Soon, the two arrived at the production team's warehouse.

It was crowded inside, with a row of blue and green backs.

There was only an old desk at the front, and two middle-aged men sat there, very serious, looking like national leaders sitting on the rostrum.

Chen Mingli was sitting in the corner behind her desk, also facing the outside, looking a little awkward.

Because most women are from behind.They were sitting on small benches brought from home, while the men were squatting or standing casually, and there were a group of children playing in the corner.

It really feels like the entire production team is here.

Chen Mingli raised her eyes to look at Yu Sui, and immediately lowered her head.

Yu Sui closed her umbrella and was stunned not knowing what to do. Yu Qiu grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the front of the crowd: "Here they come! From what I saw, she just got home, so she probably doesn't have enough time to do anything."

Yu Sui was confused and could only let her pull her towards the stage.

Sun Yuying stood up in the crowd: "What are you doing! Yu Qiu, why are you dragging her? It's none of her business!"

One of the men on the "rostrum" shouted sternly: "Sun Yuying, sit down! This is a major matter for the entire production team. Everyone needs to ask. Since someone has reported it, you have to ask!"

But Yu Haichao stood up again: "Captain, you have to give a reason, right? Why are you asking us, Xiaosui?"

It turns out that this is the captain.Who is the other one?

While Yu Sui was still identifying, the captain slapped the table: "Why, why! Just ask if someone reports! How come others reported Yu Sui when they didn't report others? You all sit down and start arguing about how long the meeting will last?"

Yu Haichao turned around and cast a worried glance at Yu Sui, but in the end he could only sit down silently.

Yu Sui was dragged to the stage by Yu Qiu in confusion.

The captain looked at Yu Qiu, and his eyes stopped at Yu Sui's umbrella for a while, and then he knocked on the table:

"Quiet! Now that everyone is here, I will tell you this important thing again. Early this morning, the cash custodian found that the 500 yuan in this desk was gone! What is this 500 yuan for? This is related to credit The money from the social loan is used to buy fertilizer for the next stage of winter wheat! You guys are so good at taking the collective money!"

The audience was buzzing.

Yu Sui's mind was buzzing.

What the hell, the team lost money, what does it have to do with her?

Are you dragging her here now because you suspect she stole it?

She definitely wouldn't steal it, but the original person...

Yu Sui couldn't be sure whether the original person had stolen it or not, but in the adobe room at home, she even checked the bed board in order to know the original person. There was not even a copper plate in it, let alone 500 yuan.

The captain slapped the table again:

"Quiet! Let's not talk about who stole it. We also have to talk about the evidence. Someone reported the person to the team. After I heard the name, I didn't believe it, so I asked someone to find out more, and then Some people say that recently Yu Laosan’s family eats a lot of meat. Oh, some people also said that Yu Sui hanged himself a few days ago. So, did he steal the money and was so scared that he wanted to hang himself? "

This "ah" was directed at Yu Sui.

Yu Sui was so angry that she really wanted to spit on the captain.

But obviously, now is not the time to act on impulse.

Yu Sui met the captain's gaze and looked over: "Captain, are you asking me?"

Captain: "Yes, someone reported that you stole the production team's money! I originally wanted to find you to understand the situation first, but it's better for you to run away to the city and not come back for a long time. Whoever has money can do whatever they want. Go to town?

So I figured it was probably you, so I just asked everyone to come to the meeting. Yu Sui, how much did you pay for that umbrella?Our entire brigade doesn’t have such an umbrella, right?You stole the money, right? "

In the audience, Sun Yuying stood up again:

"Nonsense! We, Yu Sui, went shopping for wedding things with our partner. Why, we can't go to the city to buy wedding things? Who said she stole money? Come forward and see if I don't tear her apart!"

The captain slapped the table so that it jumped:

"Shut up! Sun Yuying, what is Yu Sui's performance in the production team that you don't know? She always doesn't work and is lazy when she does work. Can you guarantee that she didn't steal this money? Now for the sake of her youth, I Give her a chance and solve it in our team. Why are you making such a fuss? You have to promise that I will report it to the brigade right now and ask the brigade to call the county public security bureau and handcuff your whole family away!"

These words stunned Sun Yuying.

These days, it is rare for the public security bureau to be dispatched.

She, a rural woman, was a little scared and hesitated.

There was a brief silence throughout the warehouse.

At this moment, Yu Sui spoke: "Then go call the Public Security Bureau! Go now, immediately, immediately!"

The entire warehouse was filled with Yu Sui's sharp voice.

Everyone was stunned.

Yu Sui stood in the middle, raised her chest and raised her head:

"Captain, it's very easy to slap a piece of shit on someone's head. If you eat a piece of meat, you are stealing the collective money. Captain, please touch your heart and ask, have you ever eaten meat? Can I also do it casually? Did you say you stole it?

You asked someone to ask, so what?My partner comes back to visit relatives, so I can’t buy a piece of meat?Why didn't anyone ask me if I had any witnesses?Yu Qiu, let me ask you, did you see Xia Linsheng and I buying meat at the supply and marketing cooperative? "

Yu Qiu's face suddenly turned red when he was suddenly called.

Because everyone is looking at her.

She stood up and hesitated: "I, I saw you and Xia Linsheng, whether they bought meat or not... I don't know. Really, why are you calling me for nothing? I am not the one who reported you."

Yu Sui clued her in, but she was angry that she came to him like a eunuch delivering orders at first. Now that she had achieved her goal, she ignored her and turned to the captain:

"Then let the person who reported the report stand up and confront me face to face! Why can I just say that others stole it? Captain, are you just stealing?"

"That's unreasonable!" The captain turned red with anger. He pointed to the corner: "Well, Chen Mingli, tell me, do you see Yu Sui always walking around in the drawer of the warehouse? Come and testify. !”

Chen Mingli stood up holding the corner of her clothes and glanced at Yu Sui who lowered her head over green tea:

"Yes... there is such a thing... But, captain, you asked me, so I said it... Mainly, everyone said that she hanged herself, so it's a bit suspicious. I'm doing this for the sake of the group. Profit, mentioned so much..."

Did you mention it?

You have already reported it and you still treat it so lightly, who do you think you are a fool!

Yu Sui looked at her: "Chen Mingli, you want to be a witness, right? I'll satisfy you, you confront me now. First question, you said I hanged myself, did you see it?"

Chen Mingli lowered her head and said in a loud voice: "I didn't see it. But everyone said so."

Yu Sui: "Then everyone said that your brother ate big meat noodles at the Commune Noodle Shop for more than a dollar a bowl. Can I suspect that you stole the money? Otherwise, who would have the spare money to afford such expensive big meat noodles?"

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