"You said so much, what do you mean?"

"The reason is simple! Sand Crocodile has been working hard for more than ten years to seize Alabasta. He will never allow any accidents to happen."

Sammy glanced around and continued.

"Now that he has discovered Weiwei's identity and sent people to hunt her down, if Weiwei is not dead, do you think he will let it go?"

"What does this have to do with us?"

"With Weiwei's strength, it is impossible for her to survive, but now she is alive and well.

"Do you think Sand Crocodile will want to track down the cause? Once he finds out that we saved Weiwei, the result..."

Sami didn't finish his words, but everyone knew what he meant.

Luffy tilted his head: "What on earth are you talking about, Sammy? I can't understand a word."

"What he means is that we have offended the Sand Crocodile." Zoro explained.

"Really? That's great! I'm going to beat the crap out of him!"

"Ah! Shut up!" Nami punched Luffy on the head to stop him from saying any more horrible words.

"It's all your fault! Sammy! Who asked you to save her!"

"I didn't want to save her, it was the exploding booger man who provoked me first."

"Who believes you, bastard! You obviously wanted to cause trouble, so you deliberately led the other party to take action first."

Nami didn't even believe what she said to Sami.

"That's an accurate guess!" Sammy smiled shyly when his thoughts were exposed.

"I'll beat you to death, you bastard!"

If Zoro hadn't stopped her, Nami would have vowed to turn this time-travel novel into an original work!

"Ah!" Nami was about to cry without tears, and a beautiful woman fell to the ground.

"It's so hard, it's so hard for me! Watching these idiots all day and not letting them get into trouble is just heartbreaking."

Except for Usopp, no one on this ship is sane.

He knows how to be reckless when he encounters an enemy, and has no idea what it means to think before he acts.

Especially Sami, the most hateful!

Luffy is reckless because he has no idea who the other party is and doesn't understand him.

Suo Longmang, because he doesn't care who the other person is, it's the same.

Sanzhi Mang is because Zoro doesn't care who the opponent is and cannot lose.

Only Sami, he was reckless because he knew who the other party was, and he was just seeking death.

When she thought of this, Nami felt even more sad and couldn't stop crying, tears streaming down her face.

At this moment, Weiwei was embarrassed and at a loss, and her inner conscience condemned her that she should not involve innocent people.

After all, as a princess, it is her unshirkable mission to save her country.

But all this has nothing to do with Luffy and the others, how could they be involved!

"What should I do? What should I do?" Weiwei lowered her head in blame, her eyes wet with tears.

The strength and bravery that I had always held finally disappeared at this moment, "Dad, I really can't hold on anymore, I can't see any hope..."

"Don't worry, Your Highness Princess."

Weiwei suddenly raised her head: "Ikarem!"

In front of him is the loyal captain of the Kingdom Guard, Ikarem, who has been accompanying him all this time.

At this time, he was wearing women's clothing, his curly hair was tied into a high ponytail, and his mouth was painted with enchanting lipstick.

"Icarem, what are you..."

"We have been targeted by Crocodile, haven't we, Your Highness?" Ikarem said while holding several dummies.

"In that case, why not use the trick and let me pretend to be everyone and deliberately attract the attention of the sand crocodile."

"And you quietly return to Alabasta and report everything here to His Majesty the King. That's the only way..."

"Stop joking, uncle." Sammy interrupted him directly.

"What? What do you mean by that? Don't you want to live?"

"Of course I do, but you think of Sand Crocodile too simply. That guy is not someone who would fall for such a trick."


"What he said is absolutely right. You all underestimate the boss." A voice from a royal sister suddenly came.

Sauron immediately drew his sword and locked the source of the sound: "Who is it? Sneaky, come out!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't look so fierce, sir, I am a weak woman."

As the voice became clearer and more moving, a royal sister really walked out of the dark corner.

I saw that she has a slender figure, a charming face, and a sexy outfit that makes people can't help but get up and down.

Sammy's eyes lit up. Sure enough, the real person was more beautiful than the cartoon.

Luffy curled his lips: "Who are you?"

"She, she is miss.allsunday, the partner of Sand Crocodile and the vice president of Baroque Studio!"

"What? Is she the number two?"

Nami was shocked and didn't understand why such a big figure behind the scenes suddenly appeared.

"Asshole, are you the mastermind behind this? Let me beat you up!"

Without saying a word, Luffy rushed forward and prepared to punch him.


A jade hand suddenly sprouted from Luffy's foot, tripping Luffy and causing him to fall flat on his back.

"What the hell!" Sauron exclaimed in surprise and immediately drew his sword.


Another hand grew from Zoro's arm and knocked the long knife off his hand.

Nami screamed and fell to the ground.

Ilarem stepped in front of Weiwei and glared at miss.allsunday in front of him, with an expression as if he was looking forward to death.

miss.allsunday showed a warm smile and said slowly: "Don't be nervous, everyone. I'm not here to fight with you. On the contrary, I'm here to help you."

"Help? Don't be kidding me. As the number two person in the studio, why would you help us? It must be a conspiracy!"

Weiwei directly expressed her disbelief.

"Really? Don't forget who revealed the identity of the boss to you. I have been helping you, Your Highness."

"But didn't you also tell Sand Crocodile my identity?"

"I can't help it. I'm still serving him after all. Please forgive me for this."

"Stop talking so sweetly!" Weiwei stared at her and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"I told you, I'm here to help you."

miss.allsunday smiled sincerely and threw something out.

Weiwei picked it up with her hand, and it turned out to be a permanent pointer.

"This is a permanent pointer to the islands near Alabasta. Because the route is remote, no one in the studio knows about it. Aren't you going to go back and inform Kobra? This is just the right thing to do."

"Why should I trust you? Do you want to betray Crocodile?"

"Of course not, at least not yet."

miss.allsunday For some reason, he smiled slightly, as if he was remembering some bad memories.

"Stop blabbering!" Luffy suddenly took a step forward and crushed the permanent pointer on Weiwei's hand.

"I am the one who decides everyone's course. I am the captain. Don't even think about interfering!"

After saying that, he made a face towards miss.allsunday.

The other party was obviously a little stunned by this childish scene and almost didn't react.

Sami walked forward slowly, took a closer look at the mature and charming woman in front of him, and smiled.

"I'm sorry, our captain is rather rude. We really let down your kindness."

"Hmph, you, sir, know better etiquette and have some conscience."

"My conscience goes beyond that, miss.allsunday, no, I should call you Nicole Robin."

Nicole Robin was immediately taken aback and blurted out in desperation: "Who are you? How do you know my real name?"

"That's no surprise, Miss Robin. I know more than you think." Sammy continued to type, remaining mysterious.

"Tell me about your deal with Sand Crocodile. You don't really want to help him decipher Pluto's information."

As soon as these words came out, Nicole Robin couldn't hold back any longer, and her face no longer had the calmness it had just now, but instead looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you know this?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I can give you everything you want." Sammy once again turned back and said, "Would you like to come to our ship, Miss Robin?"

"What are you talking about? Sammy, you actually invited such a dangerous woman on the ship, are you crazy! Luffy will not agree!"

Luffy smiled directly: "It's okay, I believe..."

"You think about it before you speak!" Nami stopped Luffy's next words with another punch.

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