Dusk passed and night fell, with the cold moonlight in the sky. This was undoubtedly the most bustling night since the establishment of the capital.

From early morning to late night, in just less than a day, the Capital Army was killed by the constructs by nearly 100,000 men. The density of death was beyond what any commander could accept. Even the night sky was dyed a shocking blood red by the artillery fire, as if the souls of the dead in the war were smearing their own traces.

The war is still going on throughout the city. The soldiers of the Capital Army rely on the defensive positions they have built to fight desperately with the structures. Intermittent gunshots and explosions can be heard in the night sky, making people feel dazed.

The cold moonlight sprinkled on the devastated city, covering the dilapidated buildings and ruins with a layer of silvery gauze. The moonlight filtered through the holes in the walls and windows blown open by the artillery fire, casting mottled light and shadows.

The streets were littered with vehicles and building debris destroyed by the war. Bullet holes and burn marks could be seen everywhere. The air was filled with the lingering smell of gunpowder. Occasionally, a cold wind blew, bringing up dust that swirled in the moonlight, like the dance of death.

The headquarters of the joint venture company is located in the north of the capital city. It is the focus of the defense. Elite troops directly under the giant enterprise are deployed here in large numbers. Soldiers on high alert can be seen everywhere, and every one of them is an extraordinary person.

There are dozens of huge Titan mechas around. They are covered with thick defensive plating. The surface of their energy cannons reflects the gloomy moonlight. The black muzzles are like the open mouth of the god of death, ready to devour life at any time.

At this moment, the Titan mecha's external search beam turned from green to red, and the muzzle adjusted its angle and aimed at the dark streets in the distance. The rest of the garrison troops immediately entered combat status.

"Boom, boom, boom--" Various artillery pieces and Titan mechas opened fire one after another. The shells whistled in the air like raindrops, accompanied by criss-crossing energy beams as they attacked the aimed direction.

The shells hit the ground with a roar, and pillars of fire connected into one, the raging fire dancing wildly in the darkness like a ferocious giant snake.

Those energy beams did not cause an explosion, but once they touched the ground, the corresponding locations disappeared like ice and snow melting, leaving only gullies and holes with flowing lava.

Almost at the same time, a vast number of worker bee structures rushed out of the darkness, stepping through the flames. They had been marching in a covert manner until they were discovered by these weapons of war.

Amid the roar of gunfire, the cluster of constructs soon collided with the giant army, and the two sides engaged in close combat.

Those who can participate in the headquarters' garrison are the elite among the elite, and the weakest are those whose supernatural powers have reached the third or fourth stage. In addition, they had already learned the intelligence before, so they were not caught off guard when facing the cold-blooded constructs.

These giant warriors also have extremely high loyalty and amazing fighting will. They are willing to sacrifice for the headquarters at any time and are like cold machines when fighting.

As a worker bee without independent thoughts, the construct's life is at the mercy of the queen bee and it also does not know what fear is.

No one on either side of the battle retreated, there was no fear, and naturally there were no shouts or calls.

Apart from the sounds of gunfire and bodies being hit by cold weapons on the battlefield, not even a single human voice could be heard, leaving only silent fighting.

Hansen, the chief warrior of the joint venture company, was at the center of the battle line at this time. He did not help any team.

Coincidentally, the constructs seemed to know that they could not pose any threat to him and did not choose to attack him either.

In the chaotic battlefield, he seemed to have become an outsider.

Hansen held a burning cigar in his mouth. He took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke, then looked at the dark street ahead with a sneer, as if he was staring at someone.

Structures kept rushing out of the darkness, and a tiny burning spark could be seen moving steadily, which was also a sign that the cigar was burning.

Gradually, a tall figure walked out of the darkness, his black leather jacket with wolf mane swaying in the hot wind caused by the explosion, and his strange dark purple eyes seemed to be burning with flames, ready to burn everything to ashes.

"Haha, Fenrir, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hansen took out the half-smoked cigar from his mouth and looked at it with a tut-tut sound: "Today is my first time smoking a cigar. I really don't understand why anyone likes to smoke such a strong cigar."

Before he could finish his words, Fenrir's figure disappeared in an instant, followed by a sonic boom caused by hypersonic movement.


In an instant, Hansen's face was hit so hard that it was deeply sunken, his flesh and blood vessels burst, and his facial bones were broken. He flew backwards in a spiral for nearly a hundred meters, and finally collided with a Titan mecha that was exchanging fire with a construct.

