Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 95 Do you have children?

Seeing Longlis holding a huge bone whip and smashing it at him, Sammy not only did not dodge, but stood there blankly.

"Shhhhhhhhh, what's wrong, boy, are you scared?"

"Ang, I'm already shaking with fear." Sammy responded casually.

"Hmph, no matter whether you are true or false, just go to hell!"

The huge bone whip arrived in an instant.

Sammy calmly raised his right hand and punched him.


Two by two collided.

The bone whip that Longlis had high hopes for hit Sami's fist and was directly smashed into bones.

"What? How is that possible?"

"I admit that you are really good at being ugly." After saying this, Sami's eyes turned sharp and his aura suddenly changed, "But you are not the only one who has a trump card!"

Cow charm.

Rabbit Charm.

Since the two charms were drawn, Sammy has always used them alone.

Even under the effect of the Tiger Talisman, Sammy could flexibly switch back and forth between the two talismans, but he had never tried to fuse the two talismans together and activate them at the same time.

But just because you haven’t tried, doesn’t mean you can’t!

It's just that the previous opponents were too weak, and Sami didn't think it was necessary.

But now, the opportunity is right.

Sammy flicked his wrist, and with a thought, the power of the two spells suddenly opened at the same time.

Two completely different forces flowed into his body like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.

At first, they still worked independently, but soon, under the influence of the Tiger Talisman, the two forces gradually became consistent in breath and frequency.

In the end, they are intertwined and become a brand new power!

Sammy named it "Asana."

Longlis was stunned by this turn of events, and instinctively chose not to believe it.

"Impossible! I don't believe it." Longlis roared and attacked again, "Bone King Jade Seal!"

Countless bones grew instantly on his hands, and soon formed two huge black seals, which fiercely covered Sammy's chest.

"Asana·Eight Hells."

Sammy raised his hands and delivered a pair of hard punches.

Most of the black seal was immediately shattered.

Longlis witnessed this scene, his eyes were splitting with anger, and he quickly retreated back. In a panic, his steps were unsteady, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Impossible! How did your speed and strength increase so much in an instant?"

Sami did not answer, but asked with a smile: "Hey, uncle, it's not too late to think about your last words now."

This was what Longlis had said to ridicule Sami before, and now he returned it in full.

"Stop blabbering, my Bone King Armor will not fail so easily."

"Bone King·Emperor's Sword."

It has to be said that Longlis' ability is really miraculous. Not only can he grow bones at will, but he can also shape them at will.

Seeing the lifelike bone sword approaching at a fast speed, Sami felt that it would be a pity for Longlis not to make figures in this life.

"Asana·East to sea."

Sammy fell backwards, stopped suddenly the moment he was about to touch the ground, and then swept across a semicircle like a clock hand, coming ghostly behind Longlis.

"Asana·Small Ascension!"

Sami suddenly jumped up from the ground, and the toe of his right foot was like a sharp arrow, kicking Longlis' head hard.


The powerful force kicked his Bone King helmet to pieces, revealing a shocked face.

Longlis suffered this heavy blow, his body flew up uncontrollably, and then fell to the ground under the influence of gravity.

It's not over yet!

In mid-air, Sammy stretched out his right foot again, pointed his toes downward, and headed straight for Longlis.


Rapid descent!

Stab in the chest.

Longlis vomited blood and almost died from the pain.

Under him, the ground had sunk into a deep bowl-shaped pit due to the tremendous force of Sammy's descent.

"Hush hahahaha, it's so happy! It's so happy." Longlis laughed wantonly, which looked very strange with his bloody face.

"Boy, I have been looking forward to this battle for 15 years, and you have fulfilled my wish."

"Then in return, can you turn a blind eye to me from now on?"

"Sorry, that's the only thing I can't do."

"Come on, I know it."

Longlis sat on the edge of the pit and looked at you again with great interest.

"What's your name, boy?"

"Ragnar Sammy is a pirate."

"A pirate? It's really interesting." Longlis said sincerely, "My biggest wish was to go to sea and become a pirate. It's a pity that this dream can no longer be realized."

"Are you saying your last words?"

"Hush hahahaha, boy, it's not yet certain who will live and who will die." Longlis said, "I'm just feeling emotional."

"Emotions?" Sammy said, "When a man wants to go to sea, nothing can stop him."

When Longlis heard this, he did not refute, but asked a strange question.

"You don't have children yet, do you?"

"Of course not, I haven't even found the person I like." Sami replied, and then realized, "No, why should I answer you like this."

"Ignorant brat! You have never fallen in love with anyone else, and you don't have children, so don't say such silly things as 'nothing can stop you'."

Sammy suddenly choked up.

Longlis continued: "I once thought that I, like you, could abandon everything and go to sea. But who knew that fate played a huge joke on me.

"I fell in love with a girl very quickly and soon gave birth to a lovely child."

"The first cry of that child's birth shattered all my ambitions."

"Since then, my biggest wish has been to eat food cooked by my wife every day and see the smiling faces of my children."

"That wish doesn't have to be cool, right, kid."

"Yes, but great."

"Yes, it's great." Longlis seemed to have finished recalling it, smacking his lips and said, "Boy, the story is over, do you have any cigarettes there? Give me one."

"I told you, I don't have anything!"

"Oh my, you are such a stingy little brat."

"Who is being stingy! Do you think everyone loves smoking and drinking as much as you do?"

"Shhhhhhh, it's true."

Sami took a few breaths and then said: "Huh, let me tell you, how can a person stay in this hellish place for 15 years?"

"Asshole, are you doubting my loyalty to His Majesty the late King?" Longlis was furious.

"Of course not." Sami shook his head and said, "What makes you stay is loyalty, but it should be the child who has supported you for 15 years, right?"

Longleth laughed again.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh, you are really smart, boy. If only my son was as smart as you."

Sammy shrugged.

"My wife died not long after giving birth to the child. In order to survive, I had to join the king's army. My life has been so-so."

"Until one day, His Majesty the King came to me and told me a shocking secret."

"Restore the National Treasure House?"

"That's right." Longlis glanced at Sami with admiration, "The king told me about the existence of the National Treasure House and wanted me to be the caretaker."

"Of course I won't agree. After all, I still have a son to raise. But His Majesty the King has made generous offers." Longlis' eyes became fanatical.

"He promised me that he would make my son a noble in the future, and also gave me a Devil Fruit. He also promised that as long as the royal family rules this country, my children and grandchildren will always be nobles."

"A huge reward! So you agreed?"


"You still don't regret it even now?"

"Of course! Because I fulfilled the promise I made to my wife when she died and let our children grow up happily."


"Asshole, are you laughing at me?" Longlis was like a furious lion, wanting to swallow Sammy up.

"That's right!" Sami stared at him without giving in. "Do you really think a child who loses his father after losing his mother will be happy?"

"But he became a noble!"

"That is also an orphan among the nobles!" Sammy said, "You adults always think that what you want is what your children want. It is really sad and stupid."

"If I were your son, I would rather live a life of poverty with my father."

"I don't want my father to leave for me and live like a mouse in this place for 15 years!"

"you shut up!"

Longlis became furious and punched Sammy.

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