My master is very smart

Chapter 30: The domineering president’s stand-in wife (30)

As soon as Liang Yanqi entered the room, this was what he saw.

A girl was wearing a wedding dress and should have looked dignified, but now she was lying like an octopus.

Gu Ci knew that it was her man who had come in. He sat upright and stretched out his hand to quickly remove the thing from his head.

Liang Yanqi picked up the scale beam tied with red silk and said, "If you think it's too heavy, why didn't you take it off earlier?"

"This is unlucky. The groom must take it down."

Liang Yanqi controlled his trembling hands and slowly lifted the hijab.

Underneath the Hijab, the girl's skin is like cream, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away.

Liang Yanqi, who was immersed in beauty just a second ago, saw the girl quickly remove the things on her head.


He backed away a little.

Gu Ci also took off his clothes until only the innermost garment was left.

"There are so many guests outside, why don't you go out?" Gu Ciliang and Yan Qi asked while still standing there.

"Someone outside wants to meet the bride, saying they want to know who stole my marriage."

Gu Ci pulled Liang Yanqi's tie and made him bend over: "Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes and let them see whose hands you fell into."

Liang Yanqi fell in love with this man's arrogant little appearance.

The two people walked out together, Liang Yanqi in a black suit and Gu Ci in a light green cheongsam, with their hair tied up in hairpins.

The handsome men and women look like they stepped out of a painting.

"The bride is so beautiful, no wonder Mr. Lu has lost his soul."


Gu Ci kept smiling and greetings throughout the whole process, trying to be as dignified as possible.

Liang Yanqi just suppressed his laughter and watched Gu Ci's performance.

At the guest table, there was a man watching the girl from the moment she appeared.

Huo Yichen never thought that the person he had been looking for for so long would appear in front of him in this way.

Gu Ci left the main hall, followed by a man.

As soon as she came to a pavilion, she stopped and said, "Stop following me. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Gu Ci knew about Huo Yichen's existence when he was in the main hall just now. After all, that look was so familiar.

Huo Yichen walked out from behind the rockery: "Xiao Ci, I was wrong about that. I was wrong. I apologize to you."

"That matter is in the past and I don't mind it anymore."

Huo Yichen couldn't stand Gu Ci's cold appearance, but he still liked the way this man called him Brother Chen with love in his eyes.

"Xiao Ci, I have already apologized and I know I was wrong. Can you give me a chance to make up for it?"

She can't-

The conversation between the two people was interrupted.

"Mr. Huo, when you let go of her hand, there was no possibility between you."

Liang Yanqi took Gu Ci into his arms.

"She is my wife now and will always be my wife. We have legal rights."

"I hope Mr. Huo can keep his distance from my wife. After all, I tend to get jealous easily."

With these last few words, Liang Yanqi obviously lacked confidence. He was afraid that Gu Ci would rekindle his old love, and he was also afraid that Gu Ci would not forget him.

Gu Ci could hear Liang Yanqi's pretense of calmness and knew what he was worried about.

"Mr. Huo, there is no possibility between us. No matter whether I live or die in this life, I can only be Xiaoyanyan's person."

After Gu Ci finished speaking politely and distantly, he no longer cared about Huo Yichen's reaction.

He took Liang Yanqi and left directly.

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