Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 441 Ace’s information

In the country of Wano, there is the village of Jiuli.

Robin and Kinemon have been staying here since Sammy and the others left. While they were waiting for the Nine Red Scabbards to gather their men, they were preparing to welcome Ace's arrival.

According to the plan, after the Straw Hats rescued Luffy, they would immediately come to join her, and then everyone would attack Onigashima together.

But who would have thought that two days had passed and the Red Scabbard Nine Heroes had already notified everyone and rushed back one by one, but Sami and the others still hadn't come back yet.

Ace has never been seen, and the entire Whitebeard Pirates seem to have disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing that the appointed time was getting closer and closer, but the appointed person never arrived, Kinemon and the others were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They were restless all day long, and even their meals felt tasteless.

Infected by this atmosphere, Robin, who had always been calm, began to become panicked.

You must know that Sammy has never missed an appointment. There must have been some emergency that tripped him up.

But what kind of trouble can stop Sammy now? Robin began to have an ominous premonition in his heart.

Just when Kinemon was impatient to wait again and was about to get up and walk back and forth, the smart snail placed aside in the room suddenly rang its bell.

Kinemon's face lit up with joy, and he hurriedly ran to pick him up.

But Robin was one step ahead of him.

"Moses Moses!"

"Hello, Robin, I'm Ace." Ace's voice came from the other end of the Wisdom Snail.

Robin had a disappointed look on her face, but she quickly adjusted her mood and said, "Ace, why haven't you come yet? Where have you been?"

"I'm on Ghost Island now."

"What? Ghost Island?" Robin was shocked, "Why didn't you wait for us and run to Ghost Island yourself?!"

"Do you know this is very dangerous?!"

"Have you met Kaido?!"

"you will not……"

Robin asked a barrage of questions, his tone angry and urgent.

She had never met Ace, and she didn't know much about this guy. She had only heard from Sami that he liked to mess around just like Luffy, but she didn't expect that to be the case.

"Hahahaha, it's okay Robin, I'm not in danger now. Because I have a friend I haven't seen for many years, so I couldn't help but come to her first."

Ace interrupted immediately before Robin could finish speaking, covering up his embarrassment with laughter.

"Friends? What friends? Aren't all Onigashima members of the Beast Pirates?"

"This is very complicated to say, and it's hard for me to explain it in a short time. And now is not the time to say this." Ace said, and then said in a serious tone, "Robin, is Sammy here? Please answer him immediately. Telephone."

"what happened?"

"I have obtained an important piece of information and must tell him immediately."

"Important information?" Robin was stunned, and then said, "Sorry Ace, Sammy is not with me now. He took everyone to the Rabbit Bowl Prison to rescue Luffy in two days, and only the Kinemons and I were left. it's here."

"What? Going to Rabbit Bowl Prison?" Ace was shocked and shouted, "Oops! Not good!"

"What's wrong, Ace, do you know something?" Robin asked immediately, "Tell me quickly, Sammy hasn't come back yet."

"I'm afraid he's in trouble, Robin!" Ace said urgently, "No, I have to rush to Rabbit Bowl Prison immediately, and you also need to gather people to rescue him quickly."

"Save him? Sammy is in danger?!" Robin was shocked and asked quickly, "What do you know? Come on, Ace!"

She was so anxious that her heart was in chaos.

"Don't worry, Robin, I'm just guessing." Ace said immediately, "I got absolutely reliable information, that is, Kaido is not at Onigashima at all."

"Not only him, but also Big Mom and Barrett have left here. Now the whole place is almost empty!"

"What did you say?!" Robin shouted directly.

The Nine Red Scabbard Heroes on the side were all shocked, with expressions of disbelief on their faces!

The Three Emperors are not on Ghost Island? !

Are you kidding me? !

All the resistance forces in the entire Wano Country have been notified that they will rush to Onigashima tonight to defeat Kaido, but now he has disappeared from Onigashima!

What's going on?

Kinemon reacted and immediately rolled over and asked loudly: "Sir Ace, is what you said true? Isn't it false information?"

It's not that the guards don't believe Ace, but this information is too important to let any slip up.

If Kaido is really not on Onigashima at this time, then all the previous plans will be in vain - after all, even the target of the crusade has been lost, and the entire crusade army is still in trouble!

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth because I'm sitting on Kaido's throne right now."

Ace calmly said something that people had to believe.

Kinemon's face turned pale, and he collapsed to the ground. He couldn't help but mutter: "It's over, it's over now."

Robin ignored him, but took the opportunity to ask: "Ace, you just said that Sammy was in trouble, what's going on?"

"That's my guess." Ace said, "Kaido had been hiding in Onigashima, but when Sammy went to Rabbit Bowl to rob the prison, he left with Big Mom and Barrett. Isn’t it suspicious that I’m on Ghost Island?”

"You mean..." Robin gasped.

Ace's meaning is very clear. Kaido left Onigashima this time for Sami.

She took a deep breath and said, "Could it be that Kaido left because of something else?"

"This is impossible! The night of the annual fire festival is coming soon. Kaido will not leave Onigashima easily if nothing happens." Ace retorted.

"What's more, even if something happens, is it necessary for the three of them to leave together?"

"But I can't figure it out. Sammy's decision to go to the Rabbit Bowl was made on the spur of the moment. How could Kaido know about it?" Robin still didn't want to believe it.

"Robin, are you confused or afraid to think about it?" Ace suddenly asked.

Robin's expression finally changed.

Kinemon clearly saw multiple emotions such as anger, fear, and regret on her face.

Robin paused and said coldly: "Ace, when did Kaido leave?"

"About two days ago."

Robin nodded, his face already cold.

Because Sammy also left two days ago!

Ace seemed to know what Robin was thinking, so he said: "Don't worry, Robin, I'll rush to Sammy's place to deal with it right away. It should be too late."

"I understand. I will take care of things here. I will rush to join you soon."

"Understood." Ace said and hung up the phone.

Robin held the snail blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The other people on the side - Asura Doji, Inuarashi, Kanjuro and Akiku, including the newly arrived Shinobu and Cat Viper all looked at Robin nervously, not daring to say a word.

They knew that Robin's mood at this time must be like that of a volcano, which might erupt at any time.

"Robin, are you okay?" After a while, Aju dared to make a sound.

Robin woke up immediately, put on a smile and said, "I'm fine, Aju, I made you worry."

"It's okay." Inuarashi smiled, "Robin, what Ace said just now..."

"It's okay, Sammy will be fine. Even if he is ambushed by Kaido, Big Mom, and Barrett, he will not be in danger." Robin smiled, with a very relaxed expression on his face.

"That, that's good." Asura Boy nodded.

He was not familiar with Sammy, so since Robin and his group were not worried, he was naturally relieved.

Kinemon immediately stood up and said: "Everyone, since Kaido and the others have rushed to the Rabbit Bowl Prison, we should immediately modify the plan and take everyone straight to the Rabbit Bowl."

"Yes, it's best to set off immediately." Cat Viper said loudly, "Mr. Sammy must need our help."

Several others nodded in agreement.

Seeing that everyone agreed with this matter, Kinemon immediately ordered: "In this case, it should not be delayed. You should split up immediately and pass on all the news."

"Yes!" The others responded in unison and stood up to say goodbye.

"Wait a minute! I object!"

Suddenly someone said loudly.

The others immediately turned back.

Unexpectedly, it was Robin who objected.

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