At the Black Domain Group headquarters, while the outer battlefield was in chaos, Xibel and Nuobai had already entered through a secret passage.

Su Mo had previously restored the architectural structure diagram of the Black Domain Group's headquarters for everyone. This secret passage was far away from the battlefield, very hidden, and had long been abandoned and buried, so the enemy had no defenses here.

Hibel used laser weapons to drill large holes in the buried objects for sneaking into, and the whole process did not attract any enemy attention.

In order to provide assistance to these two people, Su Motong also specially controlled a group of worker bee structures with powerful innate powers to accompany them and help them deal with various emergencies.

It is worth mentioning that the way Su Motong controls the worker bee construct is different from the "F2A" in the game.

It doesn't mean selecting a large number of structures, choosing a place to issue an attack order, letting the worker bees rush over and then just leaving them alone.

As the queen bee of the construct, Su Motong's thinking speed is far beyond human imagination. Her consciousness processing center can receive feedback from every worker bee and process the information in an instant.

In other words, each of these millions of constructs is under Su Motong's "micro-control", and each of their actions is actually different, each performing its own duties in exchange for the greatest battlefield benefits.

At this time, the constructs that followed Xibel and Nuobai into the Black Domain Group headquarters surrounded them to form a meat shield and were advancing deeper into the aisle.

The two divine-level blood code carriers have maximized their perception, trying their best to identify any movement around them.

Dealing with the Black Domain Group's brain transformers and their constructed beasts is a sheer waste of time.

There are countless unactivated constructed beasts sleeping in the biological cold storage of this headquarters. When a batch of them dies outside, another batch will be released immediately inside.

If we can't kill the brain transformer, the battle will never end.

Therefore, the best way to deal with these people is "beheading".

With Xibel and Nuobai's current strength, ordinary constructed beasts are no match for them.

However, it would be bad if it attracted the attention of high-level spiritual brain transformers and attracted high-level constructed beasts.

Therefore, they acted very cautiously and avoided all conflicts as much as possible.

"Squeak-squeak-" Suddenly, just as everyone was passing through an aisle, regular calls suddenly came from the dark corner above their heads.

Everyone looked over quickly and saw a ferocious constructed beast hanging upside down in the corner like a bat. It was very small, about the size of a human head, and was completely black, almost blending in with the darkness.

It kept making rhythmic roars, and the sharp sound had great penetrating power, so it could probably be heard on more than a dozen floors above and below.

Xibel and Nuobai's eyes suddenly became stern. Before they carried out the infiltration operation, they had asked Qi Ling to destroy all the monitoring systems in the building through hacking methods.

But I didn't expect the other party to respond so promptly and actually deployed constructed beasts as biological reconnaissance units.

It was obvious from its size that this constructed beast was not a combat type, so it did not pounce on us to fight. However, the spiritual brain transformer controlling it had already learned through shared vision that someone was invading, and its cry was an alert to friendly forces.

Not long after, the corridor floor began to vibrate, and a two-meter-tall constructed beast rushed out from the end of the aisle, knocking away the constructs that tried to intercept it, and its sharp claws went straight to Sibel.

"Bang!" The tall body of the constructed beast collided with Sibel, but its much smaller body was not knocked away, only its clothes shook a little.

Xibel had an indifferent expression. He grabbed its throat with one hand and crushed its larynx like tofu, then broke the spine as well. The tall beast immediately fell to the ground with a bang.

"You messed with the wrong guy, trash."

Just as Xibel was killing a constructed beast, suddenly several gunshots were heard, which were suppressed very faintly by silencers.

I saw several constructed beasts coming from behind the crowd, and the worker bee construct controlled by Su Motong was suppressing them with a gun.

The levels of these constructed beasts were not high, and they could not even defend themselves against bullets. Their bodies spurted out blood when they were hit. One of them was even shot directly through the head, and it fell to the ground and died on the spot.

But these are nothing but cannon fodder. Whether they are dead or alive is insignificant to the Black Domain Group. They are just here to buy time.

After killing a batch of them, Xibeier saw a new batch of constructed beasts appear from the end of the corridor, and immediately shouted: "Don't fight, killing these things is useless, hurry up and find the spiritual brain transformer named Yuejianliyizhi, she must be hiding under this building!"

According to the architectural structure diagram provided by Sumer, everyone began to move towards the "personnel hiding room" underground in the Black Domain Group's headquarters.

