Yu Sui rummaged through her clothes with a flashlight, picked out a relatively complete and clean set, and dodged into the space again.

She is a handicraft blogger. In addition to making food and clothes, she also has good makeup skills.

Most things can be purchased in the space, so it only took half an hour for Yu Sui to make herself up like Russell Ying. Well, it didn’t quite look like her, so she had to buy a wig.

Yu Sui bought a short-haired one, put it on her head, clipped a few strands with a black hairpin, and looked in the mirror.

Hahaha, Yu Qiu, do you know your mother?

It's already eleven o'clock, and the entire Yujiawan is like a sleeping giant. The occasional dog barking in the distance makes this corner of the mountain look even quieter.

Yu Sui wandered to the end of the village like a ghost.

In the past few days, she has basically understood the situation of the residents in the entire village. The family next to the bamboo forest is Chen Mingli's family.

Hey, it’s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but it’s never too late for a little girl to take revenge.

Chen Mingli actually dared to persuade Yuan Yuan to hang herself. She has been feeling aggrieved after letting this issue go for a few days, okay? She has to settle it today. At least, she wants to know why Chen Mingli did that.

However, she didn't know which room Chen Mingli slept in, so Yu Sui planned to go around the room to get a general idea and make a guess.

Chen Mingli's house is also made of adobe, and it is said that she lives with her grandmother, so it is impossible for Chen Mingli to live in the upper room.

Yu Sui went to the room on the right.

Most of the adobe houses had windows at the front and back. Yu Sui leaned towards the back window and was about to poke through the window paper to take a look inside when she suddenly heard a strange sound.

Humming and groaning, it sounds like crying and screaming.

Yu Sui didn't understand at first, but listened carefully for a while.

Good guy, is this something you can listen to without paying?

Isn’t this a restricted storyline?

Yu Sui was so embarrassed that her head and face turned red.

Fortunately, it was midnight and no one saw her, but Chen Mingli was too...

Now, should she go in or not?

Yu Sui stayed there for a while, then heard the people inside starting to talk.

"Hmm... my dear, I'll stay here tonight and won't leave, okay?" Yu Sui had heard this man's voice before. He was the young man who stole the sweet potatoes last time. His name should be Su Shengqiang.

Then came Chen Mingli's voice, which was a little hoarse afterward: "You'd better leave, let people see me later, will I still be a human being?"

"Oh, really, why don't we get married? Yu Qiu's family has been busy with funerals these days. I didn't dare to come. I miss you so much. You don't know that men can't hold back. It can break them. , I can’t hold it back anymore, what will you do for the rest of your life? My heart!”

"Fuck you! Then my grandma said that you must have at least a pair of gold earrings and a gold ring, as well as two clothes made of wool. The banquet will cost at least 100 yuan. Can you afford it?"

"I..." The man was silent for a moment and sighed: "Oh, I got it all! Yu Qiu's words don't mean anything!"

Chen Mingli also sighed: "Even if she wants to keep her word, she can't do it now. The team is asking her family to pay 350 yuan!"

"It's her business to pay compensation. She agreed that if the matter is done, we will split it [-]/[-] with us. If she doesn't get anything out of it, she is being treacherous!"

"You also said that the matter is done, is it done now? Really, Yu Sui is not dead, and the money has not been taken out of her. It is really strange. Yu Qiu said that she clearly took the money I don’t know why it disappeared from Yu Sui’s pocket. I still haven’t figured it out, where could the money go?”

Su Shengqiang's voice sounded angry:

"You just believe her. I think she is very treacherous. She can obviously do it by herself when it comes to taking money from the production team, but she insists on dragging us into the water. Why? I think she may have thought about it. If something goes wrong, If everything goes wrong, we can blame it all on us. She said she remembered putting the money into Yu Sui's pocket. That was her own statement. Maybe she didn't? Did she swallow the money? "

"This...this is not serious. When I was watching, I actually saw her take the money out of her pocket and stuff it into the crowd."

"Then what if she made an agreement with someone else and stuffed it in someone else's pocket?"

"This is impossible. After all, she and the captain's family are the ones who have to pay in the end. She can't do this. I heard people say that this time her mother died, and the money for the funeral had to wait until the platinum was collected. She couldn't even buy a thin-skinned coffin. She got up and buried her directly. Her father didn't care about anything, and his brother was lazy. If she had money, she wouldn't have to hold her mother's funeral in such a simple way, right?"

The room fell silent.

Both of them were probably wondering where the money went.

Yu Sui was also thinking outside the house, oh, it turns out that Yu Qiu was the mastermind and asked Chen Mingli to frame her behind her back.

The purpose?

Yu Sui wanted to continue hearing about Yu Qiu, but the conversation changed the subject.

Chen Mingli suddenly mentioned Yu Sui:

"Oh, it's all because Yu Sui is alive. If she dies, Yu Qiu and I will share 250. Now I find Yu Sui is very strange. I told her before that she likes you very much, and she always follows me. Mentioning you, she was willing to hang herself to frighten her family. But after hanging herself, she suddenly seemed like a different person. She didn't mention you to me at all, only her partner.

She even said she didn't hang herself, but I didn't leave until I saw her hanging in the rope loop.This woman seemed to have someone helping her secretly, even if she was hanged.Forget it, maybe she wouldn't hang herself after I left.But the thing about stuffing money last time was also very strange. If we had caught her doing it that day, we could have shared some of it!

Yu Qiu also said that if Yu Sui could be captured, she would find a way to replenish us to two hundred and fifty, and then we would have all the money for our wedding, but the money was nowhere to be found!And look, she was buried in Yu Laogen's house and she didn't die. Why do you think her life was so great?Hey, has she really not visited you recently? "

Su Shengqiang: "No, I didn't look for him again after the day he hung himself!"

Chen Mingli: "What about you? You didn't go to find her either?"

"I...well, I thought she was dead and was just waiting for us to share the money with Yu Qiu. Later I found out that she was not dead and wanted to trick her again, but her partner was tall and tall. How dare I go when I’m always there?”

"Hmph! It's true, how could that man be so blind that he actually fell in love with her!"

"Well... I went to dig sweet potatoes for you to eat that day, and I saw her going out with that man. I took a look at her. Her face was white and she had two pigtails. She was actually quite pretty."

"Say it again?" Chen Mingli's voice suddenly sounded, even Yu Sui outside the window was startled.

Su Shengqiang began to defend: "I...hey, my dear, I'm just talking about face, face, nothing else, how can I compare with you? Look at you, how soft you are, eh..."

The bed in the room creaked, and Su Shengqiang's voice sounded like a lewd ghost: "My dear, I can't survive anymore. I thought about it again..."

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