If you are in Douluo, you can hang up and become a god.

Chapter 277 Creation, destruction, chaos! (superior)

"Wait, something seems wrong?"

Suddenly, Chu Chengzhou thought of an important point and couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

There is no doubt that in the Douluo Universe, the attribute of chaos exists, and if this attribute exists, there must be corresponding laws.

The fusion of the nine soul powers of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light and darkness is the soul power of chaos?

This is obviously not the case. At least the color is wrong. How can the chaotic attribute soul power show nine colors of brilliance?

What's more, if the fusion of these nine systems is chaos, then the progress bar of the law of chaos should have appeared on the attribute panel by now.

In addition, since the information fed back to him by the secret method of element fusion is the fusion of eleven series of basic elements, then the fusion of eleven series must be feasible.

As the saying goes, the existence is reasonable. The secret method of element fusion was "self-created" by him in the Douluo Universe with a plug-in. It can definitely be used in the Douluo Universe. Otherwise, element fusion can only be a nine-system fusion secret method at most. Rather than the eleven series of fusion secrets.

Carefully recalling all the details before and after the abnormality occurred, Chu Chengzhou suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, Chu Chengzhou raised his left hand, and the five elements of soul power - wind, thunder, light, darkness, and space - merged on his fingertips, and then turned into unknown attribute soul power in five colors of blue, purple, white, black, and silver.

At the same time, light from the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth soul power emerged from the fingertips of his right hand, turning into the five elements of soul power.

Then, the two fingers touched each other. When the fused soul power with completely different attributes on the two fingers came into contact, a strong feeling of repulsion immediately appeared.

This feeling of rejection is very strong, but Chu Chengzhou possesses the secret method of element fusion, and what he is best at is element fusion.

An hour later, after thousands of fine-tunings, the mutual repulsion between the two fused soul powers disappeared and turned into a ten-series fused soul power that showed ten colors of luster.

Suddenly, Chu Chengzhou looked overjoyed.

The same ten different attribute soul powers are involved. Why was it so terrifying before, but now it can be successfully integrated?

Nothing else. Maybe in the Douluo Universe, nine is the ultimate number, but after the perfect fusion of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the soul power has become a single five-element soul power instead of five elements. An elemental soul power.

In other words, the 'Ten Elements Fusion Soul Power' appearing on his fingertips at this moment seems to be the fusion of ten elemental soul powers with different attributes, but in fact it is only composed of the five elements, wind, thunder, light, darkness, and space. It is formed by the fusion of these six different attributes of soul power.

As for why there aren’t two?

This is because in the judgment of Douluo time rules, the soul power formed by the fusion of the five elements of wind, thunder, light, darkness, and space is not recognized by the rules of the world like the four elements and five elements soul power. Soul power attribute, this can be seen from the fact that the progress bar of the rules for the fusion of the five systems does not appear in the rules column of the attribute panel.

After all, the law progress bar does not appear, which means that the Douluo Universe does not have a law of this attribute, and without a corresponding law, naturally the concept of this element does not exist.

The reason why there was a 'great terror' in the first attempt to fuse the elements of the ten series before was because Chu Chengzhou did not use the soul power of the five elements to fuse the soul power of the other five elements. When he first tried the fusion, he started playing with it. The fusion of six series of soul powers.

In the judgment of world rules, if the soul power of the six elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and wind is directly fused, it can only be fused with soul power of three other attributes at most.

But after metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are fused into the five elements of soul power, and then fused with the wind soul power, this can only be regarded as the fusion of two attributes. Nine is the ultimate number, so on this basis, at most Fusing the soul power of seven other attributes again.

Having figured this out, Chu Chengzhou completely let go of his worries about the 'big terror' and planned to pursue the victory and try to integrate the last time attribute soul power to achieve the fusion of all basic elements.

In the blink of an eye, another two hours passed.

"It's done. It seems to have failed again?"

Looking at the ray of fused soul power that showed eleven colors of brilliance on his fingertips, Chu Chengzhou couldn't help but feel a little excited, but besides being excited, he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

By first merging the five elements, we avoided the world rule that the number of poles is nine, and created a fusion of eleven series of elements. Doesn't it seem like nothing?

After all, compared to the previous four images and five elements, the fusion of the eleven series had a much stronger soul power, but it did not give birth to the seeds of the law of chaos that he had been waiting for.

"Maybe the order is wrong?"

Chu Chengzhou, who was spreading his thoughts, couldn't help but thought to himself.

"The correct order is there!"

Clicking on the attribute panel, Chu Chengzhou paid attention to whether there were any new changes in the law column. At the same time, the four-image soul power formed by the fusion of earth (earth), water, fire, and wind appeared on the tip of his right finger, and then gold, wood, and thunder appeared. The seven series of soul powers of , light, darkness, time, and space emerged respectively, and merged with the four elephant soul powers one by one.

To find out the correct fusion sequence of chaos attribute soul power, if you are willing to spend time and try and make mistakes, you can definitely find it.

As for whether the fused soul power he created is right or wrong, the attribute panel will give him timely feedback.

For example, if the four-image soul power and the metallic soul power are fused, if this unknown five-system fusion soul power is a soul power attribute that can be recognized by the rules of the world, then the corresponding attribute will appear in the law column of the attribute panel. The progress bar of the rule.

After a while, the seven series of soul powers were tested against the four elephant soul powers one by one. Seeing that there was no change in the rules column of the attribute panel, Chu Chengzhou shook his head with a slight regret.

But the four-image soul power doesn’t work, so why not replace it with the five elements~!

If it still doesn't work, nmmp~, how about becoming a god based on the laws of the Four Symbols or the Five Elements?

'No, I want to become the strongest god of Douluo! '

Chu Chengzhou immediately rejected this idea. He knew there was a stronger way, how could he be so short-sighted? It's nothing more than spending more time on trial and error.

Anyway, there are only eleven basic elements. Even if you try and make endless mistakes with your eyes closed, there will always be a day when the clouds clear and the moon shines.

After the four-elements soul power, Chu Chengzhou, who was always staring at the rule column of the attribute panel, tried to use the five-element soul power to integrate the soul power of other attributes one by one.

Five elements plus wind? no!

Five elements plus thunder? no!

Five elements plus light? no!

Five elements plus darkness? Or not!

Five elements plus time? That’s also not possible!

Five elements plus space? Another double click.


Suddenly, Chu Chengzhou saw an additional [? ? ? (0.1%)].

Looking at the five-element soul power that originally appeared on the tip of the index finger of his right hand, which showed the five colors of gold, green, blue, red, and yellow, and was transformed into a wisp of white soul power after merging with the silver space soul power, Chu Chengzhou couldn't help but Lost in thought.

The question is, what are the attributes of the five elements plus space?

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