Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 432 The respect of everyone in Red Sheath

"Lord Oden! Have you been waiting for this day for a long time? I will never let you down!" A voice suddenly came from the phone bug, full of tragedy and determination.

Kinemon's eyes widened and he shouted in surprise: "Izo! Is that you? You're back too!"

"Hahaha, Kinemon, I haven't seen you for 20 years, but your voice is still the same as before." Izo laughed.

"Okay, okay, we are all back, and we can fight side by side again and serve the Kozuki family." Kinemon felt sad and happy at the same time, and couldn't stop crying.

"Hey, Yi Zang, don't cry. Today is a good day, so you should laugh." Ace laughed and patted Yi Zang on the shoulder to comfort him.

"You're right, Ace, I lost my composure." Izo wiped his tears and calmed down his excitement, "Thank you, Captain, for taking everyone with you for the sake of the stability of Wano Country and for Lord Oden's dream. Run here..."

"Hey, Izo, it makes me sad when you say that." Ace said, "Although I have never met Oden, but since he was once a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, I will not stand by and watch his affairs. .”

"Dad said that we will never abandon any of our brothers, just like you didn't abandon me back then. So don't say thank you anymore."

"Besides, I'm not just here for Oden, I also have my own commitments to fulfill!"

Sami knew what the agreement Ace was talking about was a promise related to Xiaodama and Yamato.

In his previous life, Ace had no chance to fulfill his promise, but in this life, he will definitely not break his promise again.

Thinking of this, Sami smiled and said: "Ace, I heard that you have done well recently. You were able to withstand Blackbeard's attack and preserve the territory left by Whitebeard."

"That guy Tiqi, sooner or later I will kill him to avenge my father and Thatch." Ace said through gritted teeth.

Even after more than two years, his hatred still did not disappear. On the contrary, it became stronger and stronger as time went by.

"Don't be impulsive, Ace!"

"Hahahaha, don't worry, Sammy, I'm not the same person anymore." Ace smiled, "I will never waste the chance of a new life that my father gave me with his life."

Sammy smiled happily after hearing this.

Back then, Ace fell into a coma because he couldn't bear the shock of Whitebeard's death. Everyone was worried about whether he could survive. Only Sami believed that Ace would stand up again.

Because Ace is his younger brother, the boy he brought up since childhood.

As an older brother, Sammy trusted him unconditionally.

"You've grown up, Ace. As a brother, I'm really happy." Sami smiled, "I remember when you wet the bed once when you were little, I..."

"Hey! Sammy! When did that happen? Why do you still remember it?" Ace interrupted hurriedly.

"Stop talking, Ace, I want to hear this," Mal shouted.

"That's right, that's right, Sammy, tell us."

"Wait a minute, wait until I take a note and write it down..."

The joking and laughing voices of Whitebeard's gang immediately came over the phone, and everyone was coaxing Sammy to tell more about Ace's childhood embarrassments.

"Okay, okay, Sammy, we'll be there soon. Let's talk when we get there. I'll hang up first."


Ace hung up the phone abruptly, leaving only a busy tone.

Everyone present looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing.

After everyone had finished laughing, Sami said: "Let's go, we have stood here for long enough. Kin'emon, it's time for you and I to talk about the crusade plan."

"No problem, Mr. Sammy, our people have been waiting for a long time." Kinemon said immediately, "Aju has already made the best tea, and we are waiting for you."

"Is Momo here? Is the child okay now?" Sami asked casually as he walked towards Weigasa Village under the guidance of Kinemon.

"Ms. Taozi is very good. She is now learning the flower dance from Aju, and she has been saying that she will perform it for you when she becomes a dancer."

"Really? What a good boy. I'll look forward to it then."

"Listening to what you say, Momoko-sama will definitely be more motivated." Kinemon said happily, "Ah, Mr. Sammy, we are here."

Sammy looked up and froze.

The hiding place chosen by Kinemon and the others turned out to be Xiaodama's home.

It is also a large tree house where Tengu Mountain is used to hide in seclusion.

Sami, who is familiar with the plot, knows that the true identity of Toru Tenguyama is Kozuki Sukiyaki, the former general of Wano Country.

I wonder if the old man and Tao Zi know each other?

When he saw him, he wouldn't just bring the second-generation ghost over to fight, right? After all, he directly transformed Momonosuke.

But Sammy is not afraid even if he goes all out. He did all this for the country of Wano. How can this old turtle like Kozuki Sukiyaki have the face to accuse him?

The position of general was lost to him.

Oden's willfulness was his indulgence.

He stood idly by while Kaido and Orochi misbehaved.

No matter which one of the above three items is enough for Sammy to spray him to death.

Sammy, who wanted to understand this, walked into the big tree house without fear. The sudden dimming of the light made him squint his eyes.

Soon, Sami, who had adapted to the dimness of the room, saw a large number of people sitting in the room, all of them facing him and looking at him with burning eyes.

Kinemon took a step forward and said loudly: "Everyone, this is Mr. Ragnar Sammy, the vice-captain of the Straw Hats, the great pirate with a bounty of 2.27 billion beli, and the one I am waiting for. benefactor!"

"Mr. Sami! Thank you for your hard work! Please give me your advice!" Aju, Kanjuro, Asura Doji and Inuarashi immediately bowed and saluted with a very respectful attitude.

Except for Kanjuro, everyone here met Sami for the first time.

But they already knew a lot about Sami from Kinemon, including his powerful, resourceful and even cruel and murderous character.

Therefore, we dare not offend him in the slightest against such a powerful and domineering man.

What's more, Oden's heir, Momoko, obeys Sami's words, so they won't dare to disobey him.

"You are welcome." Sami nodded. "I am very touched by your righteous deeds and loyalty to Kozuki Oden. However, my captain has formed an alliance with you, so I will naturally help you with all my heart."

"I'm causing you trouble! Mr. Sami!" Chi Shea and others paid their respects again.

Sammy nodded his thanks and went over to sit with them around the fire.

When Taozi next to him saw it, he immediately rushed forward with joy.

"Brother Sammy, I miss you so much!"

"Peach!" Sammy picked her up with a smile, looked at her carefully, and felt her eyes light up.

If it were said that with Sami's help, Tao Zi only transformed into a girl physically.

So under Aju's guidance for so many days, Taozi has completely transformed into a beautiful little girl from the inside out.

No matter how she speaks, behaves, dresses, or even looks at everything, she is a complete little girl.

Sami was very happy. He hugged Taozi and praised her a few times, which made her laugh and be very happy.

Several other people in the Red Sheath were shocked when they saw this scene. They had never seen Tao Zi so happy since she arrived in Wano Country.

But Mr. Sami's mere words of praise made Master Taozi feel happy from the bottom of her heart. It was incredible.

"As expected, Kin'emon, you said that Momoko-sama has a father-like love and respect for Mr. Sami. It is indeed correct!" Akiku said.

"Yes, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it."

"Haha, Mr. Sami is such a convincing person, you will find out as time goes by." Kinemon smiled.

"Momo-sama has lost his father since he was a child. If Mr. Sammy can fill this role for Oden-sama, it will also be good for Momo-sama."

"That's right, that's right." Everyone else nodded in agreement.

I already recognize you as my father, how can you still ignore me?

That's what they think.

On the other side, after Sami comforted Taozi, he turned to him and said, "Stop talking, Kin'emon, tell me your plan, and I'll see if there are any flaws."

After hearing this, Kinemon's face immediately became serious.

"Yes, Mr. Sammy."

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