The next day, everything was normal in Tieyang City, and the relationship between the Crescent City troops and the Wolf Attack troops was not affected by yesterday's fight.

Only a small group of people were involved in the fight yesterday, and it was caused simply by a quarrel and some conflicts in concepts.

At this point, no matter how angry everyone is, they can still distinguish the primary from the secondary. Differences in concepts cannot offset the friendship of fighting side by side.

In the confinement room, Xibel deliberately had Dongdong and Karl locked up in two separate rooms.

They are actually the same type of people, all of whom are passionate and whose tempers come and go quickly.

When the two first entered, they were still scolding each other, but later they got tired of arguing and calmed down. I don't know who started a joke first, but they told each other their past stories, and they became familiar with each other as they talked. In the end, they made peace and agreed to have a good fight to decide the winner after the war.

On the other hand, in response to the cause of the fight, Sibel reiterated in the military the discipline that prohibits the abuse of prisoners.

The backbone of this Wolf Raid Army are the thugs who defected with Fenrir, and the main grassroots force is mainly composed of warriors recruited from the warlords of No Man's Land.

No matter what, the thugs grew up in the relatively civilized inland. The people in the no-man's land are much more barbaric.

This personnel structure has led to a kind of banditry in the Wolf Raid Army, which is mainly manifested in their weak sense of discipline, their dislike for explicit rules, and their greater emphasis on brotherhood.

But at the same time, they admire the strong very much, and the idea that "the bigger the fist, the more right" is engraved in their bones.

For a veteran figure like Sibel, who is himself an extremely powerful transcendent, his words are very effective.

She gave the order not to touch the prisoners, and even if the people below had resentments in their hearts and scoffed at this kind of discipline, they had no choice but to listen to her obediently.

At noon, good news came from the northern battlefield. The army led by Fenrir himself successfully launched a counter-encirclement and suppression campaign, forcing the main force of the enemy to retreat.

From then on, the terrain between the Wolf Raid Army and the Northern and Southern Armies was basically a large plain, with no heavy military barriers from the enemy, so they could march freely.

As for the next military decision, everyone faces different differences. Their choices will affect the entire war and even the direction of the entire world.

At the Tieyang temporary command center, Xibel, Sumer and other leaders and backbones of Langxi and Xinyue City forces gathered together.

On the big screen in front of them, Fenrir, dressed in black, was connecting with everyone remotely.

Three years have passed, and the Wolf King's face has become a little weathered. Due to running around day and night, a few white strands can even be seen among his black hair. However, his sharpness has not diminished at all, and his pair of dark purple eyes are still majestic and intimidating.

Fenrir nodded to everyone and said calmly, "We have been companions for many years, so let's not say those polite words and get straight to the point."

"The Tieyang Campaign is very crucial. By taking this place, we not only have a complete military production chain, but also gain the crucial battlefield initiative."

"The main force of the enemy has retreated to the other side through the Inland Sea. The area east of the Inland Sea is basically under our control. Next, we are faced with two choices."

A strategic map appeared on the screen, with a wide, winding blue zone in the center, running from north to south.

Anyone with a little knowledge of geography knows that it is the "Inland Sea", which is located in the middle of the World Government's territory and divides it into two blocks, east and west.

The main battlefields of previous battles, including Tieyang and Xinyue City, were all located east of the Inland Sea.

Several points were marked on the map, and Fenrir's voice followed: "The first option is to suspend the offensive that has lasted for a year, relying on the coastline around Thorn Ridge, Tieyang City, and Pingling to form an east-west confrontation with the World Government, and then choose an opportunity to advance eastward in the future."

Immediately afterwards, the strategic map changed, with multiple arrows dividing the Northern and Southern armies. People who understood military affairs could see that it drew up a very detailed offensive plan.

Fenrir: "The second option is to maintain the current offensive, use the cross-sea bridge, shallows and other places to break through the inland sea blockade, attack the hinterland of the World Government, seize key strategic cities, and finally."

"Destroy them completely."

After that, the core members of the Wolf Raid team, led by Xibel, supported the second option without hesitation.

The reason is very simple. The army has recently captured Tieyang and the morale of the whole army is high, while the enemy's confidence has been greatly hit. If we don't take advantage of the victory now, when will we attack?

But soon, Shangguan Li stood up and said, "I don't agree with the second option."

Fenrir: "Reason?"

