Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 458: The Way of Heaven·Tai Qing Realm·Great Red Sky


With loud laughter, Luffy jumped up like a green onion on dry land.

His feet were swinging on the ground like springs, driving his body to jump up and down, like a rubber ball.

Big Mom looked at Luffy dumbfounded and couldn't help but ask: "This brat, what happened to him?"

"Haha, interesting guy." Barrett sneered.

No matter what changes happened to Luffy, he didn't take it seriously.

Among the three, only Kai looked solemn.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Luffy who was jumping up and down, and for some reason his mind suddenly remembered what he said to Jhin many years ago.

"I know who Joey Boy is, the guy who can beat me."

I still remember that as soon as Jhin heard this sentence, he immediately complained: If this was really the case, then there would be no Joey Boy.

His meaning is simple - no one can beat himself, so naturally there will be no Joey Boy.

Now decades have passed, and the situation is just as Jhin said, no one has defeated him, and Joey Boy has never appeared.

Especially after Whitebeard's death, even Kaido himself, who said this, believed that no one in the world could defeat him.

So, he wouldn't live to see Joyboy.

But at this moment, Kaido looked at the kid with white hair and white clothes like a monkey across from him, and suddenly felt as if he had seen the person who could defeat him.

Joey Boy might actually show up.

At this moment, Kaido's heart was so complicated.

He spent decades brainwashing himself and his subordinates into believing that he was the one who could change the world.

But now, the person who can really change the world has appeared, turning his decades of hard work into a joke.

Is there anything more tragic in the world than this?

Do not!

I will never allow this to happen!

Even if you are destined to be Joeyboy, I will change my fate against the odds.

Kaido raised his Hachisei and pointed a sharp finger at Luffy.

"Come on! Kill them!"


At Kaido's order, the people of the Three Emperors Alliance immediately screamed and raised their weapons and charged towards the enemy.

"Block them for me! Everyone! It's time for the final battle!" Heigoro waved his long sword and led his men directly to meet them.

A bloody battle began immediately.

Everyone knew clearly that this would be the last charge.

The one who survives in the end is the winner

Barrett roared angrily, moved his legs like giant pillars supporting the sky, and stepped forward fiercely.

The enemies within his attack range suddenly scurried away, except for one figure who not only did not avoid it, but instead rushed forward with a laugh.

He is Luffy!

As he ran, he raised his right hand, put his thumb into his mouth, and then blew hard.

In the blink of an eye, his body was inflated like a balloon, and soon he became as big as Barrett.

The blue sky above your head, the earth beneath your feet.

"Hahahahaha, that's so funny! Punch me!"

Without saying a word, Luffy punched Barret in the face, shattering half of his originally indestructible stone head.


Barrett was furious, raised his hand and hit Luffy's head in kind.

But he froze in the next second.

His giant black fist wrapped in a weaponry color seemed to have hit a ball of soft cotton, and actually sunk directly into Luffy's mind.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Luffy screamed, pulled back violently, and pulled his head, which was mostly dented, out of Barrett's fist.

"my head!!!"

Luffy yelled while hugging his bag. He looked up and saw Barrett punching him again. He was so frightened that he ran away.

A pair of long legs spun rapidly on the ground like wheels. The supreme dragging on the ground caused sparks to fly. In the next second, his entire body disappeared on the spot, and he was already flying in the sky in the blink of an eye.

This series of incredible actions stunned the surrounding audience.

None of them knew what happened to Luffy, and none of them knew that Barrett seemed powerful, but in fact his defeat was already certain.

Sami, the only one who knew, was standing there with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

No matter how hot the fight was around him, he remained motionless, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Although he didn't know what Sammy was crazy about, Kaido would not miss this good opportunity for a sneak attack.

He suddenly raised Ba Zhai and hit Sammy's head hard, as if he wanted to smash it like a walnut.

"Suffer death! Ragnar! Great Weed Thunder Gossip!!!"

With this move, Kaido directly wrapped the Overlord's Haki around the iron rod, held it with both hands, and then struck it out at extremely fast speeds.

