Hilltop castle, banquet hall.

A grand banquet is being held.

This is Luffy's favorite part.

At this time, he was lying on the table eating and drinking, his hands dancing like a rubber machine gun at a speed that was as tight as the air.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious!" Luffy managed to squeeze out a few words of praise from the cracks of his mouth while chewing various foods.

"Behave, you bastard!" Sanji yelled at him, then turned his head and quickly transformed into a spring-filled smiling face.

"Miss Nami, Weiwei-chan, does the food suit your taste?"

"Well, it's so delicious. Mr. Sanji, your cooking skills are always amazing!"

"Keep up the good work, Sanji."

"Okay!!!" Sanji completely lost himself in the praise of the two beauties and became a ruthless cooking machine.

Usopp boasted to Chopper while drinking his drink.

"You don't know, Chopper, if I weren't guarding the ship, I could defeat that guy Wapol with just one finger."

"Really? Usopp is so awesome!"

"Of course, Chopper, I'm the kind of guy who just wants to be silent and make a big splash."

"I once shot at enemies on a bridge in the distance from a rooftop at a distance of several thousand meters, and got a lot of hits."

"Usopp, it turns out you are the most powerful person. I admire you so much!"

"Hahahaha, don't be too obsessed with me, Chopper!"

The two compliment each other and complement each other.

Zoro glanced at Usopp who was laughing proudly, not bothering to expose him.

He turned to ask Gu Lewa: "Mother-in-law, Sami..."

As soon as Sauron said the word "mother-in-law", he saw four flying knives stepping on his scalp and flying over.

Usopp spit out the red wine in one sip!

Gureva pointed at Sauron and said unceremoniously: "Although I am only 139 years old, if you dare to call me mother-in-law, I will make you look good."

Zoro's face immediately changed to the same color as his hair.

Nami quickly spoke up to smooth things over: "Haha, Miss Gureva, Zoro didn't mean it."

"We just want to know where Sammy is now. After all, he hasn't been seen since the beginning of the party."

"That kid is probably participating in the king-selection meeting in the conference room next door."

"Kingsmoot? What is that?"

"As the name suggests, it is a meeting to elect the king." Gulewa said after taking a sip of wine.

"The entire country has been freed from Wapol's rule, but it is far from over. Now they must elect a new king to lead them."

"Elect the king? Sammy?" Luffy was eating and listening, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and a mouthful of food spurted out.

"You bastard, didn't I tell you not to waste food?" Sanji kicked him over.

Luffy ignored him at all, but said with a shocked expression: "Everyone, it's not good, Sammy is leaving us!"

"What? Sammy is leaving?" Chopper was also shocked.

"Well, just now the doctor's mother-in-law said that Sami was participating in the king election. With Sami's intelligence, he will definitely be selected as the king."

Luffy collapsed and cried, "In that case, wouldn't Sammy have to stay here forever?"

"Ah! Sammy, no!" Chopper also started crying.

He just promised Luffy to go to sea together, but in the end he had to lose a companion first?

The others were initially shocked by Luffy's words, but when they heard what he said, they realized it was a false alarm.

Usopp quickly explained: "Hey, hey, Luffy, didn't you hear clearly what Miss Gureva said? Sami is only going to participate in the King Selection, not to run for the king."

"Is this any different?" Luffy asked through tears.

Nami explained: "Sammy is only going to witness and supervise this meeting as an invited guest. He is not going to participate in the election."

"Yes, yes? Doctor mother-in-law."

"Well, that's right." Gureva said, "As a hero who saved this country, that boy is indeed qualified to attend the King Selection."

"But he is a pirate after all, so of course he is not qualified to run."

Zoro said in his heart: "That guy Sami probably has no interest in being a king at all. After all, his ambition is greater than being a king."

Gulewa took a sip and then said: "What's more..."

"What's more? Mother-in-law!"

"What's more, I've tolerated you three times! Straw Hat!" Gureva raised her hands, and eight flying knives flew towards Luffy.

Pin him to the wall!

"Ah! It's become a mural!" Usopp stared out his eyes, "The doctor is so scary! The doctor is so scary! The doctor..."


Different from the quarrels in the banquet hall, the conference hall next door was solemn at this time.

Just now, under the witness of Sami, Dalton was officially elected as the new king with a unanimous vote.

The audience applauded for a full quarter of an hour, and everyone was extremely satisfied with the result.

But only one person never smiled or applauded from beginning to end.

That's the new king - Dalton himself.

"Members of Congress, I am very grateful for your trust." Dalton stood up with a serious face and bowed seriously to everyone.

Then he said, "But, please forgive me for not agreeing with everyone's decision. Please select a new king candidate."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was filled with deathly silence, and then there was an uproar.

"What? Mr. Dalton? What are you talking about?"

"Yes, Mr. Dalton, who else here is qualified to be the king besides you?"

"That's right! That's right!"

"Re-election? Are you kidding me? Can this kind of thing be canceled and started over?"

These people who came from all over the country to attend the meeting were all virtuous, upright, knowledgeable and talented people from all over the country.

But even with their extensive knowledge, they have never seen such a weird thing.

The man who was elected king actually resigned on the spot.

away from the spectrum.

Everyone was just talking quietly at first, and then it turned into loud quarrels and denunciations.

Dalton turned a blind eye to this and just kept his head down and said nothing.

Sammy stood up, stretched out his right hand, and shouted loudly: "Quiet!"

His loud voice spread throughout the entire venue, allowing everyone to hear clearly.

Everyone turned to look at him, with reverence in their eyes.

Because Sami is the messenger who rescued the country from the shadow of Wapol and the first ray of light to dispel the darkness.

Therefore, at the beginning of the king-selection meeting, Sami was elected by all members as a national hero whose status, identity and honor were equal to those of the king.

Title: Light Envoy!

Sammy: What a ridiculous nickname!It's even more shameful than "Slaying the God of War", okay?

"It's the light envoy!"

"Light Envoy! Please come and seek justice."

"Yes, Light Envoy, His Majesty Wapol is doing too much, and only you can stop him!"

These earnest shouts almost completely broke Sammy's tense expression.

"Ahem." Sammy coughed a few times and then asked, "Mr. Dalton, do you have anything to hide? Please tell me in person."


"Mr. Dalton, all the congressmen here represent people from all over the country who are looking forward to it."

"They traveled hundreds of miles to come here, are you going to let all their hard work go to waste?"

"Say what you really think."

Dalton looked at Sammy and then at everyone present. Under their gaze, he slowly spoke.

"The reason why I refuse to be king is not because I am afraid of responsibility or hardship, nor because I want to abandon the people."

"But, I don't know what it takes to be a good king."

"I was afraid that I would lose myself in power and end up becoming another Wapol."

"Even if I can guarantee that I will not, what about my descendants? Will they become tyrants and cowards?"

"If one day comes, the people on Drum Island will have to endure the same days as Wapol's brutal rule again."

"And those who killed them are my descendants, so I won't be able to rest in peace even if I die."

Dalton finished.

But his voice still echoed in the hearts of everyone present and could not be dissipated for a long time.

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