After clearing the game, I became the villain BOSS

Chapter 353: Needless Killing (Page 12)

Everyone has young years and a burning heart.

But for many people, although the fire is burning, they don't know where it will end.

People's first instinct of the border area is undoubtedly that it is dirty and messy. All kinds of dirt-covered garbage can be seen everywhere on the streets. Flies are constantly circling around them. Various residential buildings are also in disrepair. Ivys are growing wantonly on the buildings. There are also A lot of moss clings to the surface of the wall, giving off a dilapidated atmosphere.

But somewhere in a dilapidated building, there is a different world.


The door was pushed open, and a young man covered in blood walked into the house.

This room is clean and tidy, and someone cleans it every day. There are all kinds of brand-new furniture in the room. Flowers are blooming proudly on the balcony. The wind blows through and brings a refreshing fragrance. Everywhere reveals a sense of warmth that is incompatible with the border.

"Gordon, you're back." The hostess in an apron walked out of the kitchen.

Seeing Gordon covered in blood, she was startled and asked in panic: "Gordon! Are you injured?!"

"No, it's all other people's blood." Gordon took off his blood-stained clothes and threw them into the clothes basket, cursing constantly, "Those bastards from the Gray Snake Gang actually dared to block me on the way."

"I'm so damn fearless as a Level 1 prosthetic, how dare those trash to challenge me? I killed them all, let's see who dares to provoke me again!"

The hostess asked with some worry: "They won't chase them to the house then, will they?"

Gordon said calmly: "Karen, I have told you many times. Before I go home, I will make sure there is no tail behind me. My brothers are guarding the area 24 hours a day. Everything will be fine."

Kallen's eyes looked a little resentful and she said, "Gordon, every time you go out, you chop at people, and when you come back, you're covered in blood. I'm really worried about you doing this."

Gordon waved his hand and said impatiently: "Don't talk too much. This is our grown men's business. What do you, a woman, know? Just take care of your family's affairs."

"I'm going to take a shower first. Is dinner ready? Put it on the table quickly, I'm starving to death."

Kallen whispered: "It's done. Go wash it and I'll help you pack your clothes."

After Gordon entered the bathroom, Karen silently sorted the blood-stained clothes into those that should be machine washed and those that should be hand washed, and then hung them all on the balcony.

When Gordon came out of the shower, hot dinner was already on the table.

As soon as he sat down, a little girl walked to the edge.

She is the daughter of Gordon and Kallen, and she is 14 years old this year. She held a plate of spaghetti with meat sauce in her hand, carefully placed it in front of Gordon, and said obediently: "Dad, eat the noodles. "

"Okay, be good." Gordon picked up his fork and ate the pasta.

Kallen brought two smaller portions of pasta, put them on the table, and said softly: "Agatha, come and eat too."

A family of three sat at the same table, eating food in silence. No one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull.

Gordon buried his head in eating noodles to fill his stomach, which had been starved for a day of fighting.

Kallen and Agatha looked at each other from time to time, as if making some kind of eye contact.

Kallen kept blinking at Agatha, gesturing for her and her father to speak.

Agatha seemed a little embarrassed, looking at Karen eagerly, with timidity in her eyes.

Originally, the two agreed that Agatha would do the talking, but her daughter was thin-skinned and backed down at the last moment. Kallen had no choice but to mention it herself: "Gordon, I have something to discuss with you."

"Say." Gordon didn't even raise his head.

Karen looked cautious and said in a low voice: "How about we change our lives in another city? Let's go to the capital. If you don't like it there, we can go to another city."

Gordon frowned, stopped eating noodles with his hands, raised his head and asked doubtfully, "Why do you say this all of a sudden?"

Karin lowered her eyes and said, "Neither my daughter nor I like the border area. Since the "Rusty Wall Isolation Act" was enacted three years ago, the environment here has become increasingly chaotic, and gunshots can be heard every day."

"Every time you go out and come back, you are always covered in blood. Beat this today and that tomorrow. We don't like this kind of life."

Gordon laughed angrily and said seriously: "Karen, are you awake? Do you know what I am called outside now?"

"I, Gordon, am the King of the Border! In the past few years, I have defeated more than a dozen large groups, and even the Alpha Team of the Fourth Anti-Violence Course was crippled by me alone! I am now the recognized king of the entire Border!"

"I have shed so much blood and sweat to finally climb to the top and become the king. Now you ask me to retire and live in another city? Are you kidding me!"

Kallen looked gloomy and said rather puzzlingly: "Sometimes I really don't understand why you are so obsessed with false fame? Is it so important to you whether you are the king of the border or not?"

Gordon: "Yes! It's very important! Because I don't want to be looked down upon anymore!"

He poked his heart hard, his tone full of resentment and violence for the past: "It's not like you don't know how much hardship we suffered together when we were young!"

"When I was twenty years old, do you remember? My dad passed away and I had no money at the time. I couldn't even pay for the funeral expenses."

"The owner of the coffin shop saw that I had no money and deliberately made things difficult for me. He said that as long as I learned how to bark ten thousand times, he would give me a free coffin."

"What can I do? In order to bury my father, I barked! I stood in front of his store and barked from morning to night, looking like a dog. Everyone who passed by looked at me like they were trash! What can we do? This is what we have to do if we have no money and no power!”

"Also, it's my first time to join a group. As you know, I'm with the boss of the Rhino Gang, the fat guy with a flat head."

"We were drinking with a big customer at that time, and because I accidentally touched his chopsticks while picking up food, that damn fat guy opened a beer bottle for me in order to flatter him."

"It's not over yet! The two of them peed on my head together, and then poured the urine directly on my face. I will never forget the disgusting smell in my life!"

Speaking of this, Gordon's eyes were full of ferocity: "At that time, I swore in my heart that one day, I would stand out, and I would make sure that no one in this world would dare to look down on me!"

Looking at the aggrieved Gordon, Karin looked a little sad: "Is it worth it for you to kill so many people every day just for a little face?"

Gordon said loudly: "It's worth it! Why isn't it worth it? Can't you just live for a while if you come out?!"

"I am the king of the border now. Everyone is afraid of me. Everyone must surrender to me. I will never be bullied by others again. I am the only one who bullies others!"

"That coffin shop owner, doesn't he like to hear dogs barking? I later killed a dog and sewed the dog's mouth on his mouth. From now on, he can bark to himself every day for the rest of his life!"

"And that damn fat guy, you poured urine on me, right? I just pushed him into the toilet and let him drown in the urine!"

"This is the king, do you understand? I hold the power of life and death. Whoever I want to live can live, and whoever I want to die must die! This is what I have been fighting for for half my life!"

Karin choked and asked, "What about us? My daughter and I are not important to you at all?"

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