The thunder and lightning wrapped around Ba Zhai will be condensed to the extreme in an instant, and then suddenly released the moment it hits the enemy.

This move is enough to create a huge mushroom cloud, which is as powerful as a nuclear bomb explosion. Even a strong person at the Yonko level cannot withstand it.

But at this time, Sammy was not at all on guard.

A smile appeared on Kaido's face, as if he had seen the moment when Sammy's head burst.

But the reality is always more absurd than expected.

At the moment when Ba Zhai was about to touch Sammy.

He opened his eyes.

A golden light flashed in his pupils, bright and stunning.

"Hey~" Sammy smiled evilly.

Then, the next second.

A golden light suddenly burst out from him.

Before anyone could close their eyes, the golden light swept across instantly, spreading out infinitely like the Big Bang.

In the blink of an eye, the golden light spread farther and farther.

Within 0.001 seconds, he swept through the entire Rabbit Bowl Prison.

In 0.1 seconds, he passed through the land of Jiuxiang in Wano Country.

He reached the land of Zou and Utopia in one second.

Within 2 seconds, the golden light reaches Malinfando.

Three seconds later, Upside Down Mountain was enveloped in dazzling golden light.

Five seconds later, the Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea was bathed in this holy light.

Just like that, in just 5 seconds, the whole world saw this golden light.

No matter it was day or night, people were attracted by this overwhelming and unusual scenery, and they were all caught in a huge shock.

Ordinary people are still discussing what happened.

The alarmed big shots, after almost being stunned for a short time, began to ask around frantically.

For a time, the World Government, the Celestial Dragons, the Navy Headquarters, the Revolutionary Army, the major kingdoms, and the powerful pirate groups in the Great Continent all became restless.

Countless phone calls were dialed, answered and then hung up again.

No one knows what happened, and no one knows what this golden light is.

But everyone clearly understands one thing - somewhere in this world, a huge change is taking place.

Maybe this will be enough to change the whole world!

Let’s turn our attention back to Rabbit Bowl Prison.

During the five seconds when the golden light swept across, everything here seemed to be frozen.

It wasn't until the golden light disappeared that everything returned to normal.

Kaido fell to the ground and took several steps back with a look of disbelief and disbelief on his face.

Kaido was like a frightened child. If it weren't for the confidence that had always supported him, he would have collapsed to the ground.

Just now, although his body was frozen, his consciousness was still awake and normal.

He clearly saw the golden light that was so bright that it was indescribable, and he was also clearly aware of the strange scene where he was frozen in mid-air, unable to move his body no matter what.

All of this made it difficult for him to understand.


Kaido was about to speak, but he felt that his throat was dry and his mouth was full of bitterness. He wanted to speak but couldn't make a sound.

And his whole body was shaking slightly, and goosebumps were everywhere.

"Damn it! My body is actually scared! What the hell is going on?!"

Kaido couldn't believe his own judgment, and then a burst of anger and humiliation burst out of his heart.

He, a Yonko, was so frightened by a kid that he lost control of his body. What a joke!

He is not even afraid of death!

What else could scare him?

Kaido held Hachijie hard, and he felt that he should be angry.

But he couldn't get angry no matter what.

His body was still shaking uncontrollably, and the cold sweat on his back was even greater than before.

What exactly is going on?

"Don't be nervous, fear is normal."

Sammy's voice came suddenly.

Kaido slowly raised his head, and the moment he saw him, his body shivered uncontrollably.

"Lv5 level spells are already equivalent to the level of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. Although you are very strong, you still can't compare with the Dao of Heaven."

"Your fear of him is a fear that comes from your soul and will directly affect your body. You cannot control this."

Kaido opened his mouth, as if there was a big mountain pressing on his tongue.

"You...heh...ahem...talisman...is...is...what?" Kaido asked awkwardly.

He tried his best to say such a thing.

"A spell? I don't know what it is, maybe no one knows." Sami shrugged.

Kaido was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"I... lost... it's up to you... to send me away... with your own hands..."

"I know." Sammy said calmly.

He slowly raised his hands, and a ball of golden light condensed in his hands.

"The Way of Heaven·Tai Qing Realm·Great Red Sky!"

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