Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 8: Longevity! Pirates robbed the navy!

The peaceful harbor of Shieldstown was shattered today.

A pink pirate ship slowly sailed into the port, startling the nearby residents. Anyone with some knowledge could tell at a glance that it was the flagship of the famous pirate "Iron Rod" Arrita in the East China Sea.

"Are you kidding? How dare a pirate come in so arrogantly!"

"Go and notify the Navy!"

"Everyone, run, the pirates are coming!"

Countless people ran away in panic, and the originally lively market suddenly became deserted, deserted and desolate.

"Ah ha ha ha ha, these people are so interesting!" Luffy stood at the bow of the ship, laughing heartlessly.

Kirby reminded in a low voice on the other side: "Mr. Luffy, it seems we scared them."

"Really? Us?"

"Well, we..."

"Zoro! I'm here to be your partner!" Before Kebi could finish his words, Luffy took a quick step and flew out, leaving thick smoke billowing all over the place.


"This guy didn't wait for anyone to finish his sentence!" Sammy said with a click of his tongue after he parked the boat and saw Luffy running out.

"It's okay, Mr. Sammy."

"Keby, I guess Luffy must have gone to the naval base. Please help me watch him and don't let him do anything stupid."

"Ah? Me?" Kebi was sweating profusely. Does Sammy think that his small body can stop Luffy?

"It doesn't matter, you just need to fish this guy out when he falls into the sea, and don't worry about anything else." Sammy patted Kerby on the shoulder.

On this island, there are no creatures that can harm Luffy.

"Okay, Mr. Sammy, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I'm going to collect the bounty." Sammy said with a smile.

So new wonders soon appeared on the street.

A young man was walking in front, looking for something as he walked; he had a thick hemp rope in his hand, and a string of dejected pirates were tied to the hemp rope, and they were walking forward step by step with the young man.

"Kerby said that in order to exchange bounty rewards for bounty hunters, the Navy will set up a bounty office near the port of each base to facilitate business processing." Sami murmured to himself as he walked, "There will be guns hanging at the door, Let me see the logo of the sword and the gold coin, ah, I found it."

A single-family small house with white walls and a black roof appeared in Sammy's eyes. Different from the navy's traditional blue and white color scheme, the color scheme of the bounty office made people feel solemn and solemn at first glance.

When the two guards at the door saw Sami dragging his family with him, they immediately raised their muskets as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Stop! Who?"

"This is a naval office. All idlers should stay away."

After all, I'm here to get money. Sami quickly smiled gently and said, "Sir, don't be nervous. I'm here to collect the reward."


The two guards were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled maliciously.

"Ah, welcome, welcome, little brother."

"You captured so many pirates at once. My brother, your strength is really amazing."

"Come on in, you've come to Shieldstown at the right time."

"Yes, yes, our base commander, Colonel Mengka, is the most fair and strict. He likes to deal with bounty hunters."


The two of them sang together like human traffickers who kidnapped an ignorant girl. In two moments, Sami was half pushed and half pulled into the bounty office.

"The two eldest brothers are so enthusiastic, I feel a little embarrassed." Sami said with a happy smile, "I will definitely come again next time."

"Next time? You didn't..." One guard was about to say something, but was immediately interrupted by another.

"That's right, that's right. I'll come again next time, little brother."

"Ah, yes, yes, come again next time, we always welcome you."

Surrounded by the two men, Sammy entered the house.

I saw that the area was quite large, divided into upper and lower floors, with a total of six business windows and a dozen cells for temporarily holding prisoners.

There is an independent open office in the middle, and a naval branch major is sitting on a comfortable sofa chair with his legs crossed, smoking a cigar and drinking red wine.

"Major Pingsi, we have a guest!" the two guards shouted as soon as they entered the door and closed the door.

Hearing these words, everyone in the room became quiet. Everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed here, with enthusiasm on their faces.

Judging from the way they held their guns and knives, Sami felt that they welcomed him very much.

Major Pingsi stood up slowly and walked to Sami again. After taking another look at the thin young man, and confirming that he was just an ordinary person without any threat, his attitude immediately relaxed.

With a bit of contempt, Major Pince counted the prisoners brought by Sami, and then asked: "Why don't you see the pirate captain?"

"Oh, that woman ran away."

"Hmph!" Major Pingsi showed a hint of dissatisfaction when he heard what Sami said, "Xiao Wen, report it immediately. A total of 21 pirates were captured in this operation. The enemy captain took advantage of the chaos to escape and was not caught. "

If the opponent's leader is not captured in a battle, the military merit gained will be at least doubled. No wonder Pingsi is dissatisfied with this.

"Yes, Major." A navy captain wearing glasses and looking quite elegant answered immediately.

"Not only that, we also captured each other's ships." Sami said in a show-off manner.

"What?" Pingsi, who was about to go back and continue tasting red wine, stopped immediately when he heard this.

No wonder he was surprised. If you want to capture the opponent's ship on the sea, it means that your side must not only be powerful, but also move quickly. Otherwise, the opponent will either choose to escape or sink the ship.

"Yes, it's parked at the port."

"Hey, send someone to pick up the ship immediately, Xiao Wen, and add 'capture the opponent's flagship', hahahaha." Pingsi said excitedly.

Handing over a complete pirate ship is a great achievement.

Immediately, someone excitedly ran out to check.

Sami said seriously: "Sir, you see I have given away the prisoners and the pirate ship. Shouldn't you pay me the bounty?"

"Bounty? What bounty?"

"Hahaha, this guy is still thinking about the bounty?"

"Hey, look at his innocent smiling face, I'm going to die laughing."

Sami grinned, showing his shining white teeth: "When you say this, are you trying to renege on your debt?"

Major Pingsi looked at Sami and suddenly said fiercely, "He is a pirate, catch him!"

A group of marines had been impatient for a long time. As soon as they heard the commander's order, they immediately rushed forward.

"Hey, I actually encountered a gangster." Sami laughed at himself. In this situation, even a fool knows what the navy wants to do.

Even at the door, Sammy had already guessed what was going on.

He knew very well what kind of person Mengka was. These two guards could even boast that he was fair and just, which showed that he was not a serious navy.

What's more, when he walked in and heard Major Pingsi's words, Sami became even more sure of his guess.

What is "capture"?Shouldn't it be "receive"?

It seems that the Navy wants to monopolize it.

No wonder Mengka was promoted to branch colonel in three years after he "captured" the fake Cloro and was awarded the title of second lieutenant of the branch. His promotion speed was almost as fast as that of the future Kerby.

It seems that it is all due to the credit of swallowing up the bounty hunter.

"Are you really not going to pay?"

"Go to hell and ask for money, kid."


A dozen marines rushed forward with knives raised, and three or four more held pistols ready to shoot.

Sami shrugged helplessly, waved his right hand, and three huge beasts jumped out of thin air.

"Rat Talisman·Cruel Lion".

"Rat Spell: Titanoboa".

"Rat Talisman: Emperor Crocodile".

As soon as the three beasts appeared, they immediately overpowered the entire audience with their majestic, cruel and bloody aura.

"what is this?"

"Monster! Run!"

"That kid summoned an ancient beast."

"It must be the power of the Devil Fruit!"

All the sailors were confused by this sudden change, and their expressions changed. The timid ones were already running away.

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