And Yu Sui, slowly approaching Yu Qiu, asked directly:

"Yu Qiu, this is not the first time you have come to find me. What do you want to do? First, you rumored me to hang myself in front of Xia Linsheng, and then you falsely accused me of stealing money in front of the entire production team. What a good day today. You still pretend not to understand and disturb us, do you want to kill me, or are you attracted to Xia Linsheng? Otherwise, you just want to kill me so that you can marry Xia Linsheng in my place? "

Yu Qiu's heart skipped a beat, and she waved her hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, you, how could you say that? I didn't, how could I?"

Xia Linsheng heard these words outside and smiled.

Well, he was relieved.

His little daughter-in-law is really good, she will not suffer any loss if she is so fierce.

He can go back and make money.

Last time, my daughter-in-law borrowed 100 yuan for free. This time, she suddenly spent more than 100 yuan on meat and wine, so she didn't even have enough money for the wedding banquet.

He had to go back and figure it out.

Yu Sui felt relieved when she saw that the man's figure on the window paper was really gone.

There were some words that she didn't want Xia Linsheng to hear, lest they affect her.

For example, the following words.

"How is that possible? Haha, let me ask you, Yu Qiu, why did you specifically ask Yu Xiaosong to come home from school and call me to Yu Laogen's house?"

"I, I, I didn't! What are you talking about? I didn't!"

Yu Qiu didn't expect this sudden question at all. She was so frightened that her hair stood on end, and she shied away even more eagerly.

Yu Sui just wanted to catch her off guard. How could he let her go when someone just happened to come to her door:

"But what Yu Xiaosong told me was that you asked him to come to my house immediately when he came back from school and take him to his house. He had to count until he reached a thousand before I could leave. Then, Yu Laogen's house collapsed Oh, Yu Qiu, did you know that Yu Laogen’s house would collapse?”

Yu Qiu's face turned red: "This... Yu Sui, what are you talking about? How could I know that Yu Laogen's house would collapse? How could it be possible?"

Yu Sui: "How could a six- or seven-year-old child come back to me, someone who doesn't usually play with him, for nothing? If it wasn't you, the teacher, who asked him to come, who else could it be?"

"Yusui, don't talk nonsense, I didn't, I don't know!"

"You don't know? No! You know! You are plotting against me! You either have the ability to predict or you have relived your life, but I warn you, no matter which one you are, you are still too young to plot against me. !”

Yu Qiu was so frightened by these words that she pressed her body against the wall: "Ah, ah, Yu Sui, you are talking nonsense, you are crazy, what are you talking about?"

Yu Sui crossed her arms and looked at her: "Fake it, keep pretending, but think about it carefully, because of you, Yu Xiaosong died! You owe a life!"

"Yusui, you are talking nonsense, you, you are completely talking nonsense, I didn't know there would be a landslide at all, I, if I knew, how could I not remind my mother? Ahhhhh, my poor mother!"

Yu Qiu was really like Yu Cheng said, as if she had an on-off button. She cried when she turned on her voice. While crying, she looked at Yu Sui aggrievedly:

"You, you know that I don't have a mother, so you bully me like this? Oh, oh, my mother!"

Yu Sui looked at her indifferently and wailed:

"Yes, I just knew that your mother was dead, and I thought I was wrong. But what did Xia Linsheng say just now? Your mother beat you, so you want to run away from home? Haha, do you hate your mother very much? ? You hate her so much that you want her to die? No, God has given you such a good opportunity, but it will collapse. How can you remind your mother that you just want to watch her die, right? "

Yu Qiu stopped crying.


Tears were still streaming down her face, but there was only fear in her eyes.

She was even so startled that she hiccupped one after another and couldn't stop.

Yu Sui put her hand on her head: "I said that, right?"

Yu Qiu was so frightened that he backed away and kept backing: "Uh, you are crazy, what you said is all crazy, you, you, Yu Xiaosong is dead, uh, you, you can't use the words of a dead person to, uh, slander me, You, you will have your retribution!”

Yu Sui stared at her tightly: "Are you warning me? Do you think that since Yu Xiaosong died without any evidence, no one will testify for me? Haha, I don't care! Yu Qiu, you killed your mother and Yu Xiaosong, you will definitely get retribution!"

Yu Qiu retreated to the threshold and tripped over it. She stumbled, quickly held on to the threshold, looked at Yu Sui, turned around and ran away.

Yu Sui didn't chase, and quietly thought about what she had just said.

She wanted to review and rethink whether what she said could form a closed loop of facts and whether it could shock Yu Qiu.

As Yu Qiu said, Yu Xiaosong is dead, and she cannot use the dead person's words as testimony.

What's more, Yu Xiaosong didn't say that at all.

Everything is just her guess.

Yu Qiu is a ruthless character. She did not remind her mother to avoid danger and allowed her mother to die. Apart from the possibility that Yu Qiu really hated his mother and wished for her death as Yu Sui said, it is also very possible that she She just wanted to use the fact that her mother was dead to cover up her sin of deliberately plotting against Yu Sui.

Because in this way, no one would believe that Yu Qiu knew in advance that there would be a landslide.

On the contrary, it was Yu Sui. Because Zhang Caifeng had been asked to remind the members to pay attention to the rocks before, people would speculate that he knew in advance that the landslide was going to occur. Therefore, if Yu Sui insisted on saying that Yu Qiu could predict it, he could ask Yu Xiaosong to pull Yu Sui over to implement it. It is difficult to emphasize the matter of calculation on the table.

If you talk too much, you will be implicated as a time traveler.

If you talk about it too much, the fact of being buried underground for more than ten hours and still surviving will become a remarkable thing.

This would put Yu Sui in danger instead.

This is also the brilliance of this woman Yu Qiu. She is very calculating and a formidable opponent.

Yu Sui gritted her teeth when she thought of this.

This is an era where even lost money can’t be found to steal. Even if she went to the police station to report the matter of being buried, how could she find out that it was Yu Qiu’s plan?

Yu Xiaosong is dead and there is no witness.

Lu Luoying also died, but became a strong support for Yu Qiu without knowing it.

If she were to say that it was Yu Qiu who harmed her, it would be nonsense!

However, even if she couldn't find evidence to catch Yu Qiu in this matter, she would definitely fix this annoying woman!

for sure!

Yu Sui secretly made up her mind and started to do more important things - making money.

She wants to make money so much.

These days we cannot get rich first and be glorious first, so the whole production team should come together.

Now, Zhang Caifeng is a veritable captain. The brigade secretary proposed the election of a new captain at yesterday's post-disaster mobilization meeting of the production team. Zhang Caifeng received the support of all members and became the captain without any suspense.

Zhang Caifeng immediately expressed her stance that in the future she will lead the members to work hard to live a good life so that everyone can have meat to eat!

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