Chapter 46 Lin Ze is here

Qingtian Chinese Medicine House is considered to be one of the best Chinese medicine halls in Jiangcheng.

The reason why it is famous is that Qingtian Chinese Medicine Hall has everything.

And the price is low and very friendly to the people.

Mr. Luo, the shopkeeper, studied under a famous doctor. When he suffered from backache, leg pain, deficiency of energy and excessive sweating, he came to him to get a few injections and side medicines, and he was guaranteed to be cured in three days.

Shopkeeper Luo has always been proud of this.

Being able to benefit the people is not the greatest wish of a doctor.

But sometimes, he also felt guilty because he lacked a lot of medicinal materials or because his medical skills were insufficient and he could not make the prescriptions that his master made back then.

Huang Bing is one of his regrets!

After the master died, he asked many powerful old doctors, but he could not find the formula for Huang Bing.

This thing seems to have been lost.

Unexpectedly, this kid Lin Ze actually gave him a big surprise.

"Shopkeeper Luo, how much do you think is appropriate?"

Shopkeeper Luo took Lin Ze's hand and said with a smile: "Let's not talk about the price for now. Lin Ze, this Huang Bing formula..."

Lin Ze was speechless for a while.

Why is this old man still thinking about the formula?

Lin Ze will never sell the formula because it does not belong to him.

If it weren't for the crushed wild soybeans, he would never have made yellow ice.

He couldn't even say a word about this recipe.

"Shopkeeper Luo, the formula is not for sale..."

"No need to ask, you decide the price..."

"I won't sell any amount! Let me tell you the truth. This recipe is not mine, and I made Huangbing without their consent. I have already let others down, and selling it with someone else's recipe is even worse. No. So, old shopkeeper, please don’t embarrass me."

After listening to Lin Ze's explanation, Mr. Luo, the shopkeeper, was filled with emotion and had a new perspective on Lin Ze.

Honesty is the foundation and we are not driven by interests.

No matter how hard and tiring it is, if it doesn’t belong to you, you will never want it!

It's rare!

"Well, in that case, I won't embarrass you. Huang Bing requires a lot of wild soybeans to be refined, and is shaped, smoked, and boiled at high temperatures. I know it's not easy for you to make Huang Bing. But your Huang Bing is really not authentic. For these...150 yuan is the most."

150 yuan!

He Shan and Wang Dong, who were standing behind Lin Ze, had their eyes opened wider than bells!

Hearing is one thing.

But seeing it with your own eyes is one thing.

Before in Cuntou, they heard people say that Lin Ze made money quickly, but they had no idea.

At this moment, they really realized how fast Lin Ze made money.

Mr. Luo, the shopkeeper, has fair prices and is very honest.

Lin Ze approved of the price. If he made it more authentic, it would probably cost more than 500 yuan.

However, he didn't have the tools, so he could barely make yellow ice.

One hundred and fifty, that's enough.

"Then what is this?"

Shopkeeper Luo looked at the third bag again.

"This is a plaster made from the shells of wild soybeans. I also added jasmine powder, fresh grass, etc. into it. It has a miraculous effect on redness and swelling."

"Linglong plaster?"


"Haha, we also make Linglong plaster ourselves, you have done it for us!"

Linglong plaster is not a unique formula, shopkeeper Luo knows it too.

But Lin Ze did this to get rid of the wild soybean shells.

The jasmine powder, refreshing grass, etc. were all bought by Lin Ze in the town.

It cost eight yuan in total.

320 exquisite plaster patches were made.

"What I sell here is ten cents a piece, but I charge you... only nine cents. Lin Ze, what do you think? You have to let me earn a little, right?"

"Of course, nine points is nine points."

320 stickers, nine cents, that’s 28 yuan and [-] cents.

In the end, a total of 190 yuan and [-] cents were sold.

He Shan was shocked when she saw the large amounts of money in Lin Ze's hand.

I thought I would lose money, but after Lin Ze did this, I ended up losing more money than I had previously predicted!

When he walked out of Qingtian Chinese Medicine Hall, He Shan felt like he was living in a dream.

is this real?

At this time, He Shan's hand was grabbed. He turned around and found that Lin Ze had stuffed 15 yuan into her hand.

"Ah? Lin Ze, you..."

"Take it, you deserve these fifteen! There are 39 bags of wild soybeans in total, excluding the 14 yuan I spent to buy jasmine powder and fresh grass. On average, a bag is [-] cents. If you have three bags, it is [-] yuan Six cents, I’ll round it up for you. Fifteen!”

He Shan swallowed, "This... this is too much. I'll give you another piece. I want fourteen."

Lin Ze knew that He Shan was a strong girl, so he didn't stop her.

"Is this still a lot? It looks like it's going to rain. In a few days, I'll show you what it means to make money. If you make more than 1000 a day, that's really big money!"

He Shan saw Lin Ze getting angry and couldn't help pouring cold water on her, "You, don't be too arrogant. I always feel unsafe. When you go up the mountain, you must be more prepared. You said that if you have There are three advantages and two disadvantages, what should Tingting do?"

Wang Dong said angrily from the side: "Bah, bah, bah, Lin Ze makes money for you, why are you still cursing him? Don't worry, Lin Ze will be fine. If something happens to you, Lin Ze will be fine."

He Shan curled her lips and said nothing more.

But in my heart, I was very grateful to Lin Ze.

Lin Ze asked Wang Dong to take He Shan around the city and buy some things.Don't wait for yourself.

And he went to the west of the city.

Last time Wang Tingting talked about her grades, Lin Ze kept it in mind. This time when he entered the city, he asked for help.

Also, Lin Ze promised Dai Tianlin that he would go to the institute seven times a month.

Doing the math, I haven't been to the research institute for almost ten days.

After all, someone is paying me 200 yuan a month, so I can't help but take them seriously.

After asking about the results, Lin Ze came to Jiangcheng Shengfei.

"Who are you looking for?"

The guard, a young man, pushed the registration form over and said, "Please register."

"Uh...well, I'm from the institute."


The young man looked up and saw that it was Lin Ze. He fell off the bench in excitement.

"Hey, comrade, are you okay? Slow down!"

Lin Ze saw the other party's fierce reaction and was a little confused.

And the young man ran out crawling and shouted: "Dean, dean! Comrade Lin Ze is here! Come quickly, Lin Ze is here!"

Next, Lin Ze saw a terrifying scene.

A large group of people suddenly poured out of the research institute, swarming in and surrounding Lin Ze in the center.

"Comrade Lin Ze, we have encountered a problem, please help us analyze it..."

"Director Lin, there is a difficulty that I have never been able to figure out..."

"Director Lin, can you tell me under what circumstances, alpha is not equal to beta? I can't figure it out..."

Each of these people was as hungry as a man after seeing steamed buns, not to mention how hungry he was.

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