This pirate land is big

Chapter 1: Evil pirates gathered on an isolated island, and wise men left for a foreign land.

Years have passed and the world is far away, and many historical writings have been discontinued.

The "tremendous changes" that occurred in ancient times are no longer verifiable. Years of oppression and whitewashing are the best way to control the entire world.

The sun and the moon have changed, and the years have changed. The whole world has been crawling under the world government, and the Celestial Dragons have been at the top of the world for more than eight hundred years.

However, the fine wine turns into rotten beetles, so how old is it?

The nobles live on top, and the people prostrate themselves below. However, humiliation leads to resentment, and resentment leads to rebellion. It may be said that "Once the eternal secret gate is opened, the evil spirits of Tiangang and Earth will emerge from the spring platform."It is also said that "the trees are broken due to the beetles, and the walls are damaged due to large gaps", but it is said that the general trend at this time is that a group of thieves have risen together, the whole world is shaken, and the world is in chaos.

The southern region of the East China Sea.

There is a small island hanging alone among the vast blue waves. This island is called "Arno". The land stretches twenty miles from east to west and is slightly narrow from north to south. It has high mountains and barren land. There are only tens of thousands of people living there. .

Fortunately, it is adjacent to a fishing ground, and people make a living by fishing, so there is no need to worry about famine.

On this absolutely independent offshore island, there was a talented man named Sumetri Juno.This Sumei is seventeen years old. Although he was born among the people and grew up in the mountains, he has talents that stand out from the crowd and the tools to be heroic and domineering.

After getting along with him for a while, you can know that this Sumei's speech, gestures and even behavior are different from those of the islanders... What no one knows is that he is not a native of this place.

This Su Mei is actually a person from Earth, born a thousand years ago, so called "post-[-]s generation".Just because he accidentally suffered an accident and lost his life, and due to fate, his soul traveled to this place that was similar to the "Pirate World" and possessed this drowned body.

As of yesterday, this happened just three years ago.

For three years, he has lived alone in a house on the central ridge of Arno Island. Every sunrise, he will appear on the top of the mountain to train his body in the morning sun, rain or shine, which is quite similar to the chicken dancing.

Neighbors all said that Su Mei was diligent and perseverant, but every time Su Mei would shake her head in reply, she said to herself, "This is not perseverance, but actually 'signing in'." Everyone was puzzled by what he meant.

When traveling through time, blessings and disasters are unpredictable, but risks are always accompanied by blessings.While encountering this kind of supernatural event, Su Mei received an even more supernatural "gift package".The reason why he has lived here for three years, unmoved in all weathers, is to get his "gift package" by signing in continuously.

Every time he signs in for a period of time, Su Mei will get a book, which is called a "skill book". After using the "skill book", he will get the corresponding growth attributes, and these attributes will be digitally presented in In front of him, it's called the "skill panel."

Just yesterday, he had obtained and used the last "gift package".Different from the past, this "gift package" is not a simple "skill book", but a "fruit".

This fruit has a very strange appearance and tastes very bad when eaten, comparable to dog excrement. However, it can achieve extraordinary feats, which is great.Because the world can see its shape but not understand its reason, it is called "Devil Fruit".

In order, in three years, Su Mei successively won "Encyclopedia of Navigation: There is a Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind", "Seeing Color: From Entry to Grave", "Armed Color: Gou Rixin Day by Day and Day by Day", "Overlord" Color: Ladder difficulty, easy to start, why do you need to be a real overlord? ""Swordsmanship Encyclopedia: It's not a dream to step on the eagle eye and beat the redhead" "Men's Mixed Martial Arts: Let Kaido pull the boat over" "Physique Hammer Forging: If you You can only practice to death" these seven skill books, in addition to the "Ultimate Gift Pack·Elimination Fruit: If anyone is dissatisfied, I suggest cutting him" that I got yesterday.

At this time, Su Mei opened the "Skill Panel" that was only visible to him, and some skills and corresponding levels appeared in front of him:

Domineering and domineering: 2

Armed Domineering: 2

Domineering Domineering: 0

Swordsmanship: 2

Fighting: 1

Constitution: 3

Navigation: 5

Fruit Awakening: 0

The simulation system is closed...

