Chapter 483 Choosing a Model

Although you have decided to produce clothing, you have to start with samples.

These are new product design drawings. Whether it is production, wiring or pattern design, they are different from ordinary clothing. They must be refined to create high-quality products.

Only the more exquisitely made and iconic the clothes are, and including the design concept, can people wear them tastefully and create a better brand.

Lin Ze has already thought about it.

One is wanting to sell these clothes as quickly as possible, but the best thing is to build a brand.

Once the brand effect is out, will they still worry about not being able to sell these clothes in the future?

I'm afraid there will be a lot of people rushing to buy it!

Lin Ze first asked them to make the more popular floral skirts and bat shirts. In addition, he also made special improvements to the jeans.

When he first saw these design drawings, Director Li frowned.

He feels that this kind of lace is not only complicated to create, but also may not look that good, and it also has an optical illusion that makes people dizzy.

"Comrade Lin, I don't think we need to make the clothes so complicated. If we make them simpler, we can speed up the process, make more finished clothes, and have more time to sell them. Wouldn't this allow you to make clothes as quickly as possible?" Get your money back?"

Lin Ze chuckled, "Do you think the longer it takes to sell, the faster you can get your money back?"

Director Li snorted. He was only responsible for the production side. As for other aspects, including sales and market research, this was not his responsibility.

It was neither his job nor what he was best at. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't give any reason.

Lin Ze heard that the other party had good intentions. Although he was a little stubborn, it was not incomprehensible.

He also didn't want to lose money, which was somewhat similar to Su Long's idea.

It's just that Su Long completely obeyed Lin Ze's arrangements, and the other party was a bit stubborn.

These clothes have never been on the market and were designed by Lin Ze himself.

As for what Luo Zhu taught him, he has already drawn them and is preparing to put them into mass production in the next wave.

"Don't worry, I have my own plan. Just ask them to make it according to my design drawings. By the way, are there any models in the factory?"


If possible, Lin Ze would also like to ask several beautiful girls from within the factory to demonstrate in front of the store.

In addition to these beautiful girls, other girls in the factory can also wear them.

These are meant to be worn by ordinary people, but as for those sold to the upper class in the capital, he has better plans.

"There must be girls in the factory then!"

"Yes, I don't know what you want to do?"

Lin Ze said immediately, "After the samples are made, find someone to try them out. They can try whatever they like. By the way, when the store opens, I will ask them to be models."


Director Li was confused, and he didn't understand even more about this aspect.

There is no way to completely change traditional thinking in a short period of time, and Lin Ze does not force it.

He explained: “It’s just to try on clothes and let passers-by see the styles and designs.”

"This is a good idea! But..."

Director Li tentatively analyzed: "Comrade Lin, the self-employment reform has been released for a long time. As early as the period after the reform was released, many people have bought up shops. Most of the golden period has passed. What do you think now? I’m afraid it’s not easy to go shopping and start a clothing business.”

Lin Ze also thought of this.

"I'll go out for a walk in two days, so you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Ze paused and then continued: "As for choosing a model, please tell the other female workers in the factory. Of course, most of them must be in good shape."

In addition to making clothes that are suitable for most people, Linze also wants to start tailoring clothes specifically for fat or thin people.

But that was all a matter for later, he had to solve the immediate crisis first.

Director Li nodded and then turned back. According to Lin Ze's instructions just now, he asked all the workers to go into mass production. By the way, he told Lin Ze that he wanted to choose a model.

There are many lesbians who have signed up and are eager to try it. They can wear the beautiful clothes that were first made and make money. Why not?

After Lin Ze left the textile factory, he met Su Long who was returning.

"Old Su, I just have something to ask you!"

"what's up?"

"Take me, let's go to Yunli Street."

"Where are you going and what are you doing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

Su Long took Lin Ze to the direction of Yunli Street. Lin Ze explained: "The clothes have been made, but the store has not been settled yet."

"Nowadays, most of the shops are rented out, except for the Yunli Street side. I think it is very convenient in terms of location and transportation. It is suitable for clothing stores and has a large flow of people."

"You want to rent a shop? Why don't you tell me and I'll help you."

"real or fake?"

"I can't lie to you!"

Lin Ze asked, "Are you having any difficulties?"

"There are difficulties, just find a way to overcome them! And you have done me such a big favor. If I don't return the favor, wouldn't it seem like I'm being too unloyal?"

Su Long paused, then continued: "Besides, you have spent so much money this time, so I should help you. To help you is to help myself."

Lin Ze did not refuse Su Long's kindness.

If Su Long can really rent him a suitable store on Yunli Street, then buying and selling clothes will be much easier.

This store was not rented for himself, but specifically for Luo Zhu, so that she could do business in the capital.

On the other hand, in addition to renting a separate store for Luo Zhu, Lin Ze also wanted to get a separate brand store for himself.

That’s not to say that Luo Zhu’s production is not closer to the brand direction.But Luo Zhu himself has a talent for design.

Although those design drawings were specially improved by Lin Ze, they were actually Luo Zhu's creative ideas.

After the production is completed, let Luo Zhu see the finished product and let her provide some suggestions for modification or improvement ideas to see if there is any need for improvement. Of course, it would be better if there is no improvement, after all, they do not have that long time.

Any opportunity is fleeting, especially these days around the New Year.

As for the clothes designed from these design drawings, they still belong to Luo Zhu's name.

The costumes made by Lin Ze and the costumes made by Luo Zhu are not the same.

He will not embezzle the fruits of other people's labor, and will give Luo Zhu ample room for development.

It was also Lin Ze who promised Redyou to take good care of his wife.

Say it and do it.

The two arrived at Yunli Street, and Lin Ze looked around.

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