The terrifying impact force directly cut the chassis of the Titan mecha in half. The huge metal body lost its balance and fell to the ground, crushing Hansen underneath.

Fenrir stood still from the hypersonic movement, shook off the blood on his fist, took out the cigar that was broken by the wind pressure from his mouth, and said lightly: "If you want to fight, then fight. You are talking too much nonsense."

In the wreckage of the Titan mecha, Hansen was seen lying there with his arms and legs spread out, his facial features shattered beyond recognition by the huge force, and he was completely motionless.

Outside the Iron Blood Union headquarters, a battle similar to the one taking place around the headquarters of the joint venture company is taking place.

The heavy machinery troops, mainly composed of Titan mechas, poured out their firepower, and the elite cyborg warriors fought in a group with the continuously pouring constructs.

In the very center of the battle zone, there were also two people standing face to face. The miscellaneous soldiers on both sides of the battle also avoided them, leaving them enough space for a one-on-one fight.

Dongdong put her hands in her pockets, blowing bubble gum from time to time, and carrying behind her back the dragon steel baseball bat that Su Mo had given her.

In fact, this weapon is already outdated for Dongdong now. With the power of "Apocalypse Level 1" prosthesis replaced throughout her body, the hardness of the dragon steel material can hardly withstand her full grasp, and it does not have a good blocking effect when facing many powerful attacks.

Look, this dragon steel baseball bat is covered with pits and damages everywhere, which are traces left by previous battles, but its luster is as bright as ever, which shows that the owner has been taking good care of it over the past few years.

In this battle, Dongdong brought this weapon that had not been used for a long time, not for any other reason, but because it was the first gift Su Mo gave him, and it carried his high hopes and expectations.

Adam was standing not far from Dongdong. The slender boy seemed not to notice Dongdong's arrival and was reading a book in his hands.

Judging from his serious expression, he was definitely not pretending to be cool or anything, but was really reading the book carefully. He even reached out his hand to hold a corner of the page to prevent it from being blown away by the chaotic airflow around him.

Dongdong blew the bubble gum and his figure disappeared on the spot, then appeared next to Adam as if leaping.

She stood on tiptoe, looked at the book in Adam's hand, and asked, "Thin guy, what are you reading so seriously?"

Adam: "Martial arts secrets."

"What the hell???" Dongdong was confused. He scanned the pages up and down, then laughed, "No, are there really idiots who believe in this? Aren't martial arts secrets all lies?"

Adam glanced at her sideways and said, "Aren't you a martial artist?"

Dongdong: “Yeah.”

Adam: “So you don’t read?”

Dongdong: "No, I get a headache when I read. I am taught by my master, I learn whatever he teaches me."

Adam laughed briefly and said with some contempt, "Shangguan Li, right? Haha, this guy is quite funny. He has a low talent, but he still has the nerve to guide those with infinite tolerance of prosthetic bodies. Isn't he afraid of misleading his students?"

Without any warning, the invisible air in front of Adam suddenly became as sticky as gelatin. It was a sign that something was moving at an extremely high speed and pressing it into liquid form.

"Boom!!!" The moment the liquid air exploded, Adam was hit hard on the chest by a devastating force, and his whole body turned into a black shadow that could not be captured by the naked eye and flew backwards.

Wherever Adam's body passed, it was like a devil's claw sweeping across the sky. All the giant soldiers or structures that were accidentally touched by it were shattered, and their bodies split into hundreds or thousands of pieces, leaving a carpet made of flesh, blood and active metals on the ground.

Finally, Adam crashed heavily into the main entrance of the Iron Blood Union. The glass from the first to the twentieth floors all burst under the impact from the building, and the fluorescent fragments fell down.

The soldiers fighting nearby looked over subconsciously and saw Dongdong standing in the original position, with his right leg raised high in the air in a side kicking posture, his body graceful like a butterfly spreading its wings.

Her calves hooked back neatly, allowing her body to stand up again. Her technique was so perfect that even if the process was slowed down countless times, there would not be any flaws.

Dongdong looked at Adam who was buried in the rubble of the building, tilted his head and said in a scoundrelly manner: "Skinny, there is something I forgot to tell you."

"You can scold me, but you can't scold my master."

Outside the Black Domain Group’s headquarters, the fighting is the most intense compared to the other two headquarters.

The elite troops of the Joint Venture Company and the Iron Blood Alliance are all humans, but the Black Domain Group is different.