Shangguan Li: "We can no longer afford to fight."

Xibeier was a little dissatisfied when he heard this: "What are you talking about? We, the Wolf Raiders, have been fighting the enemy to death for a whole year without saying a word. You have only been in the war for a few days and you say you can't afford to fight anymore?"

Shangguan Li said heavily: "I'm not talking about us mercenaries, I'm talking about civilians everywhere."

"Have you ever seen how the World Government Army has exploited the civilians for this war?"

"A large number of civilian factories were put into military use, daily production was seriously stagnant, supplies were in short supply and prices were soaring. The wealth accumulated by countless people for half their lives was wiped out. Even in a huge city like New Moon City, a piece of bread has risen to hundreds of moon coins, and some people have even starved to death!"

"The most urgent task now is not how to expand the victory, but to settle the rear as soon as possible and resume production. No more deaths will occur."

Xibeier frowned and said in a deep voice: "Captain Shangguan, war is cruel and people will die. There is no such thing as a war without sacrifice."

"If we stop now and wait for the World Government to recover, build a large number of bunkers, mobilize troops to expand the scale, and then fight again, how many people will die?"

"It's true that people will die if the war continues, but is there anything wrong with us ending the war as quickly as possible so that as few people as possible die?"

Shangguan Li: "Since we have to end it as soon as possible, why can't we end it now?"

Fenrir: "Then tell me how to end it now."

Shangguan Li: "Sit down and negotiate with the World Government to reach a ceasefire agreement that is beneficial to both sides and stabilize the situation first."

It was obvious that the core members of Wolf Raid showed disdain in their eyes. Apparently, in their opinion, this approach was extremely weak.

Sibel also said disdainfully: "Do you think this is realistic? Do you think the World Government will allow its legitimacy to be challenged and form a situation of East-West division with us?"

Shangguan Li: "In my opinion, it is not impossible, because we are the winners now. We have just won the battle and have more bargaining chips at the negotiation table."

Sibel: "Then I tell you clearly that your idea is wrong. I know these insects much better than you do. The giant companies would rather let the world government overturn the chessboard and push everyone into the meat grinder of war than compromise on such matters."

Shangguan Li: "Why don't you even want to try? Why did we start this war? Isn't it just to prevent people from dying like before? Why can't we try this direction first?"

The two of them each insisted on their own opinions and the argument was so intense that neither could convince the other.

Just when the situation reached a stalemate, Fenrir, who had not expressed his inclination, spoke up: "Captain Su, I want to hear your opinion."

On the wolf attack side, the leader was Fenrir.

On the Crescent City side, the leader is undoubtedly Su Mo.

It’s okay for people like Xibel and Shangguan Li to express their opinions. We are all companions, so just say whatever you want to say.

But the final decision can only be made by the two leaders.

Fenrir asked Sumer directly, and the others stopped talking and looked over.

Su Mo stared at the screen in silence for a while, and his next answer was somewhat surprising: "I don't agree with either choice."

"Reasons?" Fenrir was as concise as ever.

Su Mo: "Because the cost is very high."

"If we choose to suspend the offensive and preserve the existing gains, we may be able to have peace for a while."

"But as Sibel said, this peace cannot last forever."

"This time, we were able to defeat the World Government Army in Tieyang and make the giant companies suffer a setback, largely because of our rebellion raid, which caught them off guard. This kind of victory cannot be replicated."

"If we stop now and wait for the other party to recover, or take the initiative to attack, what price will we have to pay?"

"The same goes for the second one. If we continue to fight, it will consume a huge amount of manpower and resources. Where do these things come from? We are not gods. We can't make water and bread out of thin air."

"If we continue to open up new fronts and fight non-stop as we did in the past year, we will only be exploiting our compatriots in the rear."

At this point, something strange happened.

In everyone's impression, Su Mo is a very strong person. What kind of storms has he not experienced?

But at this moment, his eyes inexplicably turned red at the combat meeting, and he kept shaking his head with his arms folded.

"I don't want anyone to sacrifice anymore. Be it the Wolf Raid soldiers, our mercenaries, or our compatriots in the rear. They have been sacrificed over and over again for more than a hundred years. Enough, really enough. The world shouldn't be like this."

Everyone didn't understand why Su Mo suddenly became so sentimental and fell silent for a while.

