After clearing the game, I became the villain BOSS

Chapter 329 Beacon Activation (page 12)

[100,000 meters deep underground]

The Earth Spacecraft piloted by Su Mo has reached the edge of the huge cavitation bubble.

Suddenly, a strong resistance came, violent noises came from the drilling equipment, and the Earth Spacecraft stopped with tremors.

At the same time, the thing blocking its progress was also captured by the detection equipment and projected on the screen.

It was a membrane-like barrier shining with a dark green light, with densely packed light blue scaly spots neatly arranged on the surface. The surface showed water-like ripples where it collided with the drilling equipment, but there was no trace of breaking.

There was intensive keyboard typing from the future, and then a voice murmured: "This is some kind of energy defense barrier. No wonder there is such a huge cavitation space deep underground, it turns out to be what holds it up."

Su Mo asked: "Are you ready for the high-energy drilling mode? There is no other entrance here, we can only break through."

Future: "Get ready, I'm receiving feedback data and will help you set the parameters right away."

With future remote assistance, Su Mo held the control stick tightly and stared at the picture fed back on the screen.

Future: "Parameter input is completed, switch to high-energy drilling mode. There may be violent vibrations later, so be prepared to prevent shocks!"

As the roar of the engine resounded through the cabin, the Earth Spacecraft began to accelerate, and blue boosting flames were ejected from the tail, burning the rubble behind it into a rolling liquid state, and the entire hull rushed towards the energy barrier like a meteor.

"Boom -" At the moment of impact, the energy barrier erupted with flashing light, ripples on its surface surged, and a powerful counter-impact force struck, causing the Earth Spacecraft to tremble violently.

However, the technology of the future is indeed very good. Under such a strong shock, the hull of the Earth Spacecraft remained stable, and even the safety system did not send an early warning. This means that it is far from reaching its limit and has sufficient stability in terms of stability.

The high-energy drilling continued for nearly half an hour, and gradually, the energy barrier finally cracked.

The cracks were very subtle at first, only limited to the vicinity of the drilling point, and then gradually began to spread outward, like a spreading spider web, and the depth became more and more obvious.

"Boom!!!" As the Earth Spaceship's engine erupted with a burst of more dazzling light, the energy barrier finally collapsed, and the ship's hull crossed the border like a silver meteor and rushed into the unknown interior.

When the scenery ahead appeared on the detector screen, Future's absent-minded voice came: "Oh my God."

This is a vast space with a semicircular spherical structure, and its edges are covered with the kind of membrane-like energy barriers Sumer encountered just now. They support this space from collapsing between the mantle rock layers.

Looking around, you can see buildings rising one after another. Different from the regular style of the human world, these buildings are full of weird and ominous atmosphere.

Their outer walls resemble the organs and tissues of some kind of creature, as if they have their own vitality. Under the translucent membrane structure, you can see red lines that gather together, like densely intertwined blood vessels.

Countless strange buildings were piled up and twisted one after another, forming a towering black spire in the center of the space. There was some kind of crystal at the top that emitted a faint light, like a star in the darkness.

On the other side of the communication station, after the exclamation, Future began to take a breath: "Boss, are these things created by the kind of life you just mentioned?"

Su Mo looked at the weird building in front of him and said in a deep voice, "Yes, you can call that kind of life a "structure." "

"Constructs are a kind of inorganic life form. Generally speaking, they are somewhat similar to the concept of robots, but they are not the same. They are not created, but are born from natural evolution. They have all biological characteristics, including advanced levels that are no less than human beings. wisdom."

"Unlike the human civilization on the surface, the structural civilization was born inside the planet. During the development of civilization, the two sides never knew the other's existence. Both thought they were the sole masters of the planet, until the first incident occurred 153 years ago. touch."

Future said blankly: "What do you mean?"

Su Mo's voice became suppressed: "Yes, in the doomsday war that destroyed the civilization of the old era 153 years ago, the enemy of mankind was the structural civilization."

"The reason why the war broke out is also very simple. Both humans and structures are advanced intelligent creatures, and the uniqueness of their existence is seriously threatened."

"Furthermore, there are irreconcilable gaps between the two civilizations in terms of life structure, social form, and ideological concepts. If they cannot even achieve the most basic coexistence, then there is only one way left - to destroy each other."

"In this way, after the two civilizations briefly came into contact, the war that swept the world broke out."

"Our ancestors a hundred years ago destroyed the structural civilization at the expense of several generations and preserved the fire for the subsequent propagation of human civilization until today a hundred years later."

Future fell silent in front of this shocking historical truth, and the only sound left on the other end of the communication station was her heavy breathing, which was either excitement or anxiety.

After a long time, she asked in a trembling voice: "Boss, who are you? Why do you know this?"

Su Mo chuckled and said in a joking tone: "Just think of me as a human who woke up in a freezer in the old era. It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I know the truth that everyone doesn't know."

"In that doomsday war, mankind did win a tragic victory, and the structural civilization was indeed destroyed, but it was not completely destroyed in the true sense."

"Some individuals of the structural civilization, including some civilization relics, still exist underground - this is what you see in front of you."

"And there is something in this civilization ruins, something that will affect the fate of the entire human world."

Future asked impatiently: "What?"

Su Mo: "You can call it a 'tectonic larvae', a structural life in the 'embryonic stage'. "

He still has one sentence left unsaid - it is also the fourth pass prop in the "Dawn" game.

Future's voice was extremely shocked, but also mixed with uncontrollable excitement: "You mean, a living structure?!"

Sumer: "Yes, and it is not an ordinary structure. Its existence is very special. If the structure is compared to a bee colony, this structural larvae is a supreme existence similar to a queen."

Future screamed to the point of almost losing his voice: "Then let's get it up quickly! I'll help you do research! God, I've never been so excited!"

Su Mo smiled helplessly: "I thought about it too, but it's not that easy. Did you see the black spire in front of you? That's where the tectonic larvae are."

"This black spire is what I call the "beacon". It exists to protect the larval constructs. When activated, it emits an invisible signal that humans cannot capture. "

"This kind of signal will have a drastic impact on wild ferocious beasts, causing them to gather crazily in the direction of the signal emission."

"And since no ferocious beast can enter the mantle layer and can only move on the surface, the place that is about to suffer this disaster is the border area."

Future hurriedly asked: "Is there any way to prevent the beacon from being activated?"

"Stop it?" Su Mo said with a sad smile, "The beacon has been dormant for the past hundred years, accumulating energy and will be automatically activated at a specific time."

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