Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 70 Drawing the Cow Talisman

"The Twelve Talisman System:

Name: Sammy

Already have spells: Rat Talisman lv2, Rabbit Talisman lv2, Tiger Talisman lv1

Experience bar: 2%

Already have experience stars: 1 star"

Looking at the familiar system interface in front of him, even after many upgrades, Sami was always as nervous as the first time.

"Upgrade now! Draw new spells"

With a command, the experience star immediately shattered, and the spell wheel appeared again, spinning non-stop.

Finally, a new talisman was completely revealed in front of Sammy's eyes.

"Cow Spell lv.1

1 You can increase your power by 30 times with the help of the Ox Talisman.

2 You can use the Cow Talisman to enhance your physical fitness by 30 times. "

A 30-fold increase in strength and physique? !

real or fake? !

Sammy's heart beat hard, and he was suddenly caught in a huge surprise.

He couldn't help but be surprised!

As we all know, there are four major fighting styles in the pirate world: Haki, swordsmanship, devil fruit abilities, and technology.

The basis of these four abilities is physical skills.

Even technological abilities must be combined with physical skills to achieve the greatest effect!

Therefore, taijutsu is the cornerstone of the pirate world, the origin of everything, the origin.

As long as you want to be a top combat power, as long as you are a top combat power, your physical skills must not be bad!

No matter how strange the devil fruit's ability is, no matter how domineering the swordsmanship is, no matter how powerful the domineering spirit is.

Without a solid foundation in physical skills, it's all just talk.

In the final analysis, physical skills are actually four aspects: strength, endurance, speed, and reaction.

Sammy has used the Rabbit Charm to improve his speed and reflexes.

Now that he has enhanced his strength and physique from the Ox Talisman, he has barely passed the four subjects of physical skills.

As long as he continues to upgrade these two charms in the future, Sammy will become a general-level physical arts master sooner or later.

Seeing that he had embarked on a prosperous road, Sammy was naturally excited and overjoyed.

Thinking of this, Sammy immediately bound the cow charm.

In an instant, a huge force gurgled out from the spell like a source.

It poured into every corner of Sammy's body.


Just one punch!

Sammy made a sonic boom!

This feeling is so cool!

Sammy felt like every cell in his body was screaming with joy!

This is what power feels like.

Sami once tested that the force of one punch was about 100 kilograms.

Now after a 30-fold increase, it is 3000 kilograms.

That is - 3 tons!

What a concept!

It is a trivial matter to tear a tiger and leopard alive, and it is also easy to lift a car with bare hands.

Even if Aaron is resurrected, Sami still dares to fight with him!

Clenching his fists hard, Sami was full of hope for the future.

"Hey, Your Highness Weiwei, I said..."


Before Sami finished speaking, the wall of the house on the roadside suddenly shattered.

A figure flew out of the broken bricks and smoke, and hit the opposite wall before stopping.

Weiwei's eyes widened: "Mr. Bushido?"

Sami took a closer look and saw that it was indeed Zoro.

I saw him drawing three swords at once, with a green turban on his head, looking like he was full of firepower.

"Daz Bones is coming to this battle?"

Sammy said in confusion, turning around to see Luffy walking out of the broken wall with anger on his face.

"Damn! How could I forget this?"

As expected, these two guys got into a fight because of a misunderstanding.

I have to say that the revision of the original work is really powerful!

"Are they...companions?" Weiwei asked doubtfully.

"Yes, we are in the same group."

"Then why did they fight?"

"Bad brain."

"Hey, Mr. Gunner! I think they really want to kill each other!"

"Yes, I have no intention of holding back at all."

"Then why don't you stop it quickly?"


Sammy nodded and took two steps forward.

at this time.

Luffy clenched his fists and panted.

Zoro was holding three knives, sweating profusely.

Sammy, on the other hand, had a serious face and solemn eyes.

The tense atmosphere made Weiwei swallow her saliva, and she didn't even dare to blink.

"Luffy! Zoro!"

Sammy took a deep breath and said slowly.

Weiwei's eyes widened, wanting to see how Sami could persuade the two of them who were already having a real fight.


"Come on! Beat the opponent to death!"

"Pfft!" Weiwei spat out a mouthful of old blood, "Are you trying to stop a fight?! Idiot!"

"Come on! Zoro! Beat this idiot captain to death!"

"Stop talking! You bastard!" Weiwei yelled, holding her head and breaking down.

What kind of pirate group is this?

The captain and the combatants were killing each other, and the vice-captain stood aside and cheered!

Weiwei felt for a moment that compared to the Straw Hats, Baroque Studio was like a big family that loved each other.

With Sami's encouragement, Luffy and Zoro looked at each other coldly and started to fight again.

"Three Swords, Ghost Slash!"

"Rubber Rubber Bazooka!"

The fist and sword were as fierce as flying fireballs.

At the moment of contact,


"Give it to me! Enough is enough! Two idiots!"

A figure suddenly appeared next to the two of them, and two sandbag-sized fists hit both of them on the head hard!


Luffy's fist suddenly softened, Zoro's long knife instantly dropped to the ground, and the two squatted on the ground holding their heads and wailing.

Needless to say, there is no one but Nami who can stop the two powerful forces at this critical moment.


Seeing Luffy Zoro's unlucky look, Sammy couldn't help laughing.

"What's so funny! Bastard!" Nami raised her fist again, "If I remember correctly, you seemed to be shouting "Come on!"

"Wait a moment, sir, please listen to me..."

Sami looked at Nami getting closer and closer, and his clothes were wet with cold sweat.


"It's not a big deal if I let you watch the excitement!"

With Nami's roar, Sami was knocked to the ground.

At this moment, the cow talisman and the 30-fold increase in strength had no effect.

Under Wu Se's domineering attitude, even the Four Emperors were beaten violently.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Holding his bulging head, Sami decisively admitted his mistake.

"Really, I don't want to worry about any of you. I just didn't notice you and you caused such a big mess for me!"

"We didn't mean it, please don't be angry."

The three of them squatted on the ground and shivered, apologizing as sincerely as they could.

The only outsider, Weiwei, opened her mouth wide and stared at Nami motionless.

"It's terrible! This woman actually used only three punches to beat all three monsters into submission!"

"Is she also a Shichibukai?"

"No, it's simply scarier than the Shichibukai!"

"Don't be targeted by her, otherwise you will definitely die miserably!"

In just a few breaths, Weiwei had already magnified Nami infinitely in her mind.

It has become a terrifying monster that can rival the Four Emperors.

On the other side, Nami retracted her fist angrily and glanced at Sami and the three of them fiercely, making the three of them tremble again.

Fortunately, Nami didn't care too much and quickly turned to look at Weiwei.


She gave a wicked smile.

His bad intentions and ulterior motives were completely revealed, and he couldn't even hide them.

"Princess Weiwei, right?" Nami slowly walked towards the other party, "Let's talk business!"

"Ah! Don't come here! Go away! Go away quickly! Mom! It's too scary!"

Weiwei immediately collapsed to the ground and waved her hands frantically to drive Nami away.

She was about to collapse from fear.

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