Nuo Bai was thoughtful. He walked forward, gently put his arm around Su Mo's shoulders, and comforted her with a hug.

At the same time, she took out her phone and typed, quietly showing the screen to everyone:

[Since the New Year a few days ago, he has been in a bad state]

Fenrir looked at Sumer and thought for a moment, then decided to be the "bad guy" and tell the truth.

"Without sacrifice, it is impossible to end the war. Now it is just a question of who will be sacrificed."

Su Mo took a deep breath and patted Nuo Bai's arm, indicating that he was fine. The fragility that had just surged out of his heart seemed to be suppressed by him.

His voice became more vigorous as he replied, "You are right. There will definitely be sacrifices, but we can choose a way with the least sacrifices, which is to end the war as quickly as possible."

Fenrir narrowed his eyes: "It sounds like you already have an idea?"

Su Mo nodded, took over the control of the screen using the computer next to him, and marked a combat mark in the heart of the area occupied by the World Government.

Suddenly, the sound of people gasping for air was heard in the room, and everyone looked at Su Mo in astonishment.

Su Mo looked at the screen and said word by word: "Attack the capital."

No one expected that Su Mo's idea was to attack the capital directly? !

No truce.

Don't gnaw from the outside either.

Directly march into the capital? !

Shangguan Li frowned and asked, "Captain Su, did you not get enough rest? The capital not only has the world's strongest fortifications and the world's best army, but is also located in the core hinterland, with the "Inland Sea Fleet" serving as a sea gateway."

"Let's not talk about how we can break through the blockade of the Inland Sea Fleet. Even if we really cross the Inland Sea and break in, do you know how difficult it is to capture the capital?"

Xibel also seemed confused: "Boss, don't tell me you are considering a decapitation tactic. That is unrealistic."

"After the battle on the northern front came to an end, the main forces of the enemy retreated. There were countless extraordinary people in the capital, and there were three who had reached the peak of the seventh stage. Even the big sister couldn't stop them."

At this time, Fenrir signaled them to stop and said in a deep voice: "Captain Su, continue with your plan."

Su Mo shook his head: "No, the plan is to attack the capital directly and decide the outcome in one battle."

This crazy idea made Fenrir hesitate: "You mean, just go all in, bet all your troops, take a big gamble, and take the capital in one battle."

Su Mo: "Yes, the headquarters of the three giant companies are in the capital. We should conquer them in one go and turn over the table and their cards. This is the fastest way to end the war."

Fenrir: "I won't discuss the success rate at the tactical level with you. Let's just talk about human nature - not everyone is willing to sacrifice."

"I was able to subdue those warlords in the Borderlands and raise the banner of Wolf Raid again, not only with my fists and righteousness."

"More importantly, they believe that by joining me in overthrowing the world's governments and giant corporations, they can have bigger houses, better food, and live a better life in the future."

"The mercenaries under your command must be the same. There are certainly some noble ones who are willing to sacrifice everything, but most of them just think that they have a future and can live a better life by following you."

"If you want to go all in and attack the capital at all costs, and everyone understands how terrible the casualties will be, they will retreat before the battle even starts, and people's morale will be dispersed."

Su Mo showed a complicated smile and sighed, "I know that this kind of fighting method of attacking the capital without paying attention to other regions is actually not strategic at all and is a bad fight."

"In this kind of head-on battle, what matters is which side can stack more people and is more willing to accept sacrifices. Usually, whoever is able to ignore the cost is the winner."

"I also know that sacrifices of this scale will scare everyone. So, since everyone doesn't want to die and wants to survive and live a better life, let's stop here."

"Don't let those infantrymen who are supposed to be the main force in the assault go up again."

Fenrir asked in confusion: "How are you going to capture the capital without the main force of infantry? Only relying on drones, Titan mechas, and high-level extraordinary people like us?"

"This is impossible. The capital is not like Tieyang. We can't cut off the head. It's impossible to defeat the enemy's morale in a short time. They will definitely hold on to every place and fight in the streets. Without enough infantry, we can't cover the entire battlefield."

Su Mo's eyes became deep, and his voice revealed a chill: "What I mean is, don't let these infantrymen around us go."

"Because they are human beings, my compatriots. I don't want to see my compatriots who fought side by side with me being crushed like dust by war machines."

"If there must be troops to be minced, to die, to go to hell."

"Then let other species sacrifice instead of humans."

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