaving a trace and hid it behind his back. He watched Tobirama let out a slow breath, but shook his head silently in his heart.

He made the other person fall in love with him, but he didn't feel even the slightest bit of different affection for the other person.

Looking at Tobirama, he is still the same as when he was watching the anime, and he doesn't feel any different because they have gotten along with each other in real life.

Kamui was a little troubled and a little anxious, and he hated his lack of emotion.

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is too skinny.

He couldn't help but want to kill Senju Tobirama in exchange for the chance to open the Sharingan. His heart was always swelling, but he couldn't live without it.

Logically speaking, after being together for more than half a year, we should have developed some kind of friendship. Why is he like a stone that oil and salt cannot penetrate?

He just wants to open a pair of Sharingan eyes, why is it so difficult?

Madara opened his Sharingan. During the war with Senju last month, even Izuna had his eyes opened, but he could not open them.

Tajima once hit him intentionally or unintentionally, praising Izuna in front of him, but actually he was belittling him.

Kamui doesn't care what Tajima thinks, he only cares about himself. He really wants a pair of Sharingan. Why is it so difficult?

As a time traveler, you should be considered a chosen one, right?

Shouldn't it be extremely easy for such a person to open their eyes? He had read a lot of novels. The protagonists who traveled to Uchiha were either Sanmagatama or Mangekyo. How come they all changed when they came to him?

There is no Sharingan, the system is the same as the Sharingan, and it has never awakened.

Kamui deceived Tobirama badly, and he always dealt with the people of this world in an aloof manner.

Playing with the feelings of a paper man does not put much psychological burden on him.

After truly experiencing the cruelty of war, Kamui thought about how to survive in this troubled world. He did not have that much sense of morality and did not want to be bound by any dogmatic rules.

He wants to survive, and in order to survive he must become stronger, and in order to become stronger, he can use anyone.

There is no such thing as the Holy Mother's heart. He is not a good person to begin with.

The war has never stopped, and during this period, Senju Itama also died in the hands of Uchiha.

Uchiha gradually became the most powerful being among the hundreds of clans in the Warring States Period, and was also dubbed a warlike clan by other clans.

However, this is not a good thing.

The wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind.

The Uchiha family was so dominant that it began to scare other families. In the subsequent battles, several families basically surrounded and suppressed Uchiha. For a while, Uchiha's situation became difficult.

In the study, Uchiha was making an investigation report with Tajima, and there were also several elders from the clan sitting inside.

After having been proud for a while, Chunfeng suddenly faced difficulties. They couldn't adapt to it for a while.

"The report says that the Yuesui clan and the Kaguya clan have frequently sent envoys to the Senju recently. I think they are trying to unite against us."

"Hmph, this seems like something they would do. Small clans like Yueshui rely on this today and that tomorrow. If we really want to fight, we must first destroy them."

One person said this and was immediately echoed by several other elders.

"This family is really disgusting!"

Tajima didn't say anything. He knew why these elders hated Koshikoshi so much. It was just because during the battle, they tried to win over others but were rejected.

After rejecting Uchiha, he went to Senju to ask for cooperation. This slap was really loud.

"It doesn't matter. Just like what the elders said, small tribes can only live by relying on others. Just destroy them like this." Tajima comforted the elders, confirming their opinions and expressing his own position. This made Those elders were very useful.

Tajima changed the topic and continued: "However, the most important thing is the Senju. Our real enemies are them, and there is nothing to fear from the others."

Everyone agreed with what he said, but they also had other worries.

Uchiha Toto looked worried and reminded Tajima: "Clan leader, Hinata in the south has been restless recently. The Hyuga clan's white eyes should not be underestimated. The information I got is that there are also many small families relying on them. If we After fighting with Senju, regardless of winning or losing, one's vitality will definitely be damaged after the war. If they take advantage of it..."

When Tou said this, the others fell silent for a moment. They are both descendants of the Sage of Six Paths, and the Byakugan is not inferior to the Sharingan.

"In this fight with Senju, we must appease Hinata and not let him reap the benefits."

Tajima nodded as he listened. After thinking for a while, he ordered Hu——

"Please make arrangements, I want to see Hinata's beauty."

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