Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 443 Robin’s Analysis

"Catch rapes and catch ghosts?" Kinemon repeated, suddenly startled, "Miss Robin, what do you mean?"

"Yes, there is a mole between us."

"This is impossible!" Asura Boy immediately shouted, "Everyone here is a retainer who is loyal to Lord Oden, how can there be a mole!"

"That's right! I don't believe it either!" Aju shouted.

Although the others did not speak, they did not believe that any of these partners who had worked together for many years would betray everyone.

Kinemon forced a smile and said, "Miss Robin, your joke is not funny at all."

"I'm not joking, Kinemon!" Robin said seriously.

"This is impossible!!!" Kin'emon shouted in disbelief, "Everyone here is a subordinate who has followed Oden-sama for many years. Some of them have traveled through the future with me, and some have silently stayed in this country for twenty years. Year, how could there be a traitor!"

"That's right!" Inuarashi shouted, "We once accompanied Oden-sama to death, and never left him even when he was tortured. How could anyone choose to betray him?"

Xiao Ren also shouted: "Although I did not suffer the torture of boiling in water with everyone, my loyalty to Lord Oden can be judged by the sun, and I will never..."

"You are not the traitor, Xiao Ren. I believe in your loyalty." Robin interrupted her, "The traitor is actually someone else."

When Xiao Ren heard Robin's affirmation, he didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart, but felt even more uncomfortable.

Everyone here is regarded by her as brothers and sisters, and they all have deep feelings. If there is a traitor, no matter who it is, she cannot accept it.

Kinemon stared at Robin and said, "Do you really think there is a traitor among us? Miss Robin?"

"I am sure."

"What's the reason?"

"Sammy's decision to go to Rabbit Bowl Prison to rescue Luffy was a last-minute decision. How could Kaido rush there and ambush him by such a coincidence?" Robin said, "This either means that Kaido has foresight, or someone is tipping him off! "

"This..." Kinemon was immediately speechless.

When Sammy made his decision, it was indeed an impromptu decision. He had seen this with his own eyes and there was no doubt about it.

And Kaido did seize the opportunity to ambush Sami.

Moreover, his timing was indeed very accurate, almost at the same time as Sami. It is hard to say that there was no evil behind this.

As for whether Kaido could predict the future, Kinemon didn't even think about it.

If Kaido really had this ability, then everyone in Red Scabbard would have died long ago. How could they safely gather here to discuss resistance.

Kinemon's speechlessness was noticed by Robin. She sighed and said: "Everyone, I know this matter is really difficult for everyone to accept. After all, you are all people who value love and justice. I can’t bear to believe that the brothers in life and death around me are traitors and spies.”

"But all kinds of things show that this traitor does exist, and he is taking advantage of everyone's trust to continue to deceive us!"

"For the success of the subsequent plans, for the peace of Wano and for the realization of Oden's legacy, even if we no longer want to believe it or face it, we must bear the pain to find and eradicate this traitor!"

"So, are you ready?"

"I..." Xiao Ren's eyes filled with tears and she didn't know how to answer.

Others also had gloomy faces and painful expressions.

After a while, Kinemon held back his grief and wiped away his tears, raised his head and said firmly to Robin: "Since you have determined that there is indeed a traitor among us, let me make your judgment!

"As long as that guy is found and his crime is proven, no matter who he is, I will stand firmly on your side."

"Kin'emon!" Aju shouted.

Kinemon waved his hand and stopped Aku from speaking.

He stared at Robin and continued: "However, if you can't prove that person is the traitor, then please sincerely apologize to him. After all, as warriors, our reputation will never be tarnished, even if you are the queen of a country, the queen of a country, or the samurai. Mr. Mi’s wife is definitely not good either.”

Robin nodded, agreeing to Kinemon's conditions.

She immediately raised her head and scanned everyone present with a scrutinizing gaze. The invisible majesty of the queen made everyone afraid to look directly at her.

Everyone in the Red Sheath felt that Robin's gaze seemed to have the power to see through people's hearts. Under the scrutiny of this gaze, everyone felt a chill down their spines and a fever at the back of their heads.

They were sweating coldly and swallowing saliva, waiting for Robin's verdict.

Suddenly, Robin moved.

She raised her hand and gave a harsh slap to a guy present.

The man was startled and stepped back hastily. He rolled and crawled several times on the ground, and finally stopped after hitting the wall.

He knocked over the tables, chairs, and coffee tables around him, and brown tea splashed everywhere, instantly soaking his clothes.

The others stared at this unexpected moment with their mouths wide open.

Because the person attacked by Robin was Kanjuro.

"Miss Robin, what do you mean?" Kanjuro stood up with difficulty and asked in embarrassment.

Robin sneered: "That traitor is you, Kanjuro."

"Are you kidding!" Kanjuro immediately denied.

Others were also shocked and started to object.

"This is impossible!"

"Miss Robin, this is not a joke!"

"How can Kanjuro be a traitor! This is nonsense!"

Robin looked at their indignant looks and was not surprised at all.

After all, Kanjuro has been following Oden for who knows how many years, and he has always been loyal and impeccable.

No matter how fearless he was when faced with being tortured, he had no complaints even when he followed Kinemon through the future and wandered abroad for such a long time.

How could he be a traitor?

"Shut up, all of you!" Seeing everyone's anger, Kinemon denied it and immediately shouted loudly.

"Kin'emon!" Asura Doji shouted, "I never believe that Kanjuro is a traitor!"

"So are we!"

"I know!" Kinemon said, looking at everyone with serious eyes, "But I have promised Miss Robin to give her a chance to prove it. As a samurai, I must do what I say."

He turned to look at Robin and said word by word: "Miss Robin, the person you are accusing is my brother, so please provide evidence, otherwise I will never agree to your slander. "

Others also looked at Robin angrily, hoping that she would come up with conclusive evidence, otherwise they would never let this matter go.

Robin was not afraid of their angry looks at all, but said to Kanjuro: "Are you sure you want me to produce evidence to completely expose you in front of so many people?"

"I'm sure! Because you have no evidence at all, you are just spitting blood!"

"Okay, then I'll make it clear to you." Robin sneered, and then said: "Kin'emon, you should still remember that Sammy's decision to save Luffy was a temporary decision, right?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

"So, this means that the traitor was also at the scene at that time, so he could inform Kaido immediately after hearing the news." After Robin finished speaking, he looked at everyone and said, "Excuse me, who was still at the scene at that time?"

The others were stunned.

Aju said: "At that time, the few of us obeyed Kinemon's order and had already left here."

"That's right, about Mr. Sami going to Rabbit Bowl Prison, we should listen to you Robin when we come back." Asura Doji also recalled.

Others nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

As for Cat Viper, he was not even here at that time.

"Besides our Straw Hat Pirates, there were two other people at the scene at that time. One was Kin'emon, and the other was you, Kanjuro!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone else immediately turned to look at Kanjuro.

"Spewing nonsense!" Kanjuro was furious, "There are so many people who heard Mr. Sami's decision, why do you think it was me who delivered the news?"

"There were indeed a lot of people at that time, but you were the only one who had time to commit the crime." Robin said, "Zoron and the others have been under Sami's nose. Do you think they have a chance?"

"There are others!"

"There are indeed three more. One is me, one is you, and one is Kinemon. Tell me, if you are not a traitor, then who is?"

"Is it me? Or is it Kin'emon?"

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