The various numerical values ​​​​seem to be mediocre, and can even be called "pitiful". However, comparisons must be made first to determine the superiority. If Su Mei is placed in the "novice pool" at this time, then the quality represented by these numbers can already be said. It can be considered "shark-level".

Staying on such an isolated island, relying only on natural tempering, Su Mei's experience growth was very little, so after getting all the "gift packages", he was done here, and he knew it was time to leave.

Near noon, the breeze that had been lingering on the island since the morning gradually stopped. Su Mei subconsciously raised his head. His sight continued to spread along the direction extending from the central ridge of the island. He found that the sky near was clear and blue and cloudless, and in the distance, It was completely dark everywhere; when he looked down, he saw the branches and leaves of the surrounding vegetation were green, so he knew that a strong wind and heavy rain were coming.

The hurricane had already reached the sea level. Su Mei thought for a moment and then went down the mountain along the forest path.

All the way to the town at the foot of the mountain, everyone greeted him with enthusiasm. Su Mei smiled back. Within a quarter of an hour, he walked into the only tavern in the town.

"Brother Su Mei."

As soon as he entered, he heard a cry of joy.

The person who made the sound was a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old. She was wearing a conservative, heavy, simple and very old maid uniform. She was holding a rag in her hand and was vigorously wiping a heavy table.

The girl's name is Xiao Jiu. She is an orphan adopted by the owner of the tavern. She has started to work as a waiter here at a young age.

"Hello, Xiaojiu."

Passing by Xiao Jiu, Su Mei reached out and touched the top of her head. Then he walked sideways around the thick and ugly tables with many scars from swords and bullets on the surface, and then sat on the high stool in front of the bar.

Then he took out two coins from his pocket, pressed them on the bar, and said to the shopkeeper behind the bar: "Old William, the same old thing."

Old William took the money, and then got busy with his hands very skillfully. Before Su Mei sat down for a long time, he put a piece of fried cod on the plate.

Su Mei took the knife and fork in hand and began to fill her stomach quickly.

Old William took a few steps back and leaned against the wine cabinet at the back. He took out a pipe, filled it with tobacco, and lit it.

The sky outside the window suddenly turned dark like nightfall. In an instant, lightning was as chaotic as silver pythons and thunder exploded incessantly. The next moment, the sound of crackling rain reached the ears of several people.

The shop owner took a few deep breaths of smoke and asked, "Su Mei, how long will this storm last?"

Storms are a common occurrence at sea, and old William was not surprised by them. He was just worried because of other things.

Su Mei swallowed the food in her mouth and replied: "I won't rest until late in the evening."

Old William then asked something more worrying: "Will that group of pirates come?"

"Yes. From a storm of this magnitude, they can only take shelter in the harbor."

Su Mei cut another piece of cod and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it and seemed to be thinking. When the food on the plate was almost gone, he suddenly said: "It's already here."

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu's face was full of shock, and then she hurriedly threw away the rag in her hand as if she was electrocuted, trotted through a narrow door and hid in the back of the tavern.

At the same time, a pirate ship indeed appeared outside the Arno fishing port.

Soon, the boat passed through layers of rain and docked at the small dock in Arno.

This is a small group of pirates active in this sea area. They call themselves the "Mammoth Pirates". Their number is around fifty. They are led by a pair of brothers. The elder brother is called Liszt and the younger brother is called Li Ang.

They have little strength and are accustomed to oppressing good people. They only dare to operate in remote waters like Arno, and they don't even dare to touch commercial routes... You can imagine what kind of character they are, they are just a group of people who are fierce in appearance but strong in appearance and strong in appearance. .

Two years ago, they tried to loot the island, but were blocked by Su Mei. At that time, the two sides were evenly matched. After that, although the pirates still dared to come here, they behaved a lot better.

But no matter how "ruled" they are, pirates are just pirates. Here they are only slightly better than being reckless. They will still do something when they should do something, and the town still has to pay the protection fee that the town should pay.

More than half an hour later, the door of the tavern was suddenly pushed open from the outside. A group of people covered in water stains, dressed in rags, swearing, and smelling of blood and sea, broke in violently. Come in.

The arrival of storms and pirates has created inherent memories for the residents of the island. Therefore, in this kind of weather, most people will not come to the tavern at all.