These personnel hiding rooms are for use by the spiritual brain transformers in wartime. They contain sufficient supplies and a complete set of life-sustaining equipment, which are enough to support the transformers in long-term, high-intensity spiritual brain control.

It is no exaggeration to say that the personnel hiding room is the combat center of the Black Domain Group’s forces. It is the most important and also the most vulnerable.

Such strategic locations are naturally heavily guarded.

Just as they shook off the pursuing construct beasts, and before they had time to run down a few more floors, the wall on their side suddenly exploded, and an extremely huge black shadow rushed out from it.

It was a ferocious construct beast that was more than four meters tall, with well-developed forearms that swung like warhammers.

What is surprising is that this seemingly powerful construct beast actually has special designs for concealment capabilities.

The soles of its feet had thick and elastic pads, and it made almost no sound when it ran, so that everyone only noticed its approach after it broke through the wall.

"Bang!" The constructed beast ran straight into the defenseless Nuo Bai. She flew out in a mess and hit the wall, splashing a radiating blood flower.

The worker bee construct immediately raised its gun and fought back. Countless bullets pierced its body, spurting out balls of blood.

But the level of this constructed beast was much higher than those encountered before, and all the bullets were stuck in its thick muscle layer without exception, failing to cause any substantial damage.

"Roar!" The construct beast roared, and its hammer-like forearm swept across the front. Several constructs that had no time to dodge were blown up by the huge force, and their body fragments were scattered all over the ground.

Just as the constructed beast rushed towards Nuo Bai to finish him off, its bloody body suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, a blinding cold light flashed, casting a dazzling silver glow on the corridor, which disappeared in a flash.

One of the beast's forearms immediately fell off, with blood gushing out from the broken part.

Nuo Bai, his body soaked in blood, stood in front of it, the unsheathed Tang sword shining with a cold light, which matched the coldness in his eyes.

Under the control of the Scarlet Rose Blood Code, scarlet blood gushed out from Nuo Bai's skin, suspended in the air and constantly condensed, forming thousands of spikes as it surged.

The appearance of these spikes was as crystal clear as rubies, all formed by the blood crystals of the Scarlet Rose Blood Code. They shot towards the constructed beasts like bullets in an instant, and the dense and sharp sounds of breaking through the air were like the cry of countless birds.

"Puff, puff, puff--" Countless blood flowers burst out from the constructed beast's body. Its huge body retreated uncontrollably and was finally nailed to the wall by sharp spikes.

"Swish!" Before it broke free, the Tang sword in Nuo Bai's hand slashed out first, and the sharp light pierced through the beast's body from bottom to top.

First, a slanting line of blood appeared on its body, and then its body split apart along the line of blood, and finally fell to the ground with a splash, with blood, flesh and organs scattered everywhere.

The battle here had just ended when another terrifying roar came faintly through the ceiling.

The two were already very deep underground at this time. Since the roar could be heard here, one could imagine how terrifying the creature was.

"It's that 'Lord-level Madness' beast, Blade Skeleton Tyrant, it has discovered us." Xibel patted Nuobai's arm and ran forward, "Let's go, keep moving forward, there's not much time left."

The two continued to charge forward, breaking through the blockade of one constructed beast after another and entering the personnel hiding room.

The place is filled with the low hum of machines operating, the air is filled with the smell of disinfectant, and life-sustaining equipment is densely arranged around. Through the transparent glass walls, you can see that it is filled with light blue nutrient solution.

Each human being is suspended in nutrient solution, their bodies connected to various complex circuits. Nutrient solution with high oxygen content is continuously delivered to their bodies. Various data and parameters are flashing on the external display screen, monitoring the vital signs of each connected person in real time.

These are all spiritual brain transformers. Some are in a deep control state, concentrating on controlling the constructed beasts to fight from a distance, and are unaware of the appearance of the uninvited guests.

Some people also noticed Xibel and others, with fear in their eyes. They tried to escape, but they were immersed in life-support equipment and had no way to escape. They could only shake their heads in panic and pray for mercy from the enemy.

Xibel and Nobai ignored them and left it to the worker bee constructs that followed them to deal with it.

"Da da da da da--" The worker bee constructs used guns to fire at these life-support devices. One nutrient tank after another exploded under the bullets. The originally clear light blue nutrient solution was dyed red by the blood flowing out of the human body, and corpses were lying all over the ground.

