Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 82 Let’s have a party


The huge candle cake collapsed, sending up thick smoke.

Soon after, Zoro climbed up from the candle debris on the floor.

I saw him holding two knives with an expressionless face, and asked indifferently: "Where is that bastard Candle Man? I want to chop him with my own hands!"

Sami pointed with his hand, and Zoro turned his head just in time to see Luffy kick MR.3 to the ground.

"Damn it!" Sauron cursed and stuffed the two swords back into the sheaths on his waist.

"What? Aren't you going to do a last-ditch attack?"

"Hmph! No matter how angry I am, I will never attack an enemy who has lost the ability to fight back."

"Okay." Sami shrugged and looked around to see that everyone had defeated their enemies and were gathering here.

Even Weiwei woke up under Sanji's care.

On the side, Brockie, who successfully broke free from the restraints, also pulled up his good friend Dongli.

Two big men who had lived for more than 100 years and had huge beards were hugging each other and crying and laughing.

"It's great that you're not dead, Dongli!"

"Gia, gia, gia, gia, I haven't really decided the winner with you yet, how could I fall down so easily, my friend!" Dongli laughed while holding on to his body.

"Ka Baba Baba! You are right Dongli, the sacred duel has not yet decided the winner, the gods will not let you die."

"It's not so much God who saved me, but the efforts of our new friends."

"Kaba Baba, yes, it's all their fault." Brocky glanced at the surrounding Straw Hats and asked with a smile.

"How should I thank you, my friends? After all, you have saved my life and Dongli's life!"

"Thank you? Of course it's money!" As soon as Nami heard this, she couldn't close her mouth with joy.

"You have lived for so many years, you must have plundered a lot of treasures, right? Take them all to thank us."

"Treasure? I did have some before, but I bought wine and drank them all." Brockie scratched his head and said in embarrassment, "Dongli, do you have any treasure there?"

"No, I used it to buy wine and weapons."

"Kaba Baba, you are just like me, old man."

"gia, gia, gia, gia, because we are giants!"

The two of them laughed together again.

"What? It's really boring to say you want to thank us when you don't have any treasure." Nami shook her head in disappointment.

"In that case, let's have a banquet! I want to eat dinosaur barbecue!" Luffy shouted immediately.

"That's right! The banquet! I haven't had a banquet in a long time!"

"Yeah, almost 100 years!"

"Let's have a party!"

The two people, one big and one small, decided on something together, and they all laughed wildly.

Sammy shook his head helplessly.

There is really nothing you can do against Luffy, this guy is simply a master of banquets.

Anything can be an excuse to have a party. If you don't have a party for a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over.

Luffy cheered and immediately took on the role of captain and started giving orders: "Everyone, let's take action! Zoro, take out all the wine you have hidden. Quick, don't be stingy!"

"Okay okay, I got it."

"Sanji, I'll leave the cooking to you."

"Leave it to me! It's my duty as a chef to provide everyone with delicious food to rejuvenate themselves after the war."

Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth and said confidently, "Ah, Miss Nami, Vivi-chan, do you want to try the love meal I made by myself? I promise it's full of love!"

"It must be full of lust!"

"You need to take care of this! Smelly prisoner!"

"What! I'll chop your lewd eyebrows to death!"

The two of them got together again.

Luffy turned to Nami and said, "I'll leave the ingredients to you. Nami, take out your three dinosaurs and eat them."

"Okay... what the hell!" Nami grabbed Luffy's ears and roared.

"How many times have I told you, they are my pets and part of the ship, not spare food!"

"Wozizhao, Yameng." Luffy, whose mouth was twisted, replied vaguely.

"Haha." Weiwei couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene.

"You finally smiled, Weiwei."

"Huh? Mr. Sammy?"

"I haven't seen you smile since you came on board."

"Really? I'm sorry for making you worry."

"It's okay, it seems you have blended in with everyone."

"Yes, is it?"


"Do you blend in? This feeling... isn't bad." Weiwei murmured to herself.

Sammy just smiled and said nothing.

Soon, after the problem of ingredients was taken over by the two giants, the banquet started soon.

Wine, meat and all kinds of delicacies are available, and of course Luffy's magical dance is indispensable.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, a group of people had full stomachs and were gathering together to chat.

The bonfire was also lit.

After listening to the story of the 100-year duel between the two giants, Usopp was moved to tears.

"It's so touching...Master Brocki, Master Dongli, you are so great, you are simply the real warriors of the sea!"

"Kaba Baba, it's nothing. As a clan of giants, we treat duels very sacredly."

"Gia, gia, gia, gia, yes, in the Giant Kingdom of Elbaf, such things happen often."

"Really? Are all Elbaf warriors on the sea like the two masters?"

"Kaba Baba, that's right."

"Ah~ It's great." Usopp's eyes shone and he said excitedly, "I have decided that I must go to Elbaf to see those great sea warriors in my lifetime!"

"Gia, gia, gia, gia, did you decide so quickly? Usopp, you are really decisive."

Dongli laughed and said, "It seems that you also have the character to become a warrior?"

"Really? Master Dongli, do you also think that I can really become a sea warrior?"

"Of course! The way you fought just now was not bad at all, right, Brocky?"

"Kaba Baba, that's right!"

The two laughed again, and even Usopp cried and laughed.

"Yeah! Usopp is the best! Usopp! You are worthy of being my partner! Hahahaha." Luffy shouted and jumped at the side.

He is always like this. He never lacks words of praise for his partners, and he can always find the unknown shining points in his partners.

Therefore, Sammy chose to assist him without hesitation.

After finishing the glass of wine, Sammy put down the glass, stood up, walked to the two giants, and asked very seriously and seriously.

"Two masters, I have a heartfelt request, and I beg you to agree to it."

"Kaba Baba, feel free to ask for anything. As long as we can help, we will not refuse."

"Yes, we, the giant family, are the most grateful."

Sami pursed his lips and said solemnly: "Two masters, for some special reasons, our group must fight a powerful opponent in the future."

"But with our current strength, we are not his opponent at all."

"Therefore, I beg you two masters to teach us the ability that can defeat the enemy."

"Powerful domineering!"

"Please teach us!"


Sami directly bent 90° and bowed to the end, pleading sincerely.

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