Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 47 Flash Marriage

The celebration that lasted for several days and nights was finally over.

The indulgent people were so exhausted that they fell asleep on the street one by one.

The Straw Hats haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time.

So once they fall asleep, everyone almost passes out and sleeps until about three o'clock in the morning before waking up.

"Ah!" Zoro yawned greatly, rubbed his head that was still aching from the hangover, and looked around blankly, "What's going on?"

It turned out that in the village square not far in front of him, a large group of young men and women were lining up in a neat formation, holding neat standard knives, and performing neat swordsmanship movements.

And his two younger brothers, Johnny and Joseph, were patrolling back and forth in the team, and from time to time they would point out and correct some people's non-standard movements.

"Is this a dream? Sure enough, you still can't drink too much." Zoro felt that he was still in a dream because he couldn't understand what was happening in front of him.

Usopp on the side was also woken up. When he saw the same scene, he immediately opened his mouth: "What? What? Is Aaron calling again? Why is everyone exercising?"

"Stop dreaming, this is training." Sanji came over from nowhere, wearing an apron and full of fireworks.

"What are you dressed up like? Are you cooking?" Zoro asked.

"Ang. Although I can't help Miss Nami much, I can still give her love and support as a chef."

Sanji twisted his body wildly, like a seaweed swaying with the current.

"Mr. Sanji, the loving version of the recovery drink is not enough!" A beautiful cook waved to Sanji from a distance.

"Hi! Miss Daly, here I come! There are also Miss Jenny, Miss Helen and Miss Martha." Sanji responded loudly while a whirlwind was born under his feet.

"Lawful yellow hair!" Zoro couldn't help but complain.

As soon as the only person who knew the truth left, Zoro and Usopp fell into a state of confusion again, and the two had to get up to find out.

Along the way, they discovered that almost every villager in Cocosia Village had gotten up early and was now busy.

Some people are cleaning up the garbage from the celebration, some are transporting supplies, and others are preparing logistical supplies.

The whole village is simply a busy construction site.

Everyone's face is full of hope and enthusiasm.

"Everyone is so happy." Usopp smiled. "It makes my blood boil."

Zoro did not speak, but looked thoughtful.

They soon discovered Sammy.

And Nami and Luffy.

I saw Sami holding a large sketch, pointing on it, and discussing something with Ajian and other village talkers.

As he got closer, Zoro faintly heard Sammy's words.

"Here...cannon bombardment...corpse...fertilizer..."

Chilling words came out of his mouth one after another.

Everyone listening, including Nami and Ken, nodded repeatedly, and the smiles on their faces became more and more perverted.

"Terrible! Their smiles are so scary." Usopp covered his heart, his face pale, "These guys must have been infected by Sami."

"What, it turned out that I wanted to build a defense facility." Sauron said, holding the knife, "But why not set up some traps? Put spears in them. As long as someone steps on them, the effect will be very good."

"Ah! Don't say such terrible things with such a relaxed expression!" Usopp shouted in panic, "Is it too late for me to get off the ship now?"

The two walked while talking.

that side.

Sammy was talking to Luffy.

"Hey, Luffy, go move the bricks after you finish eating, and stop messing around there!"


"Yes, we need a lot of materials, and we are going to do a big job."


"I know, I'll tell Nami."


"Really, you look like a captain at least. Don't let me take care of everything. Oh, you two are finally willing to get up."

It turned out that Sami discovered the two Suowu who were like headless flies.

Including Sanji, who happened to be delivering drinks, the Straw Hats finally gathered together again.

"Everyone is busy, and Usopp and I can't be idle either. Is there anything you can do for me to help?"

"You're here just in time. Usopp, you and Nami go together and direct everyone to build the fort. Pay attention to the gunpowder." Sami assigned the task unceremoniously.

"No problem, I'm good at this, don't worry." Usopp said with a proud look on his face, "Nami, you probably don't know yet, I once made a very large gunpowder firework..."

The two future best friends gradually drifted away.

Sami looked back at Zoro: "As for Zoro..."

"Brother Zoro, do you want to come with us to train everyone?" Johnny suddenly interrupted.

Joseph also nodded: "Yes, yes, if there is the guidance of Brother Sauron, I believe everyone will master the key quickly."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Swordsmanship training cannot be mastered overnight. It requires persistent and hard practice." Zoro lectured, "How come you two became instructors?"

"Well, Brother Zoro, the two of us discussed it carefully." Joseph and Johnny looked at each other and said, "We have decided not to be pirate hunters."

"What? Have you really thought about it?"

"Yes, we have thought about it."

The two men nodded firmly, "To be honest, the name Pirate Hunter sounds nice, but it is actually full of danger and hardship. If we are unlucky enough to meet a pirate like Aaron, we will definitely die."

"So, we decided that it would be better to live a stable life honestly." Johnny took over and said, "It just so happens that Sister Nami needs a coach to teach everyone combat skills, so we decided to stay."

"What, you have all decided, then I can only congratulate you." Zoro was also happy that his two younger brothers could find a good home, "But don't relax, I will leave the security work of the village to you in the future. ”

"Don't worry, Brother Sauron, we will definitely live up to your expectations."

"Very good, that puts my mind at ease. Just live a good life here. Maybe you can get a wife and have children in the future, and have a happy family."

"We are married, brother."

"Hmm. Huh?!" Zoro was shocked, "When?"

"At the celebration last night."

"That's right, I proposed on the spot."

"And then everyone witnessed it."

"That's why we choose to stay here."


Before Zoro said anything, Sanji couldn't accept it at first.

"Who is the bride? Has your wedding been held? Why don't I know anything about it? Hey! Don't joke about the wedding! Asshole!"

"Don't be angry, Brother Sanji, we are very serious."

"Yes, yes, Dai Li and Jenny agreed to marry us because they saw our spirit of fighting hard against Aaron."

"What! Are your brides Miss Dai Li and Miss Jenny?" Sanji shuddered. "No wonder they have been ignoring me. They just got married. Why do beautiful ladies get married young? my dream……"

"Don't chat with women who have husbands, you lecherous kappa!"

"How would I know! I must be the only one injured! Inhuman green algae head!"

"What! Do you deserve a beating?"

"What? Do you want to offend the chef?"

"Who is afraid of whom!"

"Oh, do you want to fight? It's really fun, Zoro! Sanji! Come on, defeat the opponent!" A certain straw hat idiot laughed blindly.


"Stop watching the show there!"

Dingli clang!

"Simi Marseille." A certain idiot with a bruised nose and swollen eyes apologized quickly.

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