The spiritual brain transformers are such extreme extraordinary people. They can remotely control constructed beasts from a safe distance without having to enter the battlefield in person, just like playing computer games.

But the price is that once their true location is exposed and they are beheaded by the enemy, they have almost no chance of survival.

While the constructs were slaughtering the brain transformers along the way, Xibel and Nobai were continuing to advance deeper.

The Black Domain Group's personnel hiding rooms are all ranked. Hiding rooms like this one near the outer area are for use by those lower-level brain transformers.

The hidden rooms used by high-level reformers are often located deep inside and have more complete defense equipment. Some of them do not even exist on the visible building structure diagrams, and only senior management knows their locations.

The two soon came to a maze-like corridor with an extremely complex structure. The criss-crossing passages and forks made it difficult to tell the direction. Every corner could lead to a dead end, and there were a large number of traps set along the way, waiting for uninvited guests who attempted to break in.

If it were an ordinary intruder, he would most likely get lost or even die in this maze corridor.

But following the route provided by Sumer, Xibel and Nuobai passed through the corridor safely and came directly to the door of the hiding room for the highest-level personnel.

Just as Xibel was about to break open the door, she suddenly felt a chill down her spine and shouted, "Be careful up there!"

"Boom--" The ceiling suddenly collapsed, accompanied by the deafening roar of the Blade Skeleton Tyrant, and this king-level ferocious beast descended between the two of them.

Xibel was close to the door at this time, and Nuobai was separated from her by the other side. She shouted loudly: "Nuobai, hold it back. I will go to the highest hidden room to kill Tsukimi Riori!"

Nuo Bai drew out his Tang sword, scarlet blood veins surged on his body, and he entered a state of burning blood, facing this king-level mad-class constructed beast head-on.

The strength of this Blade Skeleton Tyrant is at the top of the seventh stage. Although compared with the high-level blood code carriers of the Black King or the recipients of full-body replacement of Apocalypse Level 1 prosthetic implants, the strength of the King-level Mad-class constructed beast is much weaker.

But for Nuo Bai, whose blood code level is only the middle level of divine protection, it is quite difficult to cross levels to deal with such a monster.

Xibel didn't dare to delay at all, and rushed towards the gate at full speed while Nuobai was dealing with the Blade Skeleton Tyrant.

The Blade Tyrant seemed to be threatened by something and let out a panicked roar. It even ignored the fact that its body was severely injured by Nuobai's Tang sword and rushed over desperately to stop Xibel.

In order to stop the Blade Tyrant, Nuo Bai had completely given up on defense. During the attack, his neck was scratched by the Blade Tyrant's sharp blade, and his throat was cut directly. The bright red blood spread in a blood mist in the air.

She resisted the dizziness caused by the severe blood loss, and used the Scarlet Rose Blood Code to heal her wounds while continuing to fight desperately with the Blade Tyrant to buy time for Sibel.

Xibel ran at full speed, with the door leading to the hidden room of the highest-level personnel reflected in his eyes.


Close at hand!

Xibel activated the wolf blood code in his body and was about to tear open the door.

"Swish——" Without any warning, the door suddenly opened by itself, and a pair of beast eyes with a bloodthirsty cold light appeared in the darkness inside.

Xibel was sprinting at full speed and had no time to dodge due to inertia. Moreover, the opponent was extremely fast and rushed up in a moment.

"Puff!" A strange cold feeling came from the abdomen, and then turned into unbearable pain, causing Xibel to choke and spit out blood.

She looked up in astonishment and found that the person who walked out from behind the door was not another creature, but another Blade Skeleton Tyrant.

The Blade Tyrant looked at Xibel with his ferocious beast eyes, and laughed a rough and twisted laugh. His vocal cords began to vibrate under the control of the spirit brain: "Little wolf cub, don't you know that a powerful spirit brain transformer can control multiple constructed beasts at once?"

"By the way, I know you guys want to chop off my head, so from the beginning, my real body was not here."

Behind the Blade Tyrant, a huge and sophisticated life-support machine stood in the center of the hiding room for the highest-level personnel.

But it was empty inside.

The Blade Tyrant swung his limbs, and Xibel fell heavily to the ground, choking on blood. The floor beneath him was stained a shocking blood red.

The Blade Corpse Tyrant laughed grimly: "Those brain modifiers you killed outside were just baits and abandoned pawns, just to lure you in."

"This is the slaughterhouse that has been prepared for you."

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