Konoha, outsiders can also be Hokage

Chapter 44 War Arrangement

"Okay, okay, everyone, be quiet!" Hiruzen Sarutobi stood in front of the rostrum table and knocked hard.

The jounin below suddenly became quiet, and everyone found their seats and sat down one after another.

"Everyone is invited to come this time. First, we will report the situation on the battlefield!"

"As for the Kingdom of Rain, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade have stabilized the battle lines with the villages. I believe it won't take long. If everyone doesn't increase their investment, we will soon be able to repel the Kingdom of Earth. country, protect the legitimate interests of Konoha and the Fire Country!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is now very satisfied. His three apprentices have performed well in this war. Although they are not fledgling brats, they are only about 20 years old now. It is very unexpected that they can achieve this level. .

"Since we have taken the initiative on the battlefield in the Kingdom of Rain, I have decided to put pressure on the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Wind to prevent the Sand Ninja Village and the Rock Ninja Village from looking at each other. You are all the elites in the village, and everyone can speak freely!" Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke loudly at the conference. The special structure of the conference hall was enough to allow his voice to spread throughout the venue.

The ninjas below looked at each other, but no one made any comments.On the contrary, Shimura Danzo was the first to speak, "Increasing pressure on the two villages of Tofu? What on earth do you think, Hiruzen?"

"I think a second battlefield should be opened. The roads in the Rain Country are muddy and the land is narrow, which limits the performance of our ninjas. We must make reasonable use of our own advantages. How is our Konoha better than the Iwa Ninja Village and the Sand Ninja Village? Naturally, it is the number of our ninjas There are so many. In addition to the ninjas in the direction of the Kingdom of Rain, we can also gather an army of ten thousand people in the direction of the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Wind at the same time. This is our advantage!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said very confidently.

Others in the entire ninja world don't know, but everyone present knows the situation in Konoha clearly. As the largest ninja village in the ninja world, Konoha usually has a 1 vs. 2 or 1 vs. 3 presence on the battlefield. The number of ninjas is naturally far away. Far more than other ninja villages.

Among the five major countries, Suna Ninja Village and Kiri Village have the smallest number of people. Both sides have around 1.5 ninjas, making them the bottom among the five major ninja villages.

From the beginning of the plot, one of the two countries respects elite education, and the other respects the Blood Mist. But the actual situation is that even if their ninjas fight alone, they may not be the opponents of the Konoha ninjas. In the final analysis, it is still about money.

Cloud Ninja Village is not yet a Ninja Village that can compete with Konoha for the top spot. They currently only have 2 ninjas.

Since the characteristic of ninjutsu in the Rock Ninja Village of the Earth Kingdom is the combination of earth escape and ninjutsu, the number of ninjas in the Rock Ninja Village is larger than that of the other three countries, about 2.5.

But their chakra attributes are restrained by Yun Ninja Village, and in terms of individual strength, the ninjas are weaker than Yun Ninja Village.So although there is a difference in the number of people between the two families.But the strength is still between the two.

As the undisputed number one in the ninja world, Konoha has the most resources in the entire ninja world.Naturally, the number of ninjas is the largest in the ninja world. Whether they are jounin, chunin or genin, they far exceed those of the major countries. At this stage, there are nearly 1 ninjas working in Konoha.

Moreover, the proportion of jounin in Konoha is higher than that of other major ninja villages. The other major ninja villages are probably around 1%. Konoha now has more than 500 jonin, and after the Uzumaki clan joined this time, the number of jounin will be even higher. There are as many as 600 people. The finished product ratio of 1.5% is also better than other major countries.

Therefore, Konoha and the four major ninja villages are enemies. As long as they are not faced with the siege of the other four major ninja villages at the same time, they can basically win.

Regardless of the First Ninja War, the Second Ninja War or the Third Ninja War, Konoha usually fights 1 vs. 2, 1 vs. 3, and in extreme cases, 1 vs. 4. No matter how ugly the fight is, victory is After all, it is the Leaf Village.

In the first three ninja wars, no ninja from each country could crush the current generation. Even the Kage level of each village, everyone had ways to limit it.So why can Konoha win?Naturally, it depends on the number of people.

"Hokage-sama Mingjian, such a three-pronged attack will put a lot of logistical pressure on our Konoha Village!" the leader of the Nara clan reminded.

It's not impossible to fight like this. Overpowering others with force and being upright are the tactics with the best chance of winning. But can the Fire Nation's logistics keep up?This is 1 versus 2.Yu Ninja Village was automatically ignored by him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and said, "We currently have 5000 ninjas on the Rain Country battlefield. Suna Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village both have about 1 people. For Suna Ninja Village, they currently have the most ninjas at their disposal. Five thousand, because they still have to guard against the Yanren Village and the Mist Ninja Village, [-] vs. [-], the advantage is mine!"

"As for the Iwa Ninja Village, they also have to guard against the powerful Cloud Ninja Village and Suna Ninja Village. Their ninjas are at the bottom of the five major countries when fighting alone. If I take out 1 ninjas, how can Onoki deal with it?"

Everyone was really shocked by Sarutobi Hiruzen's courage. How dare the old guy dare to challenge this time?This doesn't look like him at all, does it?

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is powerful, when it comes to governing the village or leading Konoha to participate in various wars, he is actually relatively passive most of the time. His most effective tactics are defensive counterattacks.Didn't expect to be so reckless this time?

Shimura Danzo reminded: "Don't forget, there is also the Mist Ninja Village. Now that the Uzumaki clan has joined Konoha, those crazy people on the island are still red-eyed!"

Having said this, everyone's eyes were focused on Uzumaki Dairo.

Uzumaki Dairo straightened his clothes and said loudly: "Since the Uzumaki clan is a member of Konoha, they will naturally obey the Hokage-sama's orders!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said happily, "We have 4 ninja troops in Konoha, [-] from the Kingdom of Rain, [-] from the Kingdom of Earth, [-] from the Kingdom of Wind, [-] from the Kingdom of Water, and [-] from the Kingdom of Thunder, plus the remaining members of the village. Five thousand as a reserve team, what do you think?"

Hatake Sakumo wondered: "In addition to the direction of the Kingdom of Thunder as a defense, and the 5000 people from Konoha headquarters who do not need to participate in the war, we are dispatching 3 troops at the same time this time. Should we be more cautious? After all, the logistics of so many ninjas is still Divided into several directions, it’s really beyond our capabilities!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed and turned to look at Uzumaki Dairou, "This depends on us, the Uzumaki clan!"

Uzumaki Dairo saw this look and immediately understood, this old guy is waiting for him here, just tell him if you want money. In this whole situation, the Uzumaki clan has nothing else, so we can still get this thing, "We the Uzumaki clan We are willing to provide a large number of sealing scrolls to ensure that the logistics tasks are completed!"

The Uzumaki clan has its own specific seal scroll, which can only be opened by ninjas of its own clan. It is simple to say, the internal space of this scroll is huge, and the space is huge, so it naturally requires more energy. The only disadvantage is that it requires a lot of chakra to activate, and only It can be activated by continuously inputting the chakra of the same ninja, which requires at least 10 cards.

With this characteristic, the Uzumaki clan created a seal scroll unique to the Uzumaki clan, and only the Uzumaki clan can easily find ninjas with more than 10 cards.This kind of scroll is quite useless to other ninjas.Because they don't have enough chakra to open it at all, and the Uzumaki clan who hold this kind of scroll are very good logistics ninjas!

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