Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 51 Domineering Training

Merry No.

Zoro was holding a huge dumbbell and was swinging it in a precise manner. Every time he waved, he would bring a gust of cool wind.

Sweat continued to fall from his face.

"3010, 3011, 3012..."

Every time he waved, Sammy would shout in response.

"I said...you guy...can you please stop making any noise!"

"Why, are you uncomfortable? Do you feel at a loss when there is someone next to you in a battle?" Sami said calmly, "You're still far behind, Zoro."

"Hey...what do you mean...by saying this?" Zoro asked through gritted teeth while continuing to wave.

"You know, when I gave Sanji special training in the morning, he was not affected by me at all." Sami turned over and continued, "Focus on it, focus on it, you know?"

"But I can't concentrate at all with you like this!" Zoro complained, "You are always buzzing in my ears like a fly, and my head hurts! Besides, why should I compete with that yellow-haired monster? ah!"

"If you don't dare to compare, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Stop blabbering, I don't want to be compared to someone for no reason! Ah!" Zoro roared, his waving speed suddenly increased, and an afterimage appeared on Sammy's head.

That's right, he was lying under the dumbbells at this time - this position would belong to Chopper from now on - comfortably enjoying the cool breeze brought by the waves of dumbbells swinging back and forth.

I have to say, Chopper really enjoys it.

This location has a stunning view.

"Suck~" After drinking all the juice in the cup in one gulp, Sammy raised the cup and shouted, "Sanji, the juice is gone, please have another cup."

Zoro looked at Sami's lazy look and became angry: "You guy, you have been giving special training to each of us in turn since yesterday, why are you so leisurely?"

"No way, the key I chose is different from yours." Sammy accurately received the juice thrown by Sanji and said, "Besides, how do you know I didn't do special training?"

"Stop lying to me! You haven't left my sight this whole day..."

"Hey, what do you mean by that? Are you spying on me?" Sammy had a playful smile on his face.

"That's nonsense, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you."

Zoro said expressionlessly. After taking back the dumbbells for the last time, he put them heavily on the ground.

It almost hit Sammy between his legs.

Fortunately he responded promptly.

"4126, 153 more than yesterday. Your progress is obvious."

Zoro shook his head calmly and said, "It's not enough."

"You are too impatient, Mr. Jianhao, haste makes waste." Sami comforted, "Have you tried the method I told you?"

"Of course there is, but I have no clue at the moment."

"Calm down, Zoro. What you need to do now is to calm down. I think you are a little too impatient." Sami's words broke his knot.

Ever since he learned about Haki, Sauron, a warrior maniac, immediately became impatient and couldn't wait to try it day and night.

He wanted so badly to catch up to Hawkeye.

This thought was like a raging fire, burning him every second, making him almost breathless in pain.

Especially these days, the more he understands Haki, the more he feels that Hawkeye's strength is unfathomable.

Just like a person who studies the universe, the more he studies, the more he discovers that the mysteries in the universe are not getting fewer, but more and more.

How could this not make him anxious?

"Okay, okay, don't think about these useless things." Seeing that Zoro was going crazy again, Sami quickly interrupted his thoughts, "Let's go and eat. Sanji has made a lot of delicious food."

He forced Zoro into the kitchen.

Everyone is already here except the two of them.

Luffy just finished eating his 23rd barbecue.

As soon as Sanji saw Sami, he immediately said: "Now that everyone is here, I just want to say one thing."

"what happened?"

"We don't have much food, and we must go to the shore to replenish it immediately."

"What? The food is gone again?" Nami asked in surprise, "Didn't we just replenish a lot of supplies in Cocosia Village? Why is it gone again after just two or three days?"

Usopp immediately shouted to Luffy: "Luffy, you should save some food at least. If you eat all the food, we will be hungry!"


"Who else is it if it's not you? We can't eat that much food in a few days."

Sammy said, "It's not Luffy's fault this time."

"not him?"

"Yes, we all ate the food together," Sammy said.

"Ever since before I gave everyone special training, I asked Sanji to make super large portions every time he cooks. After all, everyone trains so hard, so they will definitely eat more."

"Really? So that's what happened, then I wrongly blamed you Luffy." Usopp apologized immediately.


"Thank you for your tolerance." Usopp was moved to tears, and then punched Luffy hard, "Don't try to take the opportunity to steal my food! Bastard!

"It's really nerve-wracking. It seems we have to find a nearby island to replenish supplies."

"Yes, the amount of supplies will be doubled from now on." Sami said, "From now on, everyone's special training will be a regular program, and food is indispensable."

Upon hearing this, the weak duo immediately trembled.

Fixed program?

In other words, it will be like this every day from now on?


Sammy's special training was hell.

"Hey, Sammy, do you know what special training is?" Nami trembled and said, "The so-called special training is special training, the kind that is done occasionally, otherwise wouldn't it be regular training?"

"It doesn't matter, let's just call it regular training from now on."

"What?" Usopp wailed and involuntarily grabbed Luffy's neck.

"Pfft!" Straw Hat Boy spat out directly.

"I said, Sammy, do you understand what I really mean?" Nami said helplessly and furiously, "Do you want to kill us? Ah?"

The way she bared her teeth and claws looked terrifying.

"Ah, Miss Nami is even more beautiful when she is angry."

"I know what you mean, but I refuse!"

"We reject your rejection!" The weak sister stood up and shouted.

It didn't help.

Who calls them weak?

Weakness is the original sin!

After a while, Nami had to accept her fate and feebly performed her duties as a navigator.

"The closest one to here is Rogge Town, where we supply supplies."

"Rogue Town?"

"Could it be that one?"

"That's right."

"Enter the last stop of the Grand Route, the birthplace and death place of Pirate King Roger. Also known as the town of the beginning and the end." Luffy burst out a series of words without stopping.

He miraculously remembered so much.

"Are we going there, Nami? Are you kidding me?"

"of course not."

"Long live!" Luffy stood up and shouted, "I want to go there, I want to see the execution platform."

"Execution platform? What are you doing there?"

"I want to see the scenery Roger saw before he died. It must be very interesting!"

Well, you’re definitely a crazy fan!

"Okay, now that the captain has decided, let's head towards Rogge Town." Sami finally concluded, "Before entering the Grand Line, let's resupply there now and everyone can relax."

"Long live!"

"I want to buy a lot of equipment!"

"I heard there is a big seafood market there?"

"Oops, I don't seem to have enough clothes again."

"Always carrying a knife on your back is not an option."

Everyone was talking about it, as if they were on vacation.

Sami did not speak, but looked out the window in the direction of Rogge Town in a daze.

Are you finally going to meet that person?

Really looking forward to it!

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