Although the spiritual brain is also a kind of extraordinary power that acts on the human body, the spiritual brain transformer will not appear directly on the battlefield.

The ability of this type of people is to remotely control constructed beasts. There is nothing special about them. Their limitations mean that they must hide their true identities at all times.

Once the spiritual brain transformers reveal their true location in a battle, they are basically close to death.

Therefore, no extraordinary warriors could be seen on the battlefield outside the Black Domain Group headquarters, but instead there were a large number of constructed beasts.

These creatures, which have been specially modified in laboratories, are weapons designed for combat and are far more destructive than wild beasts.

Moreover, since the death of the constructed beasts will not cause fatal feedback to the spiritual brain transformers, it will only cause a certain degree of discomfort, so they have no scruples when fighting.

When one constructed beast dies, the spiritual brain transformer can quickly control another one in the warehouse to go into battle.

Therefore, in this battlefield, the confrontation was the most intense. The constructed beasts were consumables that did not care about their lives, and the worker bee constructs were also consumables that did not care about their lives. The two sides rushed back and forth with the most crazy postures, like two huge waves colliding with each other, and countless corpses were born all the time.

At this time, in the center of the battlefield, there was a giant beast over ten meters tall. It had the appearance of an arthropod, with a thick shell covering its body, and it was rampaging among the cluster of constructs.

Wherever the pair of sickle-shaped forelimbs passed, the active metal body of the construct was split like tofu, and a random sweep could cause dozens or even hundreds of casualties.

There are also a large number of biomass cannons growing on its body, which can spray out a large amount of strong acidic substances when bombarded. Not to mention the constructs, even if the armor of a friendly Titan with extremely strong corrosion resistance is accidentally splashed, it will immediately melt and create huge holes.

As the giant beast wreaked havoc, the construct was unable to cause it any harm. Even if it climbed onto it and self-destructed, it only left a layer of dust covering the indestructible biological shell.

In a dark corner of the battlefield, the team responsible for raiding the Black Domain Group’s headquarters is hiding there.

This team has the largest number of people, consisting of Xibel, Nuobai, Shangguan Li, and Chu Nanyiyi.

Among them, Xibel and Nobai have both reached the sixth stage, one is "high-level divine blessing" and the other is "intermediate divine blessing".

Shangguan Li's qualifications are far inferior to the other two. Even after injecting immune agents and forcing advanced components, he has only reached the fifth stage, and the prosthesis on his body is "Vanguard Level 1".

Chu Nanyiyi is the weakest, with his prosthetic level only "Fearless 1".

Compared with the seventh-level warriors in the other two battlefields, this team's configuration is rather shabby, but it is already the limit of what the rebels can offer.

After all, truly extraordinary geniuses are always a minority. Even if the hardware conditions are perfect, it is impossible for everyone to have top talent. Once the potential is exhausted, it is exhausted.

It was for this reason that these four people were assigned to assist in the raid on the Black Domain Group.

Due to the special nature of their abilities, the Spirit Brain Transformers are the only extraordinary people who can be defeated by others of higher levels when the class gap is extremely large.

Xibei secretly watched the constructed beast wreaking havoc on the battlefield and whispered, "That's the 'Blade Skeleton Tyrant', a 'King-level Berserker' constructed beast. This thing is a living biological weapon. It can tear a Titan apart like a piece of cake."

Shangguan Li murmured, "I've heard a saying before, that among the three supernatural power systems of the same level, the constructed beasts are relatively the weakest."

Xibel nodded. "That's right. As a consumable, if the Constructed Beast has no weaknesses when compared to its peers, it would be too scary. Generally speaking, when compared to the other two forces, the class assessment of the Constructed Beast is about two levels lower."

"For example, this "Lord-level Berserker" Blade Skeleton Tyrant has a strength roughly comparable to that of a "low-level Black King" blood code carrier, or a "level 3 Apocalypse" prosthetic implant recipient with full-body replacement."

Nuo Bai typed on his phone:

【Are you going? 】

[We should be able to defeat them if we cooperate with each other]

Xibel quickly shook his head: "There's no point in killing it. The Black Domain Group headquarters must have a lot of Constructed Ferocious Beasts in reserve. If we kill one, another will come out right away. We can't kill them all with just a few of us."

"Let's leave the front battlefield to the constructs. Mo Tong will use these worker bees to help us attract the enemy's attention, and let these consumables consume each other here."

"We have to find the brain modifier named Tsukimi Riori and kill her body directly to win."

"Then, act according to the predetermined plan!"

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