Konoha, outsiders can also be Hokage

Chapter 99 Iwa Ninja also wants to carry out a sneak attack

But as the shadow of a village, it is even more impossible to act on impulse.

If the situation in the Country of Grass could be maintained, he would be very willing to end the war in an unclear way.

It would be even better if we could take some advantage in the Country of Rain and the Country of Stone, which are entangled with the Sand Ninja.

But again, you can decide when the war starts, but you cannot decide when the war ends!

Now that Iwa Ninja Village has gained a lot of prestige and gained a lot of actual benefits, it is normal to want to break away from Konoha and sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

But Onoki also understood that Konoha didn't even try his best, even half of his strength, how could he shake hands with Iwa Ninja and make peace with the Iwa Ninja at a loss?

If Hiruzen Sarutobi really dared to do this, he might be overthrown by Uchiha on the second day!

This is just like Xiaorizu and Yingjiang. Xiaori thought he had attacked Pearl Harbor and Yingjiang would shake hands and make peace after suffering a big loss. Isn't this self-deception?

"Although our village is not strong enough, Konoha has made countless enemies in the ninja world. It is impossible to use all its power against us. We still have a chance!" The East Dead Man admitted that there are some differences between Iwa Ninja and Konoha, but ninjas cannot just talk about it. Strength is not about spirit, otherwise how could the Will of Stone be passed on?

"Bah!" Ohnoki clapped his hands and angrily scolded the quarreling people.

"Now I'm asking everyone to find a solution! I'm not asking you to argue here! Ask questions to solve them!"

"Lord Tsuchikage, the reason why Konoha is unwilling to admit defeat and continues to show off its power must be because it looks down on us Iwa ninjas!" At this time, the upper water family stood up.

"Oh? What do you think, Wasp?" Ohnoki asked with interest.

The Kamishui clan is a powerful Iwa ninja clan, and its power in the village is equal to that of Konoha Uchiha!The first Tsuchikage came from this family.

"If we want to hurt Konoha, we can't follow the rhythm of Konoha!" Kamishuiyu Wasp smiled politely. He took the baton from Ohnoki's hand and walked to the map of the ninja world.

With a casual gesture, the baton swung with his arm and landed in the country of Taki!

A trace of irritation flashed in Ohnoki's eyes, but he did not show it. He was a little confused and motioned for the upper water wasp to continue talking.

"We are now directly confronting Konoha in the Country of Grass, and the neighboring Country of Taki has never been officially entered by either side! This is our opportunity!"

The two major ninja villages did not directly enter the country of Taki. Naturally, it was not because of benevolent intentions, or because the country of Taki was said to be a permanently neutral country.

There is only one reason, and that is that Taki Ninja Village is strong enough. Think about it, why do the senior officials of Taki Ninja Village dare to assassinate Hashirama?Why did Hashirama assign them a tailed beast?

Naturally, it is because of the strength of this village. When the five great ninja villages were first established, Taki Ninja Village was known as the sixth ninja village, and it was unknown where it went before Amano Village and Uzushio Village.

Ohnoki believed that the Kamishui clan was not stupid. If Taki Ninja Village could not be solved, Wasp would not propose this plan at all.

And just as Onoki thought, Wasp continued excitedly: "We, the Shangliu Clan, have secret information. Ever since Kakuzu defected, the elders of Taki Ninja Village have been basically slaughtered by him!

And the remaining people have been fighting for power and profit for so many years, and the development of the village has long fallen behind!Not long ago, the contemporary Takikage of Taki Ninja Village just passed away, and the jinchuriki was still a child. They are now busy fighting for the right to speak in the village and will not come out to cause trouble at all! "

"At its peak, Taki Ninja himself said that there were 5000 ninjas. When Iwa Ninja Village was first established, our ninjas often encountered people from Taki Ninja Village when performing missions in surrounding countries. Think about it, who of you have encountered them in the past 10 years? ?”

"There are probably less than 2000 ninjas in Taki Ninja Village now, including the old, weak, sick and disabled. This is an opportunity, Lord Tsuchikage!"

The frozen man and the fire looked at each other, and suddenly felt that Huang Feng's words were right!

The country of Taki is also a small country and cannot afford to support so many ninjas. Therefore, when Taki Ninja Village was first established, their ninjas refused to accept anyone who came and kept taking on tasks in surrounding countries.

If you don't tell me, you really haven't noticed it. If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case. I don't know when the last time I met the ninjas of Taki Ninja Village outside the country of Taki!

"How did you get this kind of information? You know, even Iwa Ninja Village still doesn't know where Taki Ninja Village is!" Although Onoki basically believed in Wasp's judgment, he was cautious and still raised questions.

"Lord Tsuchikage, you don't know. The Taki Ninja Village is actually hidden behind a large waterfall. The terrain is difficult to defend and difficult to attack. Although I have never been in it, there was a drought in the shinobi world last year. That road protects the Taki Ninja Village. The amount of water in the waterfall decreased, just enough to not completely cover the entrance, and the ninjas from our family who were out on a mission just happened to fly in when they released the bees!"

There is no need for him to explain next. Since the bees can enter, I believe that the Shangshuiliu clan has already conducted 800 reconnaissances.

"As long as we can lead an elite team and bypass the army of the Konoha Country, we will definitely be able to severely damage Konoha! They are enemies on all sides, so beating them will hurt them! After the heavy damage, they can only shake hands with us and make peace!"

"This is indeed a solution!" Onomu nodded secretly.

Now that we can confirm that there is no threat to Taki Ninja Village, we can naturally take a detour to Taki Country!Although the Taki Ninja Village is an ally of Konoha, in a village like the other side, which has neither masters nor ordinary ninjas, but also few ninjas, the Iwa Ninja Village doesn't even need to look at him!

Don't think that the plan of Iwa Ninja Village is too outrageous. There are many outrageous plans of these people in the ninja world. This kind of strategy of bypassing the opponent's main force and using elite ninjas to sneak attacks is not uncommon in the history of the ninja world.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist Ninja Village raided Konoha, and some even stuffed tailed beasts into ninjas to make time bombs. The Fourth Kazekage of the Sand Ninja led a team to blast the center of Konoha. Compare the actions of the Iwa Ninja Village. It suddenly made sense.

"Okay! Then I will command the entire army for this assault!" Onoki made up his mind. He stood up from his stool, looked around and said, "Who among you has the confidence to lead the forward troops!"

Before East Dead Man and Huo Guang could answer, Shangliu Shuihuang Wasp stood up and said without hesitation: "Let me, the Shangshuiliu Clan, take the lead! After all, I provided the information on Taki Ninja Village! If something goes wrong, the way back will be cut off. I will be the first to die! We, the Kamisyu clan, can use the swarm to cause chaos in Konoha and buy time for the large army to attack!"

His words immediately silenced the other jounin who were about to move.

Ohnoki's eyebrows flashed, it seemed that the Shangshui clan had become restless recently.

Haha, I just want to use you to test the quality of Konoha!

He took the baton from the upper water wasp's hand without leaving a trace and began to distribute orders!

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