The shop owner, Old William, also wanted to close his shop in this weather, but he didn't dare.

A strong, hairy man came first. He had a big beard and an afro. It looked like only one pair of eyes were exposed on his face, and that was when his eyelids were open.

The bearded man looked around, and after spotting Su Mei's figure, he immediately laughed: "Haha, brother Su Mei, you are waiting for us here."

This man is Liszt, the leader of this group of pirates, and his younger brother Li Ang follows closely behind.

Su Mei looked up at Liszt and then at Li Ang, and could only lament that they were from the same mother and blood, but the hair was not evenly distributed... It turned out that the pirate Li Ang did not have that dazzling beard, but he had a bald head. His brother was even more ferocious.

"Brother Captain, how did I know you would be here today? It's just fate."

"Haha, what a fate."

Liszt sat down next to Su Mei, and the pungent smell of sweat filled the air instantly.

"Old man, I serve you wine and meat. I float on the sea these days, and a bird appears in my mouth."

Li Ang sat on the right side of Liszt, and the pirate gangsters also found their seats to sit down. Where they needed old William to serve wine, they had already taken a step forward and looked around.

Old William placed two bottles of rum in front of the pirate captain. The latter picked up the bottles, bit off the corks, then pretended to be bold and gulped half the bottle into his mouth, and then fiercely He put the bottom of the bottle on the bar and made a "bang" sound.

"Okay, good wine, really good... Old man, light the fire and let the kids warm up. They are like trash and have no eyesight at all."

Liszt pretended to fight, but old William dared to say no, and hurried out of the bar to light a fire.

This bleak look made the pirates burst out laughing.

"This storm is really timely. You don't know, brother Su Mei. Before the storm came, we had just robbed a merchant ship sailing from Fogox, emptied their cabins, and locked up the resisting birdmen. Go into the bilge and dig through the bottom of the ship before leaving the ship. When the storm comes..."

"There is no trace at all on the sea." Su Mei responded with a smile.

"Haha, there is no trace at all. Even God is helping us. The wind direction is also right. We came to this island on the front line of the heavy rain."

"God is good?"

"Yes, haha. Brother Su Mei, life at sea is such a joy. Brothers gather together to eat meat, drink wine, and share gold and silver. It's so happy. With your skills, why bother to stay like this? How about spending time on a small island? Do you want to go to sea with your brothers? "

This was not the first time that Liszt tried to persuade Su Mei, but Su Mei had refused in the past. This time he was just doing it as a matter of routine, and he just listened to what he said, but he didn't expect that he got a different reaction.

"I do have plans to go out and see the world. Captain, your ship... looks really nice."

Captain Liszt was stunned, and then he laughed even more wildly: "Okay, brother Su Mei will be my brother from now on."

Although Su Mei was powerful, he was only a young man and had little knowledge after growing up on the island. Liszt had long known that this person would be at his mercy sooner or later.

However, he laughed too early.

While the pirate gangsters were making noises, Su Mei said word by word, "Captain, please don't misunderstand... I just fell in love with your ship, why did I say I wanted to join your crew?"

The laughter stopped suddenly, Liszt became quiet, and then the beard and eyebrows on his face suddenly knitted together, "Brother Su Mei, what do you mean?"

"You pirates...if you tell other people that you have fallen in love with their ship, what do you mean? Do you need to explain it one by one?"

It only took a moment for Su Mei to fall out, because she wanted to seize the ship.

Liszt suddenly pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed the black muzzle at Su Mei's head, "Brother Su Mei, you are young and weak. You must know that there are certain things you should not say nonsense."

"Nonsense? It seems that you and other incompetent people only dare to rob the neighbors and harm one party. I should cut off evil thieves like you before I leave... I really don't think that I, an eight-foot man, would be willing to be brothers with a piece of shit like you." ?”

Su Mei was calm and coherent in her words, but it was precisely because of this contempt that the pirate captain was completely angered. After these words, his old face, as black as the bottom of a pot, turned red.

Liszt's hand holding the gun trembled slightly, but in the end he could not contain the anger in his heart: "How brave! How brave!"

As he spoke, he suddenly pulled the trigger. .

boom! ! !

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