Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 455 The Awakening of the Fusion Fruit

Rabbit Bowl Prison.

The war between the Three Emperors Alliance and the anti-Three Emperors Alliance continues.

Luffy is still leading the way and is the most active one of all - he is struggling with his opponent Douglas Barrett.

In this battle, he fought very hard and enjoyed it very much.

Although Barrett does not have the title of Yonko, it does not mean that he is weaker than Kaido and Big Mom.

He was forcibly recruited into the army when he was a teenager, and earned the title "Devil's Descendant" after many battles.

Later he joined the Roger Pirates and was active in every battle as a valuable fighting force.

At that time, he was equal to Vice Captain Rayleigh, and no one on the entire Euro Jackson except Roger could surpass him.

Later, Roger died, and Barrett was like a beast that had lost its reins and lost control. He eventually fell under the Navy's "Devil-Slaying Order" and was imprisoned in the Undersea Impulse City.

It wasn't until two years ago that Blackbeard made a big fuss in prison and released him, that this guy regained his freedom and stood on the sea again.

All kinds of experiences have shown that Barrett is a powerful and cruel enemy. He is also the strongest opponent Luffy has encountered since he went to sea.

Therefore, from the beginning, Luffy used all his strength, and immediately opened up his firepower after activating the fourth gear.

"Rubber King Gun!"

Luffy retracted the purple-red fist wrapped in armament tightly into his arm, and then punched it out like a bullet, shooting towards Barrett's face.

Barrett sneered and didn't hide at all. He directly raised his hand and punched out.

The two huge fists collided fiercely, causing a harsh roar. The two attackers each took a few steps back under the huge backlash, and then collided again without stopping.

This evenly matched collision has continued from the beginning of the battle until now, and even the most observant people still can't tell who will win in the end.

But what is different from the balance between them is that, except for the three emperors who are still getting braver and braver as they fight, their men have begun to be unable to support themselves and have retreated continuously.


A leader of the Big Mom Pirates couldn't resist, and was directly slashed by a captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and fell down wailing.

His shrill screams reached the ears of his surrounding companions, causing their already shaken will to plummet even further.

"Another one is really beaten to death! We are going to be finished!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates are so powerful! We are no match at all!"

"Why hasn't Master Kaido dealt with that brat yet? Is he going to lose too?"

Fear is the most powerful infectious disease in the world. Once it appears, it not only spreads extremely quickly, but is also almost incurable.

The people of the Three Emperors Alliance are gradually being enveloped in fear, and their morale is about to disappear.

Everyone was hesitating, the movements of their hands were also slowing down and becoming hesitant, and then the enemy seized the opportunity to suppress them. The situation had reached the most critical moment.

"No! Lord Kaidou will never lose! We have three Yonko!!!!"

A member of the Beast Pirates, Zhenda, could no longer endure the torment in his heart and decided to fight to the death.

He screamed strangely and raised his weapon, rushing towards Luffy who was fighting with Barret next to him, intending to launch a life-for-life sneak attack.

Luffy was putting all his energy into Barrett at this time, so he could not notice anyone else. Unexpectedly, he was suddenly rushed to him by this sneak attacker.

"Straw Hat! Watch out!"

Margao, who was flying in the sky, witnessed all this and immediately reminded loudly.

He dived over without saying a word, but was immediately entangled by his opponent.

"Better mind yourself! Margao!" Charlotte Cracker rushed over directly with a proud smile on her face.

Since being defeated by Robin, this guy has been severely reprimanded by Big Mom. If it weren't for the current serious shortage of manpower in the entire family, he would almost not be able to save his life.

Big Mom let him go, but also sternly warned him never to fail again, so Cracker has been on the front line since the beginning of the war, crazier than ever before.

After all, he knew that if he lost again, he would really be killed by his biological mother.

Therefore, even though Cracker's strength was far less than that of Margao, he still held him back in a short period of time.

In everyone's panic eyes, the sneak attacker directly approached Luffy, then raised his weapon and stabbed Luffy in the waist.

A proud smile appeared on his face, as if he already had a chance to win.

But unfortunately, he was too proud.

Malgao was not the only one who wanted to stop him.

"Magnetic Sharp Cone Gun!!!"

There was a roar, and Eustace Kidd, who had fiery red hair, rushed out from nowhere and launched a long-distance attack at the sneak attacker.

Get rid of him dangerously and dangerously.

Luffy was saved.

Everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Crew jumped three feet high with joy.

"Well done Captain Kidd!"

"Well done! Collecting rags!"

"Yo ho ho ho, what a handsome rescuer."

Especially Luffy, who burst into tears with excitement.

"Kid, thank you so much! Wow!!!"

A series of loud and free compliments rushed to Kidd like a tide, making the guy immediately blush and then curse in embarrassment.

"Stop blabbering! I'm not here for your thanks! You're a bunch of bastards!"

He turned to look at Luffy, and then cursed: "Hey! Straw Hat! You guy, if you can't do it, get out of here! Let me chop off that bastard's head."

When Luffy heard this, he immediately threw away the gratitude he had just felt. How could he endure someone looking down on him?

"What the hell are you talking about! It must be me who defeats him! Just watch him carefully!"

"What? You, a low-level pirate, actually look down on me!"

"Who is a low-level pirate? You deserve a beating, you bastard!"

"Come here! Whoever is a coward is a low-level pirate!"

As a result, the situation unexpectedly reversed again. Luffy directly abandoned Barrett and got into a fistfight with Kidd.

Except for the Straw Hats who knew Luffy, everyone else was stunned.

"So, aren't the two of them actually friends?" People from the Four Emperors Alliance asked doubtfully.

"The relationship between these two guys is much more complicated than we thought." Whitebeard's group murmured to themselves.

Ace burst out laughing: "Interesting! So interesting! Hahahahaha!"

Ignoring the strange looks from others, Luffy and Kidd quarreled for a while, and then quickly reached an agreement - whoever gives Barrett the final fatal blow together will be the winner.

After the two people made their decision, they immediately rushed forward and were punched away by the furious Barrett!

"Asshole! What do you two brats think I am?!"

Barrett's lungs were about to burst with rage. He was being discussed like a trophy by two brats who knew nothing about the world. How could he, who was arrogant and tyrannical, endure this?

The anger that had been building up for a long time was directly ignited at this moment.

Barrett angrily activated the fruit ability.

The entire Rabbit Bowl Prison immediately fell into a huge shaking, loud noises were made everywhere, and the ground began to be beaten like a drum skin.

"There was an earthquake?"

"what happened?"

"Look! The floor and walls come alive!"

People quickly noticed that the entire Rabbit Bowl prison seemed to come alive. Everything, including the ground, walls, and stones, was rushing toward Barrett like a tide, and then surrounding him layer by layer.

Barrett's body also began to expand rapidly, and soon he was as tall as a giant, but this expansion still did not stop.

It wasn't until Barrett grew into a hill nearly 100 meters high, surrounded by hard soil and rocks, that he slowly stopped growing.

"W-What is this?!" Luffy opened his mouth wide and shouted in surprise.

Kidd, who was confident just now, was dumbfounded at this time.

"Is the fruit awakening? This guy is really difficult to deal with!" Margao, who is well-informed, immediately saw the reason.

As a user with superhuman fruit abilities, he can control and assimilate the surrounding environment at will when he awakens.

This is why Barrett can transform into a mountain giant.

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