Douluo Killing Star, slashed from Wuhun Palace to the center of God Realm

Chapter 76: Murderous intent surges, Tian defeats Bibi Dong

Chapter 76: Murderous intent surges, Tian defeats Bibi Dong

Ye Xiu left without looking back, no longer paying attention to what kind of sparks Bibi Dong and the King of Slaughter could create. These were not issues he needed to care about.

As one of the top assassins in Wuhun Palace, mission is always the first factor in his mind no matter what the situation. He has not forgotten the purpose of his trip to the Killing City.

Hunting down the stubborn diseases accumulated in the mission hall and killing all the heinous people with bounties on their heads were the most important things he needed to do during this trip.

Of course, there is another thing that is also within his consideration range.

The City of Slaughter is the dojo of God Shura. As the only God-King in charge of killing among the five God-Kings, he is also one of the oldest God-Kings.

In this dojo of God Shura, there is a lot of pure murderous aura, which is a very nutritious substance for him.

While completing the task, he won't mind improving his own strength here. He won't despise that his strength is too strong, he will only despise that his strength is not enough.

If he had enough strength, he would not have given Bibi Dong any room to fight back in the previous confrontation, and there would be no need for Bibi Dong to be the backstop at the last moment.

To deal with Bibi Dong with lightning speed was the philosophy he had always implemented when performing missions in the past.

With this idea in mind, Ye Xiu quickly arrived inside the Killing City. With Bibi Dong temporarily holding back the King of Killing, it could be said that there would be no blocking opponents for him inside the Killing City.

As for the Titled Douluo Captain of the Law Enforcement Team, he was not worried at all. He had just sensed that he had been following the King of Slaughter.

In other words, no one in the current Killing City can stop him, even if he is not at his peak after a head-on challenge with Bibi Dong.

But the current rules of the Killing City still exist. He is not restricted, but other people who have committed heinous crimes are still restricted.

In front of him, there is no doubt that he is a lamb to be slaughtered.

Flying directly above the Killing City, Ye Xiu took a deep breath and looked around carefully.

Perhaps because he flew above the Killing City, he made an unexpected discovery.

The entire Slaughter City is like a loophole. The bloody mist lingering in the Slaughter City pours over the Slaughter City like a dragon sucking water.

The numerous bloody mists and all the murderous aura lingering in the Slaughter City converged towards the core of the Slaughter City under this situation.

"The City of Killing is indeed not simple."

Ye Xiu snorted in his heart, knowing that there was no time for him to observe and think too much here, and looked at the people in the killing field of hell with a cold look.

The powerful soul glanced at everyone, and in just a moment, he discovered more than half of the people on any list.

As for the other people, they should have died in the Killing City, and no matter how hard he searched, there was no result.

The blood soul gun burst out with bright light in the hand, and the blood-red gun shadows stabbed down towards the hell killing field one after another.

Indiscriminate killing fell under the killing field of hell, and those on the mission, whose abilities were restricted in many ways, had no ability to resist under the soul skill of the Blood Soul Gun.

<divclass="contentadv">Blood mist exploded in the hell killing field. Ye Xiu's expression did not change at all. After making sure that all the people on the list were killed, he went straight towards the hell road.

The ten blazing sun snakes had been killed, and the inner elixir had been extracted by Tang San. The three-headed bats were also severely injured when Tang San broke out of the Slaughter City, and at this time, the real power was still in the Slaughter King, who was competing with Bibi. A war broke out in the east.

The road to hell was smooth to Ye Xiu, and it didn't take him long to break out of the Killing City and arrive in a relatively lush forest, which was in sharp contrast to the gloomy town at the entrance to the Killing City.

Ye Xiu didn't rush back to Wuhun Palace. He found a quiet place and sat down cross-legged. The murderous aura that was gathering crazily in his body began to turn into a layer of blood-colored armor and cling to his body.

The substantial murderous aura made him look like a blood-colored bunker at this moment, with magic lines emerging on this layer of blood-colored armor.

Killing is what he needs most, but it also takes a lot of time to digest after killing, especially the extremely pure killing power in the killing city.

The blood soul gun stood in front of him. The blood-colored gun body looked very strange, and there were a little bulges in the four blood grooves.

The bulge is not very obvious, and it is stuck in the blood groove like a sharp blade, which can ensure that when the blood soul gun pierces the body of the hunted target, it will cause greater trauma to the opponent's body with the force of thunder.

Ye Xiu observed the changes in the blood soul gun and was sure that it was because his murderous aura surged, which eventually fed back into the evolution of the martial soul. He once again curled up into a cold smile.

After careful judgment, he was able to determine that these sharp blades were converted from the murderous aura he obtained from the Slaughter City, which contained a very strong murderous aura attribute of the Shura God.

After realizing these changes, I still have some expectations in my heart.

He remembered that Bibi Dong inherited the position of Rakshasa, and Rakshasa was also a god in charge of killing.

But after all, Rakshasa God is a first-level god, and Shura God is a genuine god-king. There is still a huge gap in their murderous aura.

The murderous aura of the Shura God is the attribute of Tianke to the Rakshasa God. In his memory, Bibi Dong was very restricted in Tang San's hands during the final decisive battle because of this factor.

Now that this ability has given him some, it has invisibly added some trump cards to him, making it easier to deal with Bibi Dong.

At least, with Bibi Dong's full firepower, he can have more power in a battle, and he can even do better than this battle in the Killing City.

After sorting out all these things, Ye Xiu began to have a lot of expectations for the future. He was not worried at all if he could not win Bibi Dong for the time being.

With the current method of promotion, he will one day surpass Bibi Dong sooner or later, and he will still improve under the current situation of Tianke, who has some of the purest murderous intent.

When that day comes, he can imagine how many holes his blood soul gun will leave on Bibi Dong's body.

One thousand and one holes were the ending he had prepared for Bibi Dong the moment Bibi Dong attacked him at night.

He was waiting for this moment, and his Blood Soul Gun was also waiting for this moment.

There are a thousand and one holes, not one more, not one less!

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