Konoha: I was living a peaceful life and let the system stab me in the back

Chapter 5: Is the ancestor a swordsman?impossible!Absolutely impossible!

"So expensive! Fifteen thousand calm points!"

Yunzhong Qifeng couldn't make up the money even if he sold himself, but fortunately, the mall offered a 1500% discount for his first purchase, and after the discount, he had exactly [-] calm points.

What?You ask me why I didn’t save it to buy the Samsara Eye or the Kaleidoscope?Then I will tell you carefully.

Of course not!Furthermore, if you really redeem it, would you dare to use it?

Maybe there will be new products in the mall in the future, maybe the reincarnation eye or something like that will be launched, but that’s not something that needs to be considered in the cloud, we still have to focus on the present.

"System, redeem [genius]!"

A light blue light flashed away, and Yun Zhongfeng felt as if he had eaten golden garbage!The mind is extremely clear.

He immediately opened the scroll again and checked it out. The training method that had seemed obscure to him before now felt so simple, and many ideas for developing ninjutsu appeared in his mind.

At this time, Yunzhong Qifeng only wants to comment on two words, what a good thing!

"Although not a drop is left, it is indeed a good thing! This will greatly increase the speed of my Yun Dun training."

There is still one month left before the start of this year's Ninja Academy, and Yunzhong Qifeng hopes to successfully practice Yun Dun before then.

"With the blessing of this genius buff, practicing Yun Dun is not like an old lady blowing her nose and pinching it with her hands?"

For the Ninja Academy, the first generation and the second generation attached great importance to it. It was the foundation of Konoha's future, and the two of them put a lot of effort into it.

The effect is also outstanding. The first batch of 36 students in the Ninja Academy have now graduated and started to perform some non-dangerous tasks.

Among them, the most outstanding ones, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Koharu Koharu, Mito Kaden, Akimichi Tofu, Kagami Uchiha and others were accepted as disciples by Senju Tobirama and taught together with Lord Hokage.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the future prospects of these six people are unlimited, so both commoners and wealthy families send their children with some talents to the ninja academy, hoping to be valued by the two adults and accepted as disciples.

And his purpose was the same. He had already made a small show in front of the Hokage before, and then went to school to further deepen his impression. Finally, he was accepted as a disciple by the second generation. What a smooth plan.

When the second generation abdicates, he will assist the third generation. When the third generation gets old, he will be kicked off the stage and continue to assist Minato.

Calling it assistance is actually just talking. You want to listen or not, but it would be better if I don't. I'll be at ease.

The main purpose is to enjoy a peaceful life and solve the chaotic events triggered by the system. As long as there are no problems in Konoha Village, everything will not be a problem.

Yunzhong Qifeng has happily planned his future life, but no one can say whether the future will go as he wishes.

One month passed quickly. During this period, Yunzhong Qiufeng had been practicing Yun Dun seriously, but the progress was really impressive. The difficulty of Yun Dun's training was far beyond his imagination. He was about to succeed every time, and when he finally got there fail.

"I admit, I screamed too loudly at first."

And because I really didn’t know what to buy, I saved up the calmness points I got every day, and now I have three thousand points in my hand.

After finishing his training, Yunzhong Qifeng went to bed early. Tomorrow was the first day of school, and he didn't want to be late on the first day.

Early the next morning, Yunzhong Qifeng was woken up by the system's prompt: [Live peacefully in Konoha for one day, and you will be rewarded with 100 calm points. 】

For the system, Yunzhong Qifeng had already regarded it as a natural alarm clock. He quickly got up and got dressed, washed and ate in one go, and then left home.

The location of the Ninja Academy is near the Hokage Rock in the central area of ​​Konoha, not too far from the Hokage Building.

Along the way, Yunzhong Qifeng saw many children of the same age as him. Most of them were led by their parents to go to school, but there were also some who were alone. When they saw Yunzhong Qifeng, they all looked at him one after another. Keep your eyes on him.

"You dress like a swordsman, so it's no surprise that you don't turn heads very much! It's not the same style at all, okay?"

He was wearing a white robe, with the emblem of the Yunzhong clan embroidered on the back, and several cloud cranes embroidered on the sleeves on both sides. He also had the Heming Sword inherited by the family on his waist, and his white hair was gently blowing in the wind. Isn't this just a sword fairy?

The other children were either plainly dressed or wearing the uniform of the family, but what is certain is that even the major wealthy families in Konoha could not find clothes more fairy-like than Yunzhong Feng's.

"My ancestor turned into dust in the clouds, isn't he an ancient swordsman?"

But then he thought the idea was a bit ridiculous.

A generation of sword immortals has achieved great success!Mountains and rivers collapse when you breathe out, and the color of the world changes when you talk and laugh!Breaking through the void with just one blow, escaping to other realms, and finally coming to Naruto? ? ?

Novels dare not write like this!

Besides, if he was really a swordsman, the Yunzhong clan would have unified the ninja world long ago. What about Kaguya Otsutsuki?What Otsutsuki one style?You don’t even know the mother who can chop you with a sword!

Yunzhong Qifeng was thinking wildly as he walked, and he arrived at the Ninja Academy before he knew it.

At this time, there were about 400 people gathered outside the gate. There were some Hyuga with white eyes and evil Uchiha with bad faces, but most of them were civilians.

Without waiting for too long, the person in charge of the school divided these children into several classes. There were about 50 people in each class, and Yunzhong Qifeng was assigned to one class.

The classroom was newly built and very spacious. Yunzhong Qifeng looked around and saw a little girl from the Uchiha clan with purple hair who looked very cute.

After asking for permission, Yunzhong Qifeng sat down with her.

There is no class yet, and the children in the class are all about six years old. It is the time when they like to play. Although they are not familiar with each other, it has just been a while, and some of them have already become one.

Yunzhong Qifeng also found it interesting to watch, but perhaps because of the time traveler, he could never get this old face to play with them.

"Hello, I'm Kosuke Maruhoshi, what's your name?"

Yunzhong Qifeng turned his head and saw a little boy with tied hair smiling at him. When he first heard the name, he was blinded for a moment, but he immediately remembered it.

Isn't this the 'real' ten thousand year genin of Konoha?A veteran of the four dynasties!It turns out that when I was a child, I looked like this, quite honest and honest.

Finally I met someone I knew. Although it was only a one-sided acquaintance, Yunzhong Qufeng was still very happy: "Hello, my name is Yunzhong Qufeng, and I am the head of the Yunzhong clan."

The girl at the same table seemed to want to say something when she heard Yunzhong Qifeng introduce herself, but she didn't say it out loud.

After hearing this, Kosuke Maruhoshi continued: "Then we know each other! I still have two friends, I asked them to come over." After that, he left

After traveling for so long, Yun Zhongfeng still doesn't have many friends, so not only is he not disgusted with Maruhoshi Kosuke's enthusiasm, but he is also looking forward to seeing someone he can call.

At this time, Yunzhong Qufeng remembered that he still didn't know the name of the girl at the same table and said: "Hello, my name is Yunzhong Qufeng, what is your name?"

The girl also smiled sweetly when she heard this: "Hello, classmate Tofeng, I am Uchiha